
Terms containing 平均降水量 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.加权平均年降水量weighed yearly mean precipitation
tech.加权平均月降水量weighted monthly mean precipitation
bridg.constr.多年平均 降水量mean annual precipitation
hydroel.st.多年平均降水量average annual precipitation
hydroel.st.多年平均降水量mean annual precipitation
earth.sc.多年平均降水量normal annual precipitation
tech.多年年平均降水量averaged annual precipitation over years
tech.多年月平均降水量averaged monthly precipitation over years
bridg.constr.平均年降水量average annual precipitation
wind.平均年降水量mean annual precipitation
tech.平均年降水量mean annual rainfall
tech.平均年降水量mean yearly rainfall
tech.平均年降水量average yearly rainfall
tech.平均年雨量多年平均降水mean annual precipitation (量)
hydroel.st.平均日降水量average daily precipitation
tech.平均降水量mean rainfall
tech.平均降水量mean quantity of precipitation
water.res.平均降水量average precipitation in volume
bridg.constr.平均降水量mean precipitation
hydrol.平均降水量average precipitation
tech.平均降水量average rainfall
met.平均降水量mean annual precipitation
railw.平均降水量annual average precipitation
desert.年平均有效降水量mean annual effective precipitation
tech.平均降水量daily average precipitation
tech.流域平均降水量basin mean precipitation
UN, tech.湿度——全年12个月平均湿度达80%或以上,平均降水量超过100毫米humidity — average morning humidity 80 per cent or more, or average precipitation over 100 millimetres, all 12 months of the year
tech.真月平均降水量true monthly mean precipitation
UN, tech.降水量——最多有3个月月平均降水量超过50毫米。precipitation — a maximum of three months with over 50 millimetres average monthly precipitation
tech.平均降水量mean areal precipitation
tech.平均降水量average area precipitation
tech.平均降水量areal mean precipitation