
Terms for subject Mining containing | all forms
冲洗含气饱和度gas saturation in flushed zone
发生渗流的地zone of established flow
在.....下出气体gas carry under
层间微裂缝intrastratal microfractured zone
把矿出坑外bring to grass
卡瓦的封隔器hookwall packer
声波遥测装置的自持式井口self-powered wellhead with acoustic telemetry
惠普压力计的多层地层测试器formation multitester with Hewlett-Packard gauge
校正值的线连续超松弛line successive overrelaxation with corrections
眼衬管perforated liner
硫磺气味的地层water with sulfur odor
重复地层测试器的惠普压力计Hewlett Packard with repeat formation tester
重复地层测试器的惠普压力计Hewlett Packard with RFT
支撑剂携proppant-laden fluid
槽式皮运输机troughed belt conveyer
贫矿depleted zone