
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 带钢 凸 度 | all forms | in specified order only
带钢中央凸度strip center crown
带钢凸度strip crown
带钢凸度steel strip crown
带钢凸度控制率strip crown control rate
带钢凸度相容性strip crown compatibility
带钢凸度稳定性系数strip crown stability factor
带钢凸度稳定性系数stability factor of strip crown
带钢局部中央凸度partial strip center crown
带钢热凸度干扰率strip thermal crown disturbance rate
无凸度带钢zero crown strip
无凸度带钢strip with zero crown
热轧带钢凸度hot-rolled strip crown
热轧带钢凸度hot-rolled steel strip crown
目标带钢凸度target strip crown
零凸度带钢strip with zero crown
预定带钢凸度planned strip crown