
Terms containing 带钢 | all forms | in specified order only
met.七机座热轧带钢机组seven-stand hot steel strip train
met.七机架热轧带钢机组7-stand hot strip mill complex
met.三维带钢变形three-dimensional strip deformation
met.三角皮带用钢丝帘布steel cord for V-belt
met.上大下小带保温帽的镇静钢锭big end up hot topped killed ingot
met.上大下小带保温帽镇静钢锭big end up hot topped killed ingot
met.上小下大带保温帽的镇静钢锭big end down hot topped killed ingot
met.上小下大带保温帽镇静钢锭big end down hot topped killed ingot
met.不切边钢带nontrimmed strip steel
tech.不锈钢带stainless steel band
met.不锈钢带抛光装置scouring stand
met.不锈钢带材stainless steel strip
met.不锈钢带材stainless strip
tech.不锈钢撒肥带stainless steel fertilizer belt
tech.不锈钢表带stainless steel watch band
met.不锈钢输送带stainless conveyer belt
met.不锈钢运输带stainless steel conveyer belt
met.不锈钢运输带stainless conveyer belt
tech.两端带弯钩的钢筋bar hooked at both ends
tech.两米钢带尺two-metre steel tape measure
tech.两米钢带尺two-meter steel tape line
tech.中等宽度带钢medium width steel strip
comp.name.京德勒带钢公司Jindal Strips Ltd.
met.伊万斯带钢轧机Evans mill
met.优质带钢生产quality strip production
met.优质带钢生产工艺quality strip production process
met.优质带钢生产工艺QSP process
met.优质带钢生产设备quality strip production plant
met.优质带钢生产设备QSP equipment
met.优质碳素结构钢冷轧钢带quality cold-rolled structural carbon steel strip
tech.传动钢带steel belt
met.传送丝帘布steel cord for belt conveyer
met.传送带用钢丝帘布steel cord for belt conveyer
tech.低碳钢带mild-carbon steel strip
tech.冷轧带钢strip iron
auto.冷轧带钢cold-rolled strip
steel.冷轧带钢cold-rolled steel strip
tech.冷轧带钢cold strip steel
steel.冷轧带钢cold rolled strip
tech.冷轧带钢cold-rolled strip steel
steel.冷轧带钢卷取机cold strip reel
steel.冷轧带钢cold-strip steel rolling mill
tech.冷轧带钢cold strip mill
tech.冷轧钢带strip iron
steel.出口钢带冷却喷射集管spray header for delivery strip cooling
met.刀片钢带razor-blade strip
met.刀片钢带razor-blade strip
met.切斯特非尔德带钢淬火法Chesterfield's process
met.切边带钢trimmed strip steel
met.切除头尾后的带钢cropped strip
auto.制动钢带brake steel
tech.半连续式宽带钢轧机semi-continuous wide strip mill
steel.卷取区域带钢拦截装置strip catcher
busin.双层钢带铠装double tape armoured
tech.合金钢带alloy steel strip
tech.合金钢带alloyed steel strip
tech.吊窗钢带sash ribbon
met.同轴电缆用电镀锡钢带electrolytical tinplated steel strip for coaxial cable
steel.四机架连续式带钢冷轧机four-stand tandem cold strip mill
tech.因钢带尺invar tape
met.复合层带钢sandwich strip
met.多机座带钢轧机multistand strip mill
met.多机架带钢轧机multistand strip mill
dril.多用钢质水龙带all-purpose steel rotary hose
tech.夹钢绳芯胶带输送机cable belt conveyer
steel.带钢wide strip steel
steel.带钢wide strip
tech.带钢轧机broad strip mill
construct.对角钢筋带diagonal band
tech.对角钢筋带的有效面积effective area of reinforcement in diagonal bends
tech.布里斯托布钢带接头Bristol steel belt lacing
construct.扁,条ribbon iron
met.V 丝帘布steel cord for V-belt
steel.带传动辊的钢卷鞍座coil saddle with driven roll
tech.带保温帽钢锭模hot-topped mould
tech.带保温帽钢锭模hot-topped mold
met.带刺钢丝制造机barbed wire machine
tech.带刺钢丝网wire entanglement
tech.带刺钢筋barbed wire reinforcement
auto.带副钢板可变刚性钢板弹簧dual-rate spring
tech.带圆角方断面钻探用钢材quarter octagon drill rods
shipb.带型钢band steel
met.带塞棒的钢包stoppered ladle
tech.带塞棒的钢水包stoppered pouring basin
tech.带底钢锭模solid-bottom mould
tech.带底钢锭模solid-bottom mold
tech.带弯钩钢筋hooked bar
tech.带弯钩钢筋end-anchored reinforcement
tech.带扁平肋的网眼钢板flat rib expanded metal
tech.带托架的钢管灯柱tubular steel lighting column with bracket
auto.带承压吊耳的钢板弹簧spring with compression shackles
tech.带把钢叉steel fork with handle
avia.带护套的钢索shield cable
UN, tech.带护脸的钢盔helmet with facial protector
tech.带有腐蚀衬里层的钢板clad plate with corrosion resistant liners
anim.husb.带有进料筒的钢制青贮塔steel silo with emptying chute
construct.带橡皮垫圈的钢筋混凝土管reinforced rubber gasket concrete pipe
met.带正反锁口的钢板桩reverse-lock sheet piling bar
auto.带消声衬片的钢板弹簧antisqueak spring
tech.带滚子链的翻钢导板roller chain twist guide
auto.带状钢弹簧steel spring
auto.带状钢弹簧strip steel spring
tech.带状钢轨导接线strip bonding
tech.带瓦楞钢板的轻质混凝土lightweight concrete with corrugated steel sheeting
met.带筋扁钢ribbed flat steel
met.带筋扁钢ribbed flat
tech.带筋钢条ribbed bar
tech.带线环钢丝绳steel wire rope with thimble
met.带缘 Z 形钢lip Z steel
tech.带缘帽型钢lip hat section steel
tech.带缘Z形钢lip Z steel
met.带缘槽钢lip channel steel
met.带耳柄的出钢槽handle spouts (平炉的)
met.带耳柄的出钢槽handle spout
tech.带联结器的钢管支撑tube-and-coupler shoring
tech.带肋网眼钢板dovetail lath
tech.带肋网眼钢皮rib lath
tech.带肋网眼钢皮ribbed lath
tech.带肋网纹钢板ribbed expanded metal
tech.带肋钢板网rib mesh
tech.带肋钢板网ribbed expanded metal
tech.带肋钢槽瓦ribbed steel pantile
met.带肋钢筋ribbed steel bar
archit.带肋钢筋混凝土楼板ribbed reinforced concrete floor
met.带肋钢筋的余处理remained heat-treatment of ribbed steel bar
tech.带芯股钢丝绳Seale rope
tech.带芯股钢索seal construction rope
tech.带螺纹的钢导线管screwed steel conduit
tech.带金属螺旋式钢丝绳metallic spiral core wire rope
construct.打包窄带钢hoop steel
tech.带钢band iron
tech.带钢flat bar
tech.带钢strap iron
tech.带钢strip iron
tech.带钢strap steel
tech.带钢ribbon steel
tech.带钢band tape
agric.带钢hoop iron
gen.带钢strip (材)
gen.打包窄带钢hoop iron
avia.带钢winding steel
steel.带钢steel strip in coil
steel.带钢hoop steel
met.带钢flat hoop iron
met.带钢steel band
met.带钢steel strip
met.带钢band steel (< 0.12 % C)
met.带钢band iron
met.带钢banding steel
archit.带钢iron hoop
construct.带钢sheet strip
agric.带钢hoop binding
met.带钢三维变形three-dimensional strip deformation
met.带钢中央凸度strip center crown
met.带钢中心峰值peak value at center of strip
met.带钢中部厚度thickness in middle of strip
met.带钢产量strip production (The upgraded plant will reach the annual capacity to produce 1.2 million tonnes of cold rolled products, increasing strip production by 40 percent. 改造后的钢厂冷轧产品年生产能力将达到120万 t, 带钢产量提高40%。)
tech.带钢冷轧机cold strip mill
met.带钢分选机strip separator
tech.带钢切割机strip steel cutting off machine
met.带钢初始厚度initial height of strip
met.带钢前端检测器strip front end detector
met.带钢strip shear
met.带钢剪切作业线strip shearing line
tech.带钢加热line heating
met.带钢化学处理chemical strip treatment
met.带钢单向皱纹ridges (因辊形不正确所致)
met.带钢印痕strip mark
met.带钢coil of strip (All the sequences of operations, the tracking of the coil of strip, and the regulation of the rolls are computer-controlled, while closed circuit TV is used to assist supervision. 所有操作程序、带卷跟踪和轧辊调整均由计算机控制,同时还使用闭路电视协助监控。)
met.带钢steel strip coil
met.带钢coiled strip steel
met.带钢coiled steel strip
met.带钢卷取机steel strip coiling reel
met.带钢卷取机strip coiler
met.带钢卷取机steel strip coiler
met.带钢卷取机power reels (非传动辊轧机的)
tech.带钢卷缠机strip steel coiler
tech.带钢卷缠装置strip steel coiler
met.带钢压力机strip press
tech.带钢压延机hoop mill
met.带钢压紧辊break roll (抛光机上的)
tech.轧光机上的带钢压紧辊break roll
tech.带钢压紧辊break rolls
met.带钢厚度steel strip thickness
met.带钢厚度thickness of strip (The loading of the rolls, the adjustments for controlling the thickness of the strip, the lubrication, the mechanism which directs the metal from one stand or mill train to the next, must be controlled automatically. 轧辊负荷、带钢厚度控制调整、轧机的润滑、轧件由一个机架或一个轧机机组到下一个机架或下一个轧机机组的导向机构等,都必须进行自动控制。)
met.带钢厚度strip thickness
met.带钢厚度偏差strip thickness deviation
met.带钢厚度弹性后效spring-back of strip thickness
met.带钢厚度精度strip thickness accuracy
met.带钢厚度精度steel strip thickness accuracy
steel.带钢和宽度仪表strip thickness and a width gage
met.带钢在线磁探伤系统magnetic on-line inspection system for strip steel
met.带钢头尾运输印痕head and tail transfer marks on strip
met.带钢夹持器strip clamping device
steel.带钢夹持车strip clamp car
met.带钢局部中央凸度partial strip center crown
met.带钢层流冷却laminar strip cooling
met.带钢层流冷却生产线laminar flow strip cooling line
met.带钢层流冷却系统laminar flow strip cooling system
met.带钢平直度strip flatness
met.带钢平直度监测仪strip flatness monitor
met.带钢平面度flatness of steel strip
steel.带钢张力strip tension
met.带钢张力冷轧机coiler tension rolling mill
tech.带钢张力冷轧机cooler tension rolling mill
met.带钢张力函数function of tension in strip
steel.带钢张力控制strip tension control
met.带钢张力自动控制automatic strip tension control
met.带钢张力计strip tension meter
met.带钢张力轧机strip tension rolling mill
met.带钢形状的可控性controllability of strip profile
met.带钢形状稳定性strip shape stability
met.带钢形状调整strip profile adjustment
met.带钢形状连续控制continuous control of strip profile
met.带钢形状锥strip shape cone
met.带钢形状预测用数学模型mathematical model for predicting strip profile
met.带钢打印机strip marker
met.带钢打滑slippage between strip and roller
met.带钢扫描测宽装置strip scanner width measurement device
steel.带钢提升机strip lifter
tech.带钢撑棍的滑雪板ski with steel ski pole
met.带钢支承台strip support table
steel.带钢支撑台strip support table
steel.带钢支撑辊strip support roll
steel.带钢收集器strip accumulator
met.带钢数据收集strip data collection
tech.带钢整平机strip steel leveller
tech.带钢整平机strip steel leveler
steel.带钢最大厚度strip max. thickness
met.带钢板形strip shape
met.带钢板形磁性监测仪magnetic strip shape monitor
tech.带钢校平机strip steel leveller
tech.带钢校平机strip steel leveler
met.带钢横向张力tension across strip
met.带钢横向温度transverse strip temperature
met.带钢横向镀层重量coating weight across strip
met.带钢浇铸工艺strip casting process
met.带钢浸人量amount of submerged strip
met.带钢涂油机strip oiler
tech.带钢淬火法Chesterfield's process
gen.带钢淬火法Chesterfield (process)
met.带钢温度动态控制dynamic control of strip temperature
met.带钢温度控制系统strip temperature control system
met.带钢温度自动控制automatic strip temperature control
met.带钢游动strip walking
tech.带钢热轧机hot-strip mill
met.带钢焊机strip welding machine
met.带钢生产strip production
met.ISP 带钢生产法in-line strip production process (【技】由德国曼内斯曼-德马克公司开发的一种薄板坯连铸生产工艺,亦称 ISP 带钢生产工艺。所采用的主要新设备、新技术有:上部垂直,下部为弧形的直弧形结晶器、带液芯铸轧技术、气雾冷却、薄壁浸人式水口等。: The Inline strip production (ISP) process developed by Mannesmann Demag can cast 60 mm thick slab of through a vertical -bow-type mold with flat parallel sides. And then it is reduced to 20mm through in-line rolling. 由曼内斯曼-德马克公司研发的在线带钢生产工艺可以通过平行板直弧形结晶器浇铸出 60mm 厚的板坯,然后通过在线轧制将其减薄至 20mm。)
met.带钢生产法TSP (【技】由美国蒂平斯公司和韩国三星重工公司合作开发的带钢连铸连轧生产工艺,主要设备包括中厚板坯连铸机和炉卷轧机,亦称为 TSP 工艺。)
met.TSP 带钢生产法Tippins-Samsung Process (【技】由美国蒂平斯公司和韩国三星重工公司合作开发的带钢连铸连轧生产工艺。其主要设备包括中厚板坯连铸机和炉卷轧机,亦称为)
met.TSP 带钢生产法TSP process
met.ISP 带钢生产法ISP process
met.CSP 带钢生产法CSP process
met.带钢生产法CSP (【技】由德国施勒曼-西马克公司开发成功的连铸连轧热带生产工艺,亦称 CSP 带钢生产法,具有流程短、成本低、产品质量优等优点。世界第一台紧凑式带钢生产设备于1989年在美国投产。)
met.ISP 带钢生产设备ISP plant
met.带钢电解清洗作业线electrolytic strip cleaning line
met.带钢电解脱脂作业线electrolytic strip degreasing line
tech.带钢的张力设备strip tensioning apparatus
met.带钢的连续性continuity of steel strip
steel.带钢矫直机strip straightener
tech.带钢管预应力混凝土管embedded cylindrical prestressed concrete pipe
tech.带钢管预应力混凝土管embedded cylindric prestressed concrete pipe
tech.带钢绳卷盘电机车reel locomotive
met.带钢表面测温计strip surface thermometer
met.带钢表面温度计strip surface thermometer
met.带钢贮料器strip accumulator
steel.带钢跟踪装置控制用旋转缸swivel cylinder for strip track control
met.带钢轧前厚度ingoing gauge of strip
met.带钢轧前厚度incoming thickness of strip
tech.带钢轧厂strip rolling mill
tech.带钢轧厂strip mill
tech.带钢轧机strip rolling mill
steel.带钢轧机strip mill
tech.带钢轧机hoop rolling mill
met.带钢轧机组steel strip mill train
met.带钢轧机组strip mill train
met.带钢退火炉strip annealing furnace
met.带钢退火炉strip annealing plant
steel.带钢送进paper feeding
met.带钢逆向浇铸inversion strip casting
met.带钢逆向浇铸inversion casting of steel strip
met. 带钢逆向浇铸法inversion strip casting process
steel.带钢长度测量strip length measure
met.带钢需求demand for steel strip (量)
met.带钢静态张力分布static tension distribution of strip
met.带钢面垂直位移vertical displacement of strip surface
tech.带钩钢筋bar with hooked ends
met.带锁口的钢板桩lock sheet piling bar
met.带锁扣的钢板桩lock sheet piling bar
tech.带锁的钢板桩lock sheet piling bar
tech.平钢带flat strip steel
met.异型带钢section strip
tech.异型钢带profiled strip
tech.异形带钢section strip
tech.异形带钢profile strip
tech.异形钢带profile strip
tech.异形钢带profiled strip
tech.张力冷轧带钢coiler tension rolling mill
auto.离合器弦向钢带型chordal strap type
tech.弹性钢表带link expansion band
tech.弹簧钢带spring-steel band
tech.V 形带钢V-strap
tech.U形搭接钢带stirrup strap
tech.T 形铰合钢带tee-hinge strap
met.成卷带钢steel strip coil
met.成卷带钢steel strip in coils
met.成卷带钢coiled steel strip
met.成卷带钢coiled steel
met.成品带钢finished steel strip
met.成品带钢finished strip
tech.扁平钢带错绕式多层圆筒crossly wound multilayered cylinder by flat ribbon
steel.打包带钢baling strip
steel.打包用带钢轧机package mill
tech.打包用的钢带轧机hoop mill
tech.打包窄钢带baling band
gen.打包钢带〔铁皮〕steel baling strap
tech.打包钢皮带baling strip
tech.拉力钢皮带high-tension band
tech.挠性带状钢钎flexible ribbon steel
tech.挠性钢带flexible ribbon steel
steel.捆轧用钢带binding band
auto.自动变速器传动带摩擦钢带transmission band
auto.整个裙部镶有钢带的活塞strutted full-skirt piston
gen.新型带钢丝绳芯的钢丝绳new independent wire rope core wire rope
auto.无内胎钢丝带束层子午线轮胎tubeless steel-belted radial tire
steel.机架间带钢张力interstand strip tension
tech.条带式型钢strip steel section
steel.松弛带钢slack strip
auto.柔性钢带flexible metal band
met.标准钢箍带standard steel strapping
auto.无级钢带传动自动变速器梯形带钢metal belt segment
tech.殷钢带尺invar tape
met.气刀与带钢的夹角angle of air knife with respect to strip
met.气刀处的带钢张力strip tension at knives
met.气刀至带钢的距离knife to strip distance
tech.波纹紧固钢带corrugated fastener
comp.name.泰国纳科伦带钢公司Nakornthai Strip Mill Public Co. Ltd.
tech.涂漆带钢enamelled strip
tech.涂漆带钢enameled strip
tech.涂珐琅钢带enameled strip
tech.滚珠轴承钢带ball-bearing steel strip
tech.热处理钢履带heat-treated steel track
tech.热轧带钢卷取机hot-strip reels
tech.热轧带钢hot-strip mill
railw.热轧带肋钢筋hot-rolled deformed bar
tech.热轧窄带钢mill coil
tech.热轧钢带hot-rolled band
met.理论带钢形状theoretical strip shape
met.理论带钢重量theoretical steel strip weight
auto.用钢丝加强传送steel-reinforced belt
tech.电工钢板或带钢electrical sheet or strip
tech.电工钢板或带钢electric sheet or strip
railw.电缆钢带cable steel band
tech.电缆钢带铠装剥切刀cable armour cutter
tech.皮带扣件钢丝belt fastener wire
tech.硅钢带Si-steel strip
tech.磁铁钢带magnetic belt
tech.竖琴式钢丝带steel wire harp-type screen
tech.端部带弯钩的钢纤维hooked end steel fiber
steel.第二代带钢热轧机"Generation II "hot strip mill
tech.带钢hoop steel
construct.箍钢带hoop reinforcement
gen.箍钢带hoop iron
shipb.系固用钢带lashing steel band
met.缓冷带钢slow-cooling strip
auto.胎圈钢丝带bead wire tape
tech.薄钢带取土器foil sampler
gen.表面带水纹的刀剑钢damask steel
archit.表面带水纹的刀箭钢damask steel
tech.西尔式带填充丝钢丝绳Seale filler wire rope
tech.覆盖钢带sheathing tape
avia.辫带式钢索braided rope
met.退火带钢annealed steel strip
met.退火带钢annealed strip
met.退火钢带annealed steel strip
met.逆向浇铸的带钢inversion cast strip
met.速冷带钢变形deformation of rapidly cooled strip
tech.钢丝芯胶带steel core belt
chem.钢丝三角带wire-grommet V-belt
tech.钢丝型表带mesh band
polym.钢丝带束子午线轮胎steel-belted radial tire
auto.轮胎钢丝带束层steel belt
auto.钢丝带束层子午线轮胎steel braced radial ply tire
tech.钢丝径线带cord belt
tech.钢丝拖带装置steel wire tow gear
tech.钢丝捆带tie wire
auto.钢丝束带轮胎steel breaker tyre
auto.钢丝束带轮胎steel breaker tire
chem.钢丝绳输送带steel cord conveyor belt
tech.钢丝绳吊挂式带输送机wire rope suspended conveyer
tech.钢丝绳吊挂胶带输送机rope frame belt conveyer
tech.钢丝绳皮带运输机steel wire rope belt conveyer
tech.钢丝绳胶皮带steel cable belt
tech.钢丝绳芯胶带输送机steel belt conveyer
tech.钢丝绳输送带steel cord conveyor belt
tech.钢丝绳运输带steel cord conveyor belt
construct.钢丝网制作的运输带wire mesh belt
tech.钢丝网带输送机wire-mesh belt conveyer
tech.钢丝网带运输机wire-mesh belt conveyer
tech.钢丝网运输带steel wire belt
tech.钢丝网运输带wire-mesh belt
chem.钢丝胺带wire belt
tech.钢丝芯加固橡胶带steel wire reinforced belt
chem.钢丝运输带wire belt
chem.钢丝运输带rubberized steel conveyor belt
tech.钢制带胀圈的活塞环cromflex oil piston ring
archit.钢带felloe band
tech.钢带steel belt
tech.钢带sheet strip
auto.钢带卷尺steel band
auto.钢带steel link belt
chem.钢带steel strips
avia.钢带strap steel
tech.钢带bar strip
tech.钢带steel band
avia.钢带metal strip
steel.钢带冷轧机cold strip mill
steel.钢带卷steel band
tech.钢带外皮steel tape sheath
tech.钢带夹band cramp
steel.钢带夹具装配strip clamp assembly
steel.钢带夹持装置strip clamping device
tech.钢带对焊机steel band butt welder
auto.钢带式弹性软管夹箍spring band hose clamp
tech.钢带式浮标液面计tap float level gauge
tech.钢带式浮标液面计tap float level gage
tech.钢带式选针steel film selection
tech.钢带捆轧机steel strapping equipment
tech.钢带接头steel belt lacing
auto.钢带支架tape stand
tech.钢带模steel strip die
tech.钢带毛网分条器steel tape web divider
tech.钢带滑动剪刀sliding shears for steel band
auto.钢带组合油环expander/segment oil control ring
tech.钢带自动进料冲床automatic strip feed press
tech.钢带轻合金活塞steel belted piston
tech.钢带输送机steel belt conveyer
tech.钢带运输机steel-band conveyer
tech.钢带铁芯ribbon-wound core
tech.钢带铠装steel tape armouring
tech.钢带铠装steel tape armoring
tech.钢带铠装电缆tape armoured cable
tech.钢带铠装电缆band-armoured cable
gen.钢带链装的电缆steel tape armoured
tech.钢的皮带运输机steel apron conveyer
tech.钢皮带cotton tie
tech.钢皮带steel belt pulley
tech.钢筋混凝土带梁楼板reinforced concrete beam floor
tech.钢箍带steel band
shipb.钢线带wire belt
tech.钢绳牵引带式输送机steel-rope tracting belt conveyer
tech.钢绳牵引带式输送机rope-driven belt conveyer
tech.钢绳胶带输送机cable belt conveyer
tech.钢绳芯带式输送机steel-cored belt conveyer
tech.钢绳芯胶带steel core rubber belt
tech.钢缆输送机皮带steel cable conveyor belt
tech.钢芯胶带运输机cable reinforced rubber belt conveyer
tech.钢质运输带steel conveyor belt
tech.钢边橡胶止水带steel edged rubber water-stop
tech.钢边橡胶止水带rubber waterstop with steel flanges
tech.铅包钢带lead-sheathed steel-taped
gen.铅包钢带错装的电缆lead-sheathed, steel taped
railw.铠装钢带armoured steel tape
tech.铠装钢带armouring steel tape
tech.铠装钢带armoring steel tape
tech.铰接钢板运送带articulated steel plate conveyer
tech.锯条带钢section strip
tech.镀锌钢带galvanized steel strip
auto.镶有钢带的活塞steel-banded piston
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