
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
国民环境会计national environmental accounting The collection and processing of financial information regarding the costs for ecological challenges or opportunities for nations or countries (有关民族或国家的生态挑战或机会的花费的财务资料的收集和处理。)
营地;临时camp 1. A place where tents, cabins, or other temporary structures are erected for the use of military troops, for training soldiers, etc. 2. Tents, cabins, etc., used as temporary lodgings by a group of travellers, holiday-makers, Scouts, Gypsies, etc. (1. 给军事部队使用,如训练士兵等,可以搭建帐篷、棚屋或是其它临时结构。 2. 帐篷,小屋等,被旅行者、度假者、侦察兵和吉普赛人等用作临时住处。)