
Terms containing 帐式 | all forms | in specified order only
fin.一副老式帐房日常工作的腔调样子green eyeshade
fin.中间金额栏式总帐即设金额栏于帐户的中间center ruled ledger
fin.余额式分类帐balance form of ledger
fin.余额式帐户balance form of account
fin.余额栏式分户帐ledger account with balance column
fin.余额栏式分类帐balancing ledger
fin.借贷复式记帐法debit-credit-double-entry method
fin.分项分录式日记帐compound journal entry (composite entry)
fin.卡片式分类帐card of ledger
fin.卡片式分类帐card ledger
fin.卡片式帐簿制英卡迪克斯公司首创Kardex system
fin.双栏式分类帐户double column ledger account
fin.叙述式分类帐explanatory ledger
fin.增减复式记帐法increase-decrease-double-entry method
fin.复式帐制double account system
fin.复式帐目资产负债表double account form of balance sheet
fin.复式计帐原理principles of doubles entry
fin.复式记帐double-entry bookkeeping
fin.复式记帐double entry
fin.复式记帐惯例dual aspect convention
fin.复式记帐法double-entry method
fin.复式记帐法double-entry bookkeeping
fin.复式记帐法double bookkeeping method
fin.复式记帐法double-entry accounting
fin.多栏式总帐columnar ledger
fin.多栏式日记帐divided column journal (analytical journal ; columnar journal)
fin.多栏式日记帐calendar journal
fin.多栏式现金日记出纳columnar cash book
fin.多栏式现金日记帐columnar cash journal
mount.密德式帐篷Meade tent
mount.屋式帐篷wall tent
fin.差额式总分类balancing ledger
tech.帐幕式学校pavilion school
tech.帐幕式教室pavilion-type classroom
tech.帐幕式结构pavilion-type structure
fin.帐式account form
fin.帐户式accounting form
fin.帐户式损益表technical form of profit and loss statement (account form of profit and loss statement)
fin.帐户式损益表balanced form of profit and loss statement (account form of profit and loss statement)
fin.帐户式损益表balance form of profit and loss statement (account form of profit and loss statement)
fin.帐户式损益表account form of profit and loss statement
fin.帐户式收益表account form of income statement
fin.帐户式资产负债表account form of balance sheet
textile帐篷型款式tent-shaped style
tech.帐篷式卧床tent bed
tech.帐篷式堆场tent roofed shed
tech.帐篷式天花camp ceiling
textile帐篷式女外衣tent coat
textile帐篷式宽松轻便短大衣tent topper
tech.帐篷式屋顶tilt roof
tech.帐篷式房屋cruck house
tech.帐篷式拱tented arch
tech.帐篷式料堆tent-shaped pile
tech.帐篷式熟料储[贮]库tent-shaped clinker store
tech.帐篷式熟料堆场tent-shaped clinker store
tech.帐篷式顶棚camp ceiling
fin.帐簿的格式form of books
fin.收付复式记帐法receipt-disbursement double-entry method
fin.日记总帐核算形式journal ledger from accounting
fin.欧洲式开帐法膳费另开美国European plan
fin.汇总记帐凭证核算形式summary vouchers form of accounting
fin.波士顿式分类帐一种分栏式帐,记载各户逐日借贷额及余额Boston ledger
fin.流水帐式决算表running account form
org.name.Oracle清算账户对帐模式Clearing Account Reconciliation Module Oracle
org.name.Oracle清算账户对帐模式Oracle Clearing Account Reconciliation Module
mount.温伯式三角形帐篷Whymper tent
mount.温伯式帐篷Whymper tent
fin.特种多栏式日记帐簿special columnar journal
fin.现金收入复式记帐法cash receipt-disbursement-double-entry method
fin.用钢笔画的帐簿格式pen -and-ink account form
tech.移动式帐篷transportable tent
mount.米德式帐篷Meade tent
fin.累计式分类帐progressive ledger
fin.累计式分类帐accumulative ledger
textile罩式蚊帐crib mosquito net
fin.自立帐户固定资本形式own-account fixed capital formation
fin.英国式结帐方式English form of closing the ledger
fin.表格式分类帐tabular tabulated ledger (boston ledger)
fin.表格式记帐法旅馆等帐目tabular book-keeping
fin.装订式分类帐binding ledger
fin.装订式帐簿bound books
fin.银行转帐结算方式clearing form of transferring account in bank
telecom.集中式自动化通话记帐制centralized automatic message accounting system
fin.集中式自动化通话记帐制centralized automatic message accounting
fin.预先印就的帐户格式ready-printed accounts forms
fin.骨体式帐户skeleton accounts ("T" account)