
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不论否发生损失条款lost or not lost clause
专利期限patent runs out
履行contract substantial performance
贷出outstanding on loans
主要条款经达成了协议all essential terms being agreed upon
买定已付定金付定金的购买purchased and paid a deposit
以抵消方式要求偿还时效完成的债权recourse to barred claims by set-off
回落price has sagged
价格上涨price has hiked
价格下降price has dipped
债权到履行日enforceability of the claim
全部费用all charges paid
关税free of customs
关税duty paid
关税付价ex customs
到站交付前费用delivered free to destination
到达站费用free destination station
加入他人企业或国家之间订立的合同公约的行为act of accession
加快费express paid
加快费电汇付讫express paid by telegraph
加快费邮付express paid by post
加盖"邮资付"的自动邮资盖印机franking machine
协议满期的事实fact that the agreement has lapsed
生效和未生效的开发信贷总额的百分比percent of total effective and noneffective development credit
发送站费用free forwarding station
合同履行的证明proof of performance
合同的主要实质部分业履行contract substantial performance
回电reply paid
回电费reply paid
回电费response paid
复电费reply-paid telegram
复电费付的电报reply-paid telegram
实际及分配制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expenses
对票据上的义务告解除的票据当事人party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
付凭单档案paid voucher file
付合同存款contract deposit paid
付定单order paid
付宣传费paid publicity
付支票paid check
付款之保险单paid-up policy
付款收货通知单notice of delivery paid
付税价格price at duty paid
付股利paid dividend
付费交货地点point of free delivery
付费用手续费等fee paid
付赔款losses paid
作拒付证书的应收票据notes receivable protested
保险的出口人insured exporter
修订反倾销守则Revised Antidumping Code
停业的公司defunct company
偿还的贷款累计金额cumulative loan repayments
催交的资本called up capital
入保税仓库in bond
全部缴款股票fully paid shares (stocks)
公布的借款总额gross publicized borrowing
公布的欧洲货币市场贷款Publicized Eurocurrency Credits
公布的欧洲货币贷款额Publicized Eurocurrency Credits
公布的现场价格posted field price
公布的资本declared capital
决事件res judicata
减低保费reduced premium
分配制造费用汇总表summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
分配负荷制造费用账户burden-credit account
分配销售及管理费用汇总表summary of applied selling and administrative expenses
加工原料processed material
加工的原料processed material
sld sold
占用资本locked-in capital
发债券bonds issued
发债券bond issued
发生待支数obligation incurred
发生责任数obligation incurred
发生责任数余额obligated balance
发股数number of stock issued
发股本issued capital
发股本capital stock outstanding
发股本capital stock issued
发行的股票issued capital stocks
发行的股票outstanding stock
发行的股票issued capital stock
发行的股票issued stock
发证券securities issued
发部分disbursed portion
吸收费用absorbed expenses
吸收跌价absorbed declination
售出sld sold
在交易所除名的exempted exchange
在定购中be on order
失时效time barred
on order
定额抵押closed mortgage
实现利润profit realized
实现增值realized appreciation
实现收入realized revenue
实现涨价realized appreciation
审査凭单audited voucher
得代价value received
批准的贷款loans approved
批准的部件器材清单approved parts and materials list
承兑汇票accepted draft (bills)
承兑汇票accepted bill
承认的汇票orders acknowledged
抵除之增加额balanced addition
担保的背书endorsement guaranteed
拨付但尚未到偿还期disbursed and not yet due for repayment
拨付部分disbursed portion
拨款债务占国民生产总值的%disbursed debt as a % of GNP
拨款的债务disbursed debt
拨款的贷款loans disbursed
探明藏量proved reserves
接受原理accepted principles
提货的提单accomplished bill of lading
收保证金deposit received for guarantees
收保险费premium earned
收合同存款contract deposit received
收回收债券retired bonds
收回注销股份retired stock
收汇票票据receipted bill
收账账目receipted account
査出的缺点defects have been traced
核准发票vouched invoice
核准发票vouchered invoice
梳已篱羊毛carded or combed wool
消逝专利权价值expired patent value
消逝成本expired cost
消逝费用expired expenses
清偿损失额liquidated damage
清偿的债务liquidated obligation
清缴保费paid-up insurance premium
生效贷款effective loans
用提单spent B/L
知损失known loss
知破损在交货前或交货时known damage loss
确定的信用证established of L/C
确认的背书endorsement confirmed
立案公司de jure corporation
经不流行be out of vogue
经提货的提单accomplish B/L (bill of lading)
经装船loaded on board
经通知还本的公债called bond
结付账户account settled
paid in
缴款股份paid-up stock
缴税的duty paid
缴资本paid-up capital
缴资本paid-in capital
获利息interest earned
获利息earned interest
获利润profit earned
获收入earned revenue
获收益earned income
获未收所得constructive receipt (of income)
获盈余earned surplus
获盈利profit earned
装在海船上on board ocean bill of lading
装提单on board B/L
装提单on board bill of lading
装火车上on rail
装船批注on board notation
装船提单on board bill of lading (B/L)
装船提单on board B/L or shipped B/L
装船提单shipped bill
装船提单"loaded" bill of lading
装船背书on board endorsement
装船背书提单"on board" endorsement bill of lading
装船运费预付洁净海运提单clean on board freight prepaid ocean bills of lading
装船通知on board notation
装货集装箱loaded container
装运on board
装运提单shipped on board B/L
on order
订未交换货品goods on order
订未交货物goods on order
订购但未到手的物资material on order
认缴股本subscribed capital
认股本subscribed capital stock
认股本capital stock subscribed
负担成本absorbed cost
负担费用absorbed expenses
负担间接成本absorbed burden
贴现应收账款accounts receivable discounted
贷出out on loan
足额抵押closed mortgage (or bonds)
转让应收账款accounts receivable assigned
过期的贷款overdue loans
恢复时效完成的债权revival of a barred claim
恢复时效完成的权利revive a barred right
旅馆房号订完booked up
拨款用数expended appropriation
按照约定运费freight paid as arranged
收回出售之货物repossessed goods
旅客的行车先发运passenger's luggage in advance
到期long past due
过期long past due
时效告完成prescription which has taken effect
时效完成的权利right for which the limitation period has expired
时效完成后退回履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
星期日和假日除外,但使用者应予计算租船用语sundays and holidays excepted, unless used
星期日和假日除外,即使经便用sundays and holidays excepted, even if used
杂费charges paid
汇票作成拒付或拒绝承兑证书supra protest
消灭时效完成的债obligation barred by prescription
清偿时效完成的债权fulfillment of barred claims
目的港码头交货,关税ex quay, ex whart, ex pier... named port of destination, duty paid
细节上作必要的修正mutatis mutandis
行使经判决确定的权利enforcement of claims established by judgement
行使时效完成债权enforcement of claims barred by limitation
要求偿还履行的债的权利right to claim back the performance
认缴资本业贷出尚未到期款项之保值金maintenance of value of capital subscriptions outstanding on loans, not yet due
认股满通知书letter of regret
提讫之提单spent B/L
费用charges paid
费用charge paid
边境站费用free to frontier
运费free of carriage charges
运费carriage charges paid
运费freight paid
运费carriage paid
进口国内指定地点交货,关税delivered... named place of destination in the country of importation, duty paid
退回履行的债restitution of performance
退回提供的利益的债权、诉权claim for restitution of benefits conferred
退回对方提供的履行restitution of benefits conferred
送货到户费delivery free
送货到用户费delivered home
邮件交宣告已交邮局,开舱卸货mail declaration
邮资付戳记postal franking impression
银行持有的生效贷款effective loans held by bank