
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
付费用为准on a cost incurred basis
回收冲销之呆帐bad debts recoveries
付人寿保险paid-up life insurance
付其它费用paid other expanses
付凭单档案paid-up voucher file
付支票canceled check
付支票paid check (canceled check)
付款account paid
付款保险单paid-up insurance policy
付清的价值基础paid-in value basis
付租金paid rent
付股利dividends paid
付股利paid dividends
付股利dividend paid
付薪金paid salaries
付讫支票closed check
付金额amount paid
作拒付证书的应收票据note receivable protested
使用资金resources used
保险养老基金insured pension fund
停业公司dormant company
催缴股本called up share capital
催缴股本包括已收及催缴未收的股本call-up capital
全交款股票fully paid shares (stocks)
全部折旧资产fully-depreciated assets
公布股利declared dividend
冲销坏账bad debt written-off
冲销开办费organization cost written-off
分拆股份split stock
分拆股份split share
分摊工厂间接费用applied factory overhead cost
分派利益distributed profits
分配利润distributed profits
分配制造费用applied manufacturing expenses
分配制造费用汇总表summary of manufacturing expense applied (summary of standing orders and applied manufacturing expenses)
分配成本applied cost
分配成本absorbed costs
分配管理费applied administrative expenses
分配费用applied expenses
分配费用absorbed expenses (applied burden)
分配进货及管理费用applied buying and administrative expenses
分配销售及管理费用applied selling and administrative expenses
分配销售费用applied selling expenses
分配间接制造费用帐户burden credit account
分配间接费用applied overhead
分配间接费用absorbed burden (applied expenses)
划分的买卖制度isolated trades system (香港中央结算系统 (CCASS)实施的制度)
利用的成本utilized cost
到偿还期fall in
到汇票arrival draft
去除通货膨胀因素inflation factor excluded
发行债券already issued bond
发行债券bonds issued
发行在外的股票outstanding share
发行权益股本issued equity share capital
发行流通股issued-and-outstanding stocks
发行股本issued capital (stock)
发行股本capital stock issued
发行股票shares outstanding
吸收的跌价absorbed declination
吸收费用absorbed expenses (applied burden)
售商品成本cost of goods sold
完工制品成本单costed finished production order
完工的产品成本单costed finished production order
完成分批制造finished jobs
定价保险契约valued policy
定成本committed cost
实现或未实现损益realized unrealized gains or losses
实现利润profits realized
实现利率realized interest rate
实现利益realized gain
实现损失realized loss
实现收入利益realized revenue or profit
实现的利润realized profit
审查凭单audited vouchers
审核的账目audited account
审计报表audited statement
审计财务报表audited financial statement
宣布股息dividend declared (dividend payable)
废除条例repealed ordinance
开出票据drawn bill
打印在保险单上的文字printed text of policy
承兑汇票bill accepted
投资本contributed capital (paid-in capital)
折旧成本depreciated cost
抵押物业mortgaged properties
抵押财产mortgaged properties
抵押资产mortgaged assets
拆细股份split stock
拆细股份split share
拖欠债券defaulted bond
拨款项allotment issued
提折旧accumulated depreciation
摊还借款amortized loan
摊还抵押amortized mortgage
收保管费custody fee received
收利息interest received
收到be in receipt of
收回债券债款retired bonds debt
收回坏账bad debts collected
收回款额collected amount
收回股份retired stock
收存款deposit recieved
收帐receipted account
收手续费commission received
收手续费帐户commission received account
收职工存款employee’s deposits received
收股利帐户dividends received account
收股利帐户dividend received account
收股本paid-in stock
收讫rec'd pay't (received payment)
收金额amount received
清偿的债负liquidated obligation
清偿票据bill retired
清算债务liquidated debt
登记支付命令registered warrant
知现值及期款求算未知数given present value and rents compute unknown
知现值求算期款known present value compute the rents
知资料given data
确认信用证confirmed letter of credit
确认原则recognized principle
终止经营业务discontinued operations
经扩大股本enlarged share capital
结帐户closed account
结平帐目closed account
结束项目terminated project
结清保险单paid-up policy
结清账目account settled
缴总额paid-up amount
缴股本capital stock paid-up
缴部分股款的股本partly paid share capital
缴预算所得税income tax remitted to Treasury
耗费用expired expenses
耗费用expired cost
背书债券backed bond
背书应收票据帐户科目notes receivable endorsed account
背书应收票据帐户科目note receivable endorsed account
背书的应收票据notes receivable endorsed
背书的应收票据note receivable endorsed
背书票据backed bill
earned (unearned)
获利润profits earned
获得的计时利息比率time interest earned ratio
获收益income earned
获盈余净额net earned surplus
规定用途的资金pledged funds
规定用途的资金obligated funds
规定用途的资金committed funds
解除债务的破产人discharge in bankruptcy
认股本subscribed stock
认股本subscribed capital
认股本的未收现股款余额uncollected balances of subscriptions for capital Stock
认股本额subscribed capital stock
认购普通股common on stock subscribed
认购的股票accepted stock
认随要随缴股本subscribed callable capital stock
调整贷款和投资loan and investment adjusted
贴现信贷discounted credit
贴现可流通票据discounted negotiable instrument
贴现商业承兑汇票形成的或有负债contingent debts arising from discounted commercial acceptance bills of exchange
贴现应收票据note and bill receivable discounted
贴现应收票据notes and bills receivable discounted
贴现应收票据note receivable discounted
贴现应收账款discounted accounts receivable
贴现票据帐户note discounted a/c
贴现票据账户discounted bill account
贴现账款登记簿discounted accounts register
赎回优先股called preferred stock
赎回债券called bond
earned (unearned)
过成本expired cost
还清的贷款paid-up loan
验证签名certified signature
年度中间购买-获得或第一次未获得控制权interim purchase-control or not originally achieved
应付背书票据帐户endorsed notes payable account
应收背书票据帐户endorsed notes receivable a/c
抵补完扩建项目的盈余appreciated for accomplished expansion
借款期限fall in
本金还股profit sharing note
每股实现净资本收益net realized capital gains per share
法定获盈余准备金legal earned surplus reserve
法定期限以后归回履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
法定的、发行的、认购的、实缴的资本authorized, issued, subscribed, paid-up capital
消灭时效完成的债务obligation barred by prescription
知终值及现值求算未知数known amount and present value compute unknowns
知终值求算支付款known amount compute the rents
票据付款通知advice of bill paid
票据收款通知advice of bill collected
第一批即获得或未获得控制权piecemeal acquisition control achieved or not achieved on first purchase
要求偿付履行的债务的权利right to claim back the performance
视同deemed paid
超过该租赁资产服务之价值expiration of the service value
送货到门费paid home