
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不得的支付forced payment
专利向他国申请claims priority
世界著名的阿玛尼品牌无须介绍,但鲜为人知的是它现在成了首屈一指的家具设计品牌There is no need to introduce the world renowned Armani label, but what may be less known is that it is now a leading furniture designer
装船to arrive
两国间的商业关系经正常化The commercial relations between the two countries have been normalized
中国一跃成为一个电视机生产国China has sprung with a bound into a TV set producing country
中标人予正式公布The winner in the tender was officially advertised
为核对账目,现附去明细表一张列举装运各批货物及应付佣金For reconciliation of accounts, we are sending you herewith a statement listing shipments made and commissions payable
买主早清偿其债务The buyer has already discharged his debt
买方坚持说合同落空The buyer maintains that the contract is frustrated
产品达合同规定标准The products have reached contract specified standards
成为滞销货This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market
介格差距缩小到只有百分之三了The difference in price has already been narrowed down to a mere 3%
他们向我厂订购自行车10,000辆They have placed an order for 10,000 bicycles with our factory
他认为该发盘经失效The offerer has promptly informed the acceptor that he considers the offer as lapsed
付款延至下月Payment has been deferred until next month
以你方为受益人的信用证经开立The L/C has been established in your favour
价格上涨The price has appreciated
价格上调Prices have adjusted upward
价格下降Prices have declined
价格达到最低点The prices have already touched bottom
你方五月十二日致我总公司函件转我公司处理Your letter of May 12 addressed to our Head Office has been transmitted to us for attention
你方八月二十日来函按时收到We have duly received your letter dated August 20
你方四月四日函件收到Your letter of April 4 has been received
你方本月二日函收到,内容详阅We're in receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst., contents of which have had our due perusal
你方本月十六日致我北京总公司信件转至我处Your letter of the 16th inst. addressed to our Beijing Head Office has been passed onto us
你方本月十日来函We are in receipt of your letter dated 10th inst
你方询盘转交有关公司Your enquiry has been transmitted to the appropriate corporation
信用证作修改。letter of credit amended
信用证开立letter of credit opened
假设合同草签on the supposition that the contract has been initialled
公司破产The company is bankrupt
关税duty paid (与关税未付(duty unpaid) 相对)
列入定运费表内的货物closed cargo
加快费电汇支付express paid by telegraph
单据副本寄出Copies of documents have already been posted
卖方履行其承担的义务The seller has already discharged his duties
卖方专利与商标予以应有保护Due protection should be provided for seller's patents and trade marks
即视为经交货The goods are deemed to be delivered to buyer when B/L is delivered to him
原协议予以取消The original agreement has been rescinded
双方互换批准书The both parties have exchanged the instruments of ratification
双方达成一项协议An agreement has been procured between the two parties
双方当事人必须受彼此之间确立起来的习惯做法的约束The both parties shall be bound by any practice which they have established between themselves
双方的争执经解决The dispute between the two parties has been settled
合同5011取消sales contract 5011 cancelled
合约签名盖印The contract has been signed and sealed
商品的式样经过时了The style of the commodity is outdated
图案过时The design is out of date
在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
大多数小商店并入大公司Most little shops have been absorbed in big businesses
大米取消配给Rice has been taken off allocation
如所约定,我方将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合险As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks
如果脱离对货物的占有,而买方无力清偿货款时,卖方具有对货物的停运权In case of the insolvency of the buyer, the seller has a right of stopping the goods in transit after he has parted with the possession to them
如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent
客户购买可观的货物The customer has bought an appreciable quantity of goods
予退还的保证金returned deposit
交付货物亦缩为 GDS DLVDgoods delivered
交付货物delivered goods
交货数量大约5,000打The quantity delivered was in the vicinity of 5,000 dozen
付保证金earnest money paid (与已收保证金 (earnest money received) 相对)
付杂项利息sundry interest paid (与已收杂项利息(sundry interest received) 相对)
付讫paid off
付资本paid up capital
作成拒绝证书汇票bill duly protested
作改变的安排changed arrangement
使用的财产used property
催缴资本called-up capital
兑现证券redeemed securities
公开发行证券亦缩为 o/sg.outstanding
冻结物价frozen prices
冻结资产frozen assets
分摊成本distributed costs
分摊成本absorbed cost
分类资料grouped data
削减的管理费decreased overhead
加工原料fabricated materials
加工过的材料processed materials
包租chartered hire
发生的债务obligation incurred
发行的债券issued bonds
发行的股票outstanding shares
发行股本capital stock outstanding
发行股票outstanding capital stock
发行股票issued stocks
发行钞票outstanding bank notes
取消条款cancelled clause
取消租赁cancelled lease
吸收证券digested securities
告退合伙人retired partner
回收注销股票retired stock
回收的材料recovered material
填写的提单completed B/L
失去时效的合同outlawed contract
存准备金deposited reserve
安装能力install led capacity
安装能力instal led capacity
实现收益realized gains
实现涨价收入realized appreciation
实现的价值realized value
审查账目audited accounts
废资产wasted assets
开出但未付账单account rendered
成交买卖effected sales
成组的货物unitized cargo
扣除成本deducted cost
批准贷款项目表statement of loans approved
承兑汇票honoured draft
承兑汇票honoured bill
承兑汇票accepted bill (指受票人 (drawee) 或承兑人 (acceptor) 已在汇票 (draft) 上签字表示到期付款)
承兑的汇票bill accepted
承兑票据accepted bill
承诺成本committed cost
投保标的subject matter insured
折旧资产depreciated assets
折现值discounted present value
报废固定资产fixed asset abandoned
挂号亦缩为 rgtdregistered
摊成本allocated cost
支付金额amount paid
收到货物received goods
收回的债券retired bonds
收款项collected amount
收股息dividend earned
收资本paid in capital
放行的货物released goods
校正的数据corrected data
核销呆账指核销 bad debt, dead accountdebt written off
检验符合商品交易所期货合同规定品质的存货certificated stock
流通的支票circulated checks
测出的价值measured value
测定收入measured income
测得误差measured error
消耗实际收入consumed real income
清偿的债务liquidated debts
清偿的债务liquidated debt
清偿的损失liquidated damage
清偿的损失赔偿金liquidated damages
清偿账户liquidated account
清理的公司liquidated company
用基金expended fund
会计用资本利润return on capital employed
给定given value
知数量known quantity
经达成许多笔交易A number of transactions have been entered into
结清的账目settled account
缴资本paid up capital
耗用的基金consumed funds
耗费用expire expenses
耗费用expired cost (与未耗费用 (un expired cost) 相对)
背书债券endorsed bond
背书担保债券indorsed bond
背书票据endorsed note
背书票据endorsed bill
航寄单据document airmailed
获利息interest received
获所得税earned income tax
获所得税减免earned income relief
获收益earned revenue
获盈余earning surplus
获盈余retained earnings 留存盈余
落空的合同frustrated contract
被私营化的企业denationalised enterprises
装船提单shipped bill of lading (与备运提单 (received for shipment bill of lading) 相对)
装船提单on board ocean bill of lading (与备运提单 (received for shipment bill of lading) 相对)
装船提单on board bill of lading (与备运提单 (received for shipment bill of lading) 相对)
订约的承包商an engaged contractor
说明变量explained variable
调整债券adjusted bond
调整成本adjusted cost
贴现现值present discounted value
贴现的汇票discounted bill
转嫁税shifted taxes
转移的劳动力transferred labour force
转让的产权transferred title
过秤货物weighed cargo
运送的货物forwarded goods
返运货物returned cargo
进口的货物imported goods
通过的议案passed bill
部分缴款股份partly-paid share
市场转疲软The market has turned easy
市场情况经恶化The market has deteriorated
应付背书票据endorsed note payable
我们于三月五日通知贵方银行。We have advised your bank on 5th March.
我们从信用证中删去了有关条款As per your request we've deleted the relevant clause from the letter of credit
我们安排必要的保险We've arranged the necessary insurance cover
我们将这笔金额记入你们的贷方We have placed the sum to your credit
我们找到销售新产品一条有希望渠道A prospective channel for the sale of our new products has been discovered
我们指定该地区的独家代理人We've already appointed the sole agent in this territory
我们按此金额记入你们的贷方We have credited this amount to your account
我们收到你方本月十八日函We're in receipt of your letter dated 18th inst. under the caption of S/C No. 2022
我们经收到你方金额为20,000美元的贷记通知书We have received your credit note for US $20,000
我们编制完成来年年度采购计划We've worked out the ABP for the coming year
我们推测你方开立信用证We presume that you have already established the L/C
我们获悉你方提交了进口许可证的申请We note that you have handed in your application for import licence
我们购物袋品种大大多样化了We have greatly diversified our line of shopping bags
我公司将此事上报北京总公司批准We've already referred the matter to our Head Office in Beijing for their ratification
我国批准该公约The convention has been ratified by our country
我方为你方保留100公吨货物We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence
我方从你方竞争对手接到更为合理的报盘We've received more reasonable offers from your business rivals
我方从开立的信用证中扣除了3%佣金We have deducted our 3% commission from the L/C established
我方另空邮这一商品的三个样品We've forwarded you by separate airmail three samples for this article
我方将1,000公吨花生装王子号货轮,以执行我方第110号销售确认书In pursuance of our Sales Confirmation No. 110, we've shipped 1,000 M/T peanut per s.s. Prince
我方承接大批订单,无力接受追加订货数量We're weighted down with orders, we're not in a position to take on additional quantities
我方按时收到开立信用证的通知We've duly received the L C advice
我方获得样品The samples are already in our possession
我方产品得到市场的广泛赞许Our products have met with wide indorsement in the market
我方产品得到市场的广泛赞许Our products have met with wide endorsement in the market
我方产品质量与包装有很大改进Much improvement has been made in the quality and packing of our products
我方制造商无存货Our manufacturers are running out of stock
我方存货差不多售完了Our stocks are almost exhausted
我方生产排满We are fully engaged and cannot take on fresh orders
所要购买货物的进口许可证经停止签发The issue of import licences for the goods in question has been suspended
新出口贸易规定经生效The new regulations governing export trade have come into effect
新的税法渡过了危机The new tax program is now over the hill
新规章于八月一日生效The new regulation became operative on 1st August
有义务提交装船的清洁提单be obliged to tender shipped on board clean bills of lading
有些中国人经将宜家作为他们自己家庭的延伸Some Chinese have always treated IKEA as an extension of their own homes
本公约由许多国家采用生效The convention has been given effect by many countries
杂项费用从总额中扣除deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194
样品发送samples dispatched
样品航寄Samples airmailed
此事通过强制仲裁解决It was settled by compulsory arbitration
汇票交银行进行光票托收The draft has been handed to the banker for clean collection
汇票之款收进The draft has been collected
注明运费marked freight prepaid
清洁装船提单clean on board B/L
电传用户号码变更number changed
由于公司会计员盗用公款,业务暂时转入破产财团管理员之手Owing to the defalcation of the treasurer of the company, the business passes temporarily into the hands of a receiver
由于大量订货,我方存货大幅度减少Owing to heavy bookings orders, our stocks have diminished to a large extent
由于未接到贵方答复,我方以为贵方购足所需货物Since we have received no reply from you, we conclude that you have already covered your requirements
目录本寄岀The catalogue has been mailed
第5001号合约项下货物抵达Goods under S/C5001 have reached
继我方本月三日函件,我方进一步特此通知贵方我方向贵方寄送所有要求的样品Further to our letter of the 3rd inst., we have pleasure to inform you that we have sent you all the samples requested
股东产权资产净值包括投资本加留存盈余The stockholder's equity net assets includes the invested capital and the retained earnings
股东产权资产净值包括投资本加留存盈余The stockholder's equity includes the invested capital and the retained earnings
舱位订妥Shipping space has already been booked
满载The freight space is filled to capacity
茶叶市场从前些时候的疲软中恢复过来The tea market has recovered from its earlier weakness
装运日期临近The date of shipment is imminent
装运日期提前The date of shipment has been advanced
规定生效The regulations have come into operation (force)
该争议圆满得到解决We're glad the dispute has been brought to a satisfactory termination
该公司濒临破产The company is on the verge of bankruptcy
该合约正式按时会签The contract has been duly countersigned
该商标记入专利局的登记册The trade mark is registered on the books of the Patent Office
该市场出现繁荣商业景象A commercial prosperity has appeared in this market
该物得到正确估价It has rightly been appreciated
该船改变航线The ship has already altered its course
该货价急剧上涨It has appreciated rapidly
备妥待装The goods are all ready for shipment
备妥,请速开信用证。Goods are ready, please rush to establishing L/C
货物交付goods delivered
货物交空运The goods have been dispatched by air freight
货物交铁路托运The goods have been consigned by rail
货物交铁路运送the goods have been consigned by rail
货物到达goods arrived
货物迅速被消耗了The goods have been rapidly consumed
贸易争议告结束The disputes have been brought to a close
资金被许多业务占用The funds have been tied up in numerous commitments
这些货物投保爆炸险The goods are covered against explosion
这条船宣布失踪The vessel has been posted as missing
这种装置的式样落伍了This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market
铁路竣工The railway has been brought to completion
银行垫付货款The bank has advanced the purchase price
需求减少Demand has been brought down by increases in imports