
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一种新型的传感器部件开发出来,它是有活动芯的微型线圈A new sensor component—micro coil with a movable core—was developed
不管损失否发生的条款lost or not lost clause
专利期patent runs out
中国加入的国际公约international conventions into which China has accessed
人工回灌冲淡污染水质diluting polluted water by artificial recharge
全部航行设备经试验完毕all gear tested
缝补bag patched
卖方出具给买方的确认保险信函letter of insurance
原始森林大部分伐除的土地cut-over land
合同前订货货物long lead item
回收批租土地re-entry on leased land
提到过的地方Loco citato
提到过的地方in the place cited
多数分裂停止most division has ceased
定时timing out
客户款贴现customer's account discounted
得贷款作另一贷款的抵押品collateralized junior mortgage
尺寸加工的木材cut engineered timber
上涨的价格advanced price
上税物品搬运证removal permit for duty-paid goods
下水船launched ship
不存在的公司defunct company
不通电流的电线dead wire
为所示拉丁文quod erat demonstrandum
产生的正当权利accrued rights
duty paid
付价持票人holder for value
付其他费用paid other expenses
付分包款金额amount paid to subcontract
付利息interest paid
付合同存款contract deposits paid
付定金down payment paid
付支票cancelled check
付杂项利息sundry interest paid
付杂项手续费sundry commission paid
付款凭证paid vouchers
付现金股息cash dividend paid
付股息paid dividends
付股本paid-up capital
付讫票据take-up bill
付讫票据retired bill
付账款account paid
付资本paid-up capital
付邮资post paid
作废合同voided contract
作废支票voided check
使用固定资产的费用cost of used fixed assets
使用年限in the years already spent
使用财产used property
使用过的固定资产used fixed assets
保存系统saved system
保险失业率insured unemployment rate
保险银行存款insured bank deposits
停业务的会计处理accounting for discontinued operations
偿还遗债debts of the deceased paid
兑现支票cashed check
全部付清fully paid-up
全部折旧的fully depreciated
全部折旧资产fully depreciated assets
全部缴款股份fully paid stock
全部缴款股票fully paid share
关门企业的股票obsolete securities
关闭的外汇市场foreign exchange market closed
具备施工条件的地块manufactured lot
冲洗胶片processed film
准出舱free delivered
分摊制造费用汇总表summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
分摊的成本allocated cost
分摊跌价差额absorbed declination
分类文件sorted file
分解客车detached vehicle
分解货车detached wagon
分配利润distributed profit
分配制造费用absorbed manufacturing expenses
分配工厂间接费用applied factory overhead expenses
分配成本distributed cost
分配成本allocated cost
分配成本absorbed cost
分配材料管理费用applied material handling expenses
分配的存储器allocated storage
分配的要素收入distributed factor income
分配间接制造费用账户applied manufacturing overhead account
分配间接费成本absorbed overhead (cost)
分配间接费用absorbed overhead (cost)
分配间接费用absorbed burden
切割木材worked lumber
列入近期规划in the near future programme
利用河段utilized river section
利用河段utilized river stretch
利用河段utilized river reach
刮灰木材plugged lumber
到价合约in the money
到期保险金earned premium
加工材料processed material
加工件wrought stuff
加工原材料fabricated materials
加工木料worked lumber
加:木料treated timber
勘探矿区proved field
募得的总金额subscription realized
化验试样dump sample
占容积excluded volume
占态occupied state
占空间excluded volume
卸货物cargo unloaded
发出的信号distinguished symbol
发出通融票据accommodation bills issued
发功率power developed
发在外流通股本capital stock outstanding
发展技术的state-of-the art
发放的贷款outstanding on loan
发现储量discovered reserve
发生债务obligation incurred
发生成本账户cost incurred account
发生损失incurred losses
发股本capital stock issued
发育的洪泛平原developed floodplain
发行债券already-issued bond
发行公司债的现行价值carrying value of a bond issued
发行股票outstanding stock
发行股票outstanding shares
发行股票issued stock
发行股票issued shares
发行证券securities issued
发行证券outstanding securities
发送的off the stock
取得的利息interest received
取得的利息interest earned
取得的折扣discount taken
取芯样的混凝土梁cored beam
受损in damaged condition
变址地址indexed address
变更的条件changed condition
吸收制造费absorbed manufacturing expenses
吸收成本absorbed cost
吸收证券digested security
售完out of stock
回填砂石场filled tope
回收债券retired bond
垦殖的洪泛平原developed floodplain
处理水treated water
处理污水treated sewage
处理的种子treated seeds
处理过的毛毡treated felt
失时效的债务outlawed debt
婚者住宅married quarters
安装的工厂生产能力电站装机容量installed plant capacity
安装配件installed fittings
完工合约的收益income from completed contract
完工程projects completed
完工程work done
完工程construction finished
完工程成本cost applicable to construction revenue
完成会计事项completed transaction
完成工作量executed work amount
完成工作量work done
完成工作量completed work amount
完成工作量成本cost of work performed
完成工程finished construction
完成工程成本cost applicable to construction revenue
完成工程量成本cost of work performed
完成的off the stock
完成的销售executed sale
完成订单completed order
完成销售合同executed contract of sale
完税duty proof
完税assessment paid
完税货物duty-paid goods
定义变量defined variable
定义项defined item
定界determinate boundary
定账目account stated
定购材料表schedule of materials on order
实现增殖realized appreciation
实现折旧realized depreciation
实现损益realized gains or losses
实现收入realized gains
实现的速度speed made good
实现资产持有利得realized holding gain
审定账目audited accounts
审批储量ratified reserves
审查凭单audited voucher
审查过的净销售额audited net sales
审核储量reserve awaiting ratification
宣布分配的股息declared dividend
宣布利润declared profit
宣布股息dividend declared
履行的对价executed consideration
布设三角网地区triangulated area
平差点位adjusted position
开发土地developed land
开发土地developed area
开发地区developed site
开发地区developed quarter
开发探明储量proved developed reserves
开发的地热田developed geothermal field
开发的洪泛平原developed floodplain
开拓土地built-up area
开拓矿体ore developed
得纯利net profit earned
扣缴预提税款tax withheld
执行完毕的合同executed contract
执行的订单order executed
扫雪的跑道open runway
批准发行但尚未实际发行的债券bonds authorized and unissued
批准的但尚未发行债券bonds authorized and unissued
批准的工程项目authorized project
批准的贷款loan approved
批准的贷款项目表statement of loans approved
承兑票据accepted bill (draft)
承兑汇票accepted bill (draft)
承担间接费用absorbed burden
承诺费用committed cost
投成本sunk cost
投股本contributed capital
投资本vested capital
折成本depreciated cost
折日价值depreciated value
报关货物declared goods
抵押债券backed bond
抵押出去的地产estate encumbered with mortgages
抵押资产pledged assets
抵补的美元covered dollars
抵除增加额balanced addition
抹底灰的砖砌体rendered brickwork
拆毁铁路dismantled railway
拆毁铁路dismantled railroad
拆除房屋的场地area cleared of buildings
拒付的应收票据note receivable protested
拒付的票据note dishonored
指定用途的款项money appropriated
按每月保比例保险held covered
挖区dredged area
损坏图形damaged drawing
损坏混凝土loosened concrete
损害混凝土loosened concrete
损毁客车damaged vehicle
损毁货车damaged wagon
探明藏量known economic reserves in places
接受而尚未运出的定货总数backlog of orders
接受订货总数backlog of orders
推算时间dead-reckoning time
提供押款金额sum lent on a mortgage
提出拒绝证书后承兑acceptance for honour supra protest
摊还的借款amortized loan
收保证金earnest money received
收入金额amount received
收合同保证金contract deposits received
收合同保证金contract deposit received
收回债券retired bond
收回注销的股票retired stock
收存款deposite received
收存款deposit received
收杂项利息sundry interest received
改良的土壤reclaimed soil
改良的排放improved discharge
放弃产权财产abandoned property
整治河流regulated stream
整治河流regulated river
显像developed image
有亏损后after loss realization
有数据canned data
有调查工作单位unit of investigation work
有调查工作性质type of investigation work
有调查工作日期date of investigation work
有调查工作比例尺scale of investigation work
有调查报告名称name of investigation work
有调査工作阶段stage of investigation work
有资料available information
有资料available data
枯竭的井exhausted well
查核账目certified account
仪表calibrated meter
校准的电阻calibrated resistance
校对样本censored sample
校正像片annotated photograph
校正格网摄影法calibrated reseau photography
检波的信号detected signal
检验的存货certificated stock
水化水泥hydrated cement paste
沉陷的混凝土板抬高raising of sunken concrete slabs
没收担保品价值foreclosure value
没收担保品的销售foreclosure sale
没收货物confiscated goods
测压力measured pressure
测日工资率measured day rate
测点take-off spot
测煤气量measured gas
消亡的地热田extinct geothermal field
消失的水热活动区extinct hydrothermal area
消逝费用expired expense
清偿债务liquidated obligation
清偿了结的损失赔偿金liquidated damages
清偿债务liquidated debt
清偿债务的破产discharged bankrupt
清偿损失额liquidated damages
清偿票据bills retired
清理的公司liquidated corporation
清算账户liquidated account
满期的订单order expired
滤波全息图filtered hologram
潮的石灰stale lime
灌浆grouted-in (的)
灭瀑布extinguished waterfall
熄灭的灯标extinguished light
熔金属molten metal
燃气burned gas
用拨款expended appropriation
用提单used up bill of lading
用时间elapsed time
申请claims priority (专利)
疏浚航道dredged channel
登记支付书registered warrant
盖章合同sealed contract
知三角点trigonometric fixed point
知最大流量highest ever-known discharge
砌的拱sprung arch
砍伐的林地denuded area
破坏的乳化液broken emulsion
破浪作用力force of broken wave
硬化水泥浆体paste matrix
硬化混凝土hardened concrete
硬化的外缘hardened outside verge
碎波broken wave
碰中子nonvirgin neutron
税产品taxed product
稳定滑坡stabilized landslide
穿孔卡片punched card
签名盖章的文据sealed instrument
累缴利润cumulative profit
累缴利税总额cumulative profit and tax
累缴税额cumulative tax
纳税duty proof
纳税duty paid
纳税款扣除法tax deduction method
纳税货物clear goods
组织的数组organized array
经刮草的地块scraped plot
经探伤部分ultrasonically tested area
结平账款closed account
结清账户closed accounting
结清账户closed account
结清账款settled account
结清账目settled account
编号卡numbered card
编排阵列organized array
缴付的保费paid-up insurance premium
缴印花税的保单stamped policy
缴清保费paid-up insurance premium
缴股份paid-up share
缴股份fully paid stock
缴许可证费paid-up license fee
缴运输进款paid-up transport revenue
置平模型flattened model
耗专利权价值expired patent value
耗成本depleted cost
耗费用expired expense
耗费用experimentation expenses
脱气的泥条vacuumed clay
获得良好记录的模型well documented model
获收入earned income
获盈余surplus from profit
被拒付的应收票据notes receivable protested
装修的楼梯斜梁finished string
装料的堆芯loaded core
装片暗盒loaded magazine
装船批注on-board notation
装船提单on-board bill of lading
装船海洋清洁提单ocean clean on board bill of lading
装船清洁提单clean on board bill of lading
装船背书on-board endorsement
装船背书提单on-board endorsement bill of lading
装船货物afloat cargo
装货物cargo loaded
装货物afloat goods
观测值observed value
观测方向observed direction
观测目标observed object
订舱货物booked cargo
订购on order
订购物资material on order
认股本paid-in capital
认购的普通股common stock subscribed
认购股本subscribed capital stock
记录的最低水位lowest recorded stage
记录的最低水平面lowest recorded level
证明的技术proven technology
评定的收入measured income
modulated wave
电流modulated current
调幅脉冲amplitude-modulated pulse
调放大器modulated amplifier
调整基准adjusted basis
调正弦波modulated sinusoid
调波放大器modulated wave amplifier
调电压modulated voltage
调绘像片annotated photograph
负担的费用absorbed expenses
贬值的美元cheap dollar
购人寿保险年金purchased life annuity
贴现应收客户款customer's account discounted
贴现票据discounted bill
贴现票据discounted note
贴现票据bill discounted
贴现账款登记簿discounted account register
赎回债券retired bond
走距离covered distance
超过服务年限past service life
转嫁的税收shifted tax
过年数elapsed years
过时效的债权barred claim
过滤废水filtered wastewater
进行过的调查工作investigation work
退原材料报告materials returned report
退原材料报表materials returned report
通知信用额度advised line of credit
通知还本的公债called bond
采地区bare ground
钻地区drilled area
销售货物goods sold
锈表面rusted surface
降低的价格reduced price
除去汽油烃的干气stripped gas
风化侵蚀erosional exposed surface
驱动的火烟监测器smoke detector actuated
库存用包装物used packaging supplies in storage
手制动器接合hand brake on
承包商整理有勘察资料contractor consolidation of previous investigations
抽出污染水体pumping polluted water body
做的进行制图work as executed drawing
钻出油井延续线布井法belt-line theory
搜集有的资料search for existing information
收回售产品product withdraw
日均收票据差额average daily collected balance
未付宣布股利unpaid declared dividend
杂费charge paid
柱石损坏盘石完好upper stone monument damaged lower stone monument perfect
标石损坏stone monument damaged
标石完好标心志损坏stone perfect marker damaged
根据同类型建工程费用估算费用degree estimate
格罗硅碳棒加热元件Globar heating element
收到received payment
油箱满指示tank full indication
波长变辐射modified radiation of wavelength
测区有测绘资料material of survey area
开采深度nowadays mining depth
知终值和现值求算未知known future value and present value-compute unknown
结构经试验证明合格for configurations qualified through testing
被锚拉住come to
装船前检验surveyed before shipment
装载搅拌好混凝土的卡车non-agitating unit
要求电告否收妥的托收款项wire fate item
要求间歇使用非有的权利discontinuous easement
觇标倾斜target being tilt
觇标损坏target damaged
证明纳税印花denoting stamp
误差消除errors excepted
超过租赁资产服务的价值expiration of the service value
边界四址定的土地data tract
退回付税金drawback (for duties paid)
退还缴税款drawback (for duties paid)
送货到户费paid home
邮费postage paid
部分缴款股份partly paid share
铁路费用free on rail
抓牢anchor brought up
收妥anchor engaged
检验合格anchors proved
集装箱交付container released
集装箱交还container returned
知数undetermined value
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