
Terms for subject Dancing containing | all forms
陀螺转分展步opening out from reverse top
侧行位置脚交叉于右脚后LF crosses behind RF in PP
分式转步open reverse turn
分式位置男手握女右手open position with L to R hand hold
分式侧行位置男右手握女open promenade position with R to L hand hold
分式并退位置男手握女右手open f al la way position with L to R hand hold
分式摇摆步向和右open rock to R and L
分式结束之后的外侧回旋转步outside swivel turning L after open finish
切音侧羽步syncopated left side feather
刺出转步stab reverse turn
原地reverse flicker
原地left Fleckerl
原地转和右转spot turn to L and R
原地转步spot turn to left
旋转步double reverse spin
反身位置中的脚后退LF back in CBMP
并步chasse to right and left
拂形步whisk to R. and L.
追步chasse to right and left
右侧分步与侧分步opening out to R and L
右变足突击步Coup de Pique changing from RF to LF
右换步双旋转change of place R to L with double spin
右脚刷步经脚斜进RF diagonally forward having brushed to LF
右脚并RF closes to LF
右脚并脚不置换重心RF closes to LF without weight
右脚轻松地交叉于脚后RF crosses loosely behind LF
中央脚尖指向舞壁to centre LF pointing to wall
移动的垫步travelling Voltas to L
在侧行位置中脚向侧不置换重心LF to side without weight in PP
在侧行位置右脚交叉于脚后RF crosses behind LF in PP
在反身动作位置中脚前进、外侧舞伴在左侧LF forward in CBMP, OP on L side
基本basic reverse turn
外侧回旋步在转 1,2 步之后outside swivel after 1 and 2 of reverse turn
女士原地转沃达斯步Voltas spot turn to L for lady
将头部向turn one's head well to the L
交叉转left cross turn
侧位left-side position
侧位置的渐进步progressive walk forward in left side position
侧引导left-side leading
侧行步side step to left
变右足突击步Coup de Pique changing from LF to RF
右冲刺步La passe
右后退摇滚步backward rock RF and LF
、右摇转步RF & LF rock turn
右桑巴拂形步samba whisk to L and R
并步chasse to left (right)
恰恰追步左右左cha cha chasse to left LRL
拂形步left whisk
换右步过额转overturned change of place L to R
捷舞追步左右左jive chasse to left LRL
摇摆步rock on left foot
横侧步side step to left
绕转步reverse whip
肩引导left shoulder leading
脚交叉于右脚前LF crosses in front of RF
脚前进LF forward
脚前进交叉于反身动作及侧行位置中LF forward and across in PP and CBMP
脚前进左肩引导LF forward L side leading
脚后退LF back
脚向侧LF to side
脚向侧并稍向前LF to side and slightly forward
脚向侧结束时左脚后退LF to side ending with LF back
脚并右脚LF closes to RF
脚并右脚不置换重心LF closes to RF without weight
脚并换步左转步至右转步LF closed change reverse to natural
脚库卡洛恰斯步LF Cucarachas
脚斜进LF diagonally forward
脚斜进在侧行位置中以左侧引导LF diagonally forward, left side leading in PP
脚斜退LF diagonally back
脚松弛地交叉于右脚前LF crosses loosely in front of RF
脚离地release LF
膝向内紧曲left knee veering inwards
膝向内紧曲left knee veering inward
舞步reverse figure
足变化步LF variation
足预备步into LF
reverse turn
转基本动作reverse basic movement
转并步chasse reverse turn
转截步reverse Corte
转波浪步reverse wave
转颠跛追步tipple chasse to left
轴转步reverse pivot
陀螺转步reverse top
并步右左、右左右chasse LRL , RLR
并步转步chasse reverse turn
并脚双旋转步double reverse spin
并退转步fallaway reverse
并退转步及滑轴步fallaway reverse and slip pivot
延长转波纹步extended reverse wave
快分式quick open reverse
手接手至侧位hand to hand to left side position
换位步换右change of place left to right
换位步右换change of place right to left
施压于脚尖内缘pressure on IE of toe of LF
旋转锁步向turning lock to left
晃追步向tipple chasse to left
环绕沃达斯转步circular Voltas to L
由分式位置阿娜玛娜右转手中转步手握右手Alemana from OP with L to R hand
直角转步quarter turn to left
臂下转向和右underarm turn to L and R
行进侧步progressive side step reverse turn
蹒跚追步向tipsy to left
蹒跚追步向left tipsy
身体稍向倾斜keep body tilted slightly to L
身体稍向slight body turn to L
轻度侧引导slight L side lead
连续原地转沃达斯步垫步continuous Voltas spot turn to L R
醉步向tipsy to left
重心向前转移至transfer weight forward to LF
重心换到replace weight to LF
闭式右摇摆步close rocks on RF and LF