
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
上游upstream industry
不公开的closed shop
不开放closed shop
不惜spare neither labour nor money
不熟练unskilled labor
专管批准业项目秘书处secretarial of industrial approvals
专门委派的ad hoc assignment
世界知识产权组织发展业产权合作常设规划署WIPO Permanent Programme for Development Co-operation Related to Industrial Property
业务作量magnitude of the operation
中国化进出口公司China National Chemical Import and Export Corporation
中国轻业品进出口公司China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation
中国轻业对外经济技术合作公司China Light Industrial Corporation for Foreign Economic & Technical Co-operation
中型业银行medium industry bank
临时casual laborer
临时工资庠hire labor rate
临时雇extra hand
主动加贸易active improvement trade
主导prime mover industry
主管项目作人员projects staff
乡村农用rural agricultural industry
五金hardware & tools
交付instrument of payment
交易作底稿transaction work sheet
交易instrument of exchange
产业industrial union
合成工业synthetic industry
周转率期中离职工人人数对平均雇用人数的比率labor turnover
密集商品labour-intensive goods
小时法labour hour method
小时法labor hour method
小时率用于制造费用的分摊labor hour rate
岛港port island
恤养金workmen's compensation
成本labor costs
成本cost of labor
成本单labor cost sheet
打包费hand press-packing
紧压包hand press-packed bale
统制labor control
labor statement
费用labor costs
企业enterprise union
优先录用工会会员preferential union shop
优先preferential shop
优先录用工会会员的,优待会员企业preferential shop
传统艺品traditional art and craft
传统的合资企业式业合作traditional joint venture type of industrial co-operation
传统的民族手艺纺织品traditional folklore handicraft textile product
传统的联合企业式业合作traditional joint venture type of industrial co-operation
伦敦学会罢暴动民众骚动险条款Institute Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions Clauses
伦敦学会罢险条款Institute Strike Clause
住房建筑动housing start
假期薪vacation pay
suspend public business
knock off
成本shut-down cost
损失idle cost
损失保险use-and-occupancy insurance
费用shut-down expenses
slack off
减料scamp work
先驱pioneer industry
免税业区customs free industrial zone
全国商业主联盟national alliance of business men
全日作者full time workers
全日作职位full-time jobs
全美程师协会US Corps of Engineer
八小时作制eight-hour system of labour
公共public works
公共程与经济发展法案public works and economic development
公司company union
公营public industry
关于一个人可以允许的最大限度负重量的公约第 127 号1967 年Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker
关键key industries
具体specific job
再加成本cost of further processing
综合体military-industrial complex
军事业界集团military-industrial complex
联合企业agro-industrial complex
农业业综合体agro-industrial complex
农业加processed farm products
农产品加ventures in agroindustry
农基agro based industry
减少低资者和老年人的财产税措施circuit breaker
division of labor
分批制造通知单job order
分批加batch processing
分阶段业投资phasing of industrial investments
初创infant industry
初级primary industry
制造manufacturing process
制造业开rate of capacity utilization
制造业开率指数index number of capacity utilization
制造及厂设备manufacturing and factory equipment
前续upstream industry
交易processing deal
出口export processing
出口区manufacturing areas for export commodities
出口区Export Processing Zone
出口贸易improvement trade for export
zone for processing
finished factory
processed goods
商品processed commodities
定做"one ofiT" production
定货"one ofiT" production
平台processing platform
成本finished cost
成本conversion cost
标准processing criteria
农产品processing tax
能力process capability
贸易processing deal
贸易processing trade
贸易improvement trade
processing charges
进口贸易improvement trade for import
阶段process segment
鱼肉processed fish and meat
介绍所exchange ex. ;change
价值labor value
关系labor relations
协会labour associations
市场labor market
流动性mobility of labor
神圣sacred labor
組织labour organization
红利股票labour profit shares
输入国labor-importing countries
通货labor currency
workmen's compensation insurance
劳力密集的labor intensive industry
contract work
contract labor
contract for work
包料contract for labour and material
工头group piecework contractor
方式type of contract
包干lump work
化学业协会manufacturing chemists association
医药pharmaceutical industry
半熟练semi-skilled worker
卫生医疗建筑程造价指标cost guide for health building
危险作津贴danger money
反对会的基金yellow dog fund
发展中growth industry
业国的份额share of the industrial countries
各部门内部分intra-branch division of labor
合同contract labourer
合同contract labor
合同contract wages
同酬equal pay for equal work
同酬的权利right to equal pay for equal work
同业staple products guild
同业craft union
名义nominal wage
启钥turnkey industry
信用保证fidelity bond
weekly wage
商业加commercial processing
商办business industry
作时间外工作work overtime
厂交货at factory
在产人labor in process
在制人labor in process
在程jobs in process
地球资源艺卫星earth resources technology satellites
外向型业.export-oriented industry
外运加outward processing
夜间working night
大型major engineering works
奖励premium wages
woman labour
女雇hired girl
委托加manufacturing consignment
委托加processing deal
委托加外销processing deal for export
委托加贸易processing trade
安全和业标准safety and industrial standards
报单completion report
时间throughput time
程度法percentage-of-completion method
完成作所需人的条件job specifications
完成作所需人的条件job specification
完整作日clear days
实物wages in kind
实物payment in kind
实物资制truck system
实物代制交换; 货车,卡车,手推车truck
实行罢go on strike
实际real wage
实验pilot plant
审计师致证券包销商作完成通知书comfort letter
家庭household industry
封闭性只雇用某一工会会员的工厂closed shop
艺品fancy goods
小型住宅建筑程工程量计算规则code for the measurement of building in small dwellings
小型和微型mini and micro plant
尖端sophisticated industry
平均作周average workweek
平均货币average earnings
年保证guaranteed annual wage
广泛活动的业谈判磋商industry wide bargaining
应付wages payable
go into operation
不足working under capacity
不足operate under capacity
utilization of capacity
operating rate of capacity
rate of operation
capacity operating rate
开始come into go operation
开放open shop
引进成套厂设备或生产线用实物支付属抵偿贸易的一种supply of complete plants or production line with payment in resultant products
当地雇佣作人员local staff
德国业品标准规格 dip 行情下跌Deutsche Industrie Norman
lazy strike (sabotage)
slack off
Labor Slowdown
作时间net cycle time
总包lump work
总罢general strike
成套work package
成套的艺技术technology package
成套设备程交易协议engineering agreement
成组运输Unitization device
战略strategic industry
业品hand made goods
hand tool
分类法hand-sorting method
艺商业handwork commerce
打捞refloating operation
打杂女universal maid
deduct wages
扣发的garnished wages
作来给人做make work
留置权在建筑施工的工资和费用付清前的扣押权mechanics lien
技术人优先就业法mechanics lien laws
技术密集skill-intensive industries
抵达arrive at jobsite
指定的内地运输named inland carrier
厂交货条件销售sale ex-work
种组织的工会craft union
按件计价price work
按件计价的priced work
按晴天作日weather working day
按晴天作日计算,星期日及节假日除外weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
按物价调整资制sliding scale wage system
按生活费用自动调整cost-of-living escalator
按进出口时间计付资法portal-to-portal pay
捆包package engineering
损坏的spoiled work
推销员时报告salesman's time report
提供业资金industrial financing
搬运master porter
粗暴rough handling
支付means of payment
改进扩展improved extension
政府间作团inter-governmental group
整体作小组working group of the whole
新生infant industry
合同construction contracts
差价津贴construction differential subsidy
普通间接人general indirect labor
W.W.SHE晴天作日weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
晴天作日weather working days
暂时丧失作能力temporary disability
最低minimum wage
最低资制度minimum wage system
有形physical plant
有形厂成本physical plant cost
有组织的劳organized labor
未加商品non-processed commodities
未加的货物rough cargo (goods)
未取unclaimed wages
未经加的货物rough cargo
未领的unclaimed wages
机械engineering industry
机械业奖励法规machinery industry promotion law
机械machine tools
机械车间金工车间machine shop
来料加贸易trade of processing with customer’s materials
标准normal hours
标准资率standard wage rate
标准资率standard labor rate
标准人小时standard labor hour
标准人时数standard labor time
次要业部门fringe industries
欧洲作科学协会European Work Science Federation
正常normal wages
每小时资收入hourly earnings
每小时平均hourly earnings, average
每日每适合作舱口装卸……吨数tons per workable hatch per day
气候良好作日weather working days
水力程学hydraulic engineering
水电站和有关hydroelectric power facility and related works
水资源程学water-resources engineering
流动劳migrant labor system
海外作总署foreign operations administration
海外作总署foreign operation administration
海外程基金overseas project fund
海外程项目overseas project
海外加出口业off shore industry
港口劳法附加税surcharge according to port labor law
滑动sliding scales
滑动sliding scale wage system
灰市gray market
灰领维修工gray-collar worker
燃烧程公司combustion engineering inc.
特别业事务special industrial services
特别ad hoc task
现物payment in kind
理货作日报表daily report of work
生产production worker
生产人时数法productivity labor hours method
生产程师协会Institution of Production Engineers
生产productive wages
生产人productive labor
生产人direct labor
生产人成本法productive labor cost method
生产人时数法productive labor hours method
生活只够生活的最低工资living wages
男女人同工同酬的公约同酬公约Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value Equal Remuneration Convention
男雇hired man
白领white-collar worker
着重出口的export-oriented industry
码头人和港口工人法案longshore men and harbor workers act
码头longshore work
码头dock work
离国服务的作人员expatriate staff
空中磁质探测aero magnetic
简化国际贸易程序作队Working Party on Facilitation of International Trade Procedures
管理wage of management
poor workmanship
纳税后take-home pay
经济合作及开发组织的商业顾问委员会Business and industry advisory committee to the OECD
经营多种业公司multi-industry company
经营轻业品deal in light industrial products
缉私preventive service
罐头packing industry
strikes riots and civil commotios risks
津贴基金strike fund
暴动与内乱strikes, riots & civil commotions
、暴动及民变除外条款free from of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause
,暴动和内乱不赔条款FSR &CC clause free of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause
,暴动和民变strike, riot and civil commotion
、暴动和民变险risk of strikes, riots and civil commotions
、暴动和民变风险risk of strikes, riots and civil commotions
,暴动,民变不赔条款free of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause
调整strike adjustment
追加费用保险strike expenses insurance
附加费用保险strike expenses insurance
险条款strike risk clause
美国劳联合会AFL American Federation of Labour
美国劳联合会-产业工会联合会劳联-产联AFL CIO American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organization
美国商务部商防卫服务管理署business defense services administration
耗费资金的capital-intensive industry
代表shop deputy
代表shop chairman
伤害保险employer's liability insurance
住宅公司artisans dwelling’s company
保险基金employees' insurance fund
信用证书fidelity bonds
储金employee's savings funds
储金employee's savings fund
关系personal relations
恤养基金employees' pension fund
自付保险基金employees' insurance fund self donation
赔偿保险compensation insurance
职业trade union
联合程有限公司associated engineering limited
联合国业发展组织工发组织United Nations Industrial Development Organization
联合国业发展组织UN Industrial Development Organization
联合国发组织总信托基金UNIDO Central Trust Fund
肉乳meat and milk industry
舱内装卸hold man
船员资及伙食费给养crew's wages and maintenance
船运和海洋运费率作队Working Party on shipping and Ocean Freight Rates
虚耗人lost labor
血汗残酷受剥削的工厂sweat shop
补助人indirect labor
补给性feeder industry
表示抗议的罢protest strike
被动加贸易passive improvement trade
装货人loading hire
装配assembly industry
装配assembly shop (plant)
计人星期日.倒假日的晴天作日计入装卸时间weather working days, Sundays and holidays included
计件piece work wage
计件piece wages
计件piece rate wage
计时time wages
计时资率time wage rate
设计分design division
试验人experimental labor
贸易和支付问题作队Working Party on Trade and Payments
资助程项目financing of projects
资料密集information-intensive types of industries
资本密集capital-intensive industry
资本密集型的capital-intensive industry
资本罢capital strike
资本集约capital-intensive industry
车站搬运red cap
转移的人transferred labor
轮机marine engineering
业品light industrial products
较高级别的作人员higher-level staff
辟建业区industrial estate
边际生产率资理论marginal-productivity theory of wages
过境加贸易transit improvement trade
过时overtime pay
运抵arrive at jobsite
运载delivery vehicle
运输means of conveyance
运进加inward processing
适应化商品经营season in the chemical trade
逃亡runaway plant (shop)
逃亡run-away shop
道•琼斯公司的 30 种业股票的平均指数Dow Jones 30 industrial average
酿造brewery industry
采掘extractive industry
heavy industry
重复repetition work
英国《金融时报》业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
鉴定surveying work
blacksmith shop
长期承包long-term construction contracts
除去星期日,倒假日的晴天作人日不计入装卸时间weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
除去星期日、假日的晴天作日weather working day holiday and Sunday excepted
hired labourer (to hire labour)
contract labor
需要大量劳力的业产品labor intensive industrial product
非减让性资金流动问题特别作组Task Force on Non-Concession Flows
非海运水脚会会员运费单non-member rate
非生产人non-productive labor
非通货膨胀性资增长指标guidelines for noninflationary wage increases
面向出口的export-oriented industry
顾主提供的作与材料client furnished services &materials
预先招合同pre-hire contracts
驾驶marine engineering
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