
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
万能具显微镜universal tool microscope
三维3-D tool (用于准确限定工件形状的工夹具或型架)
三菱重业公司Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI, 日本)
三菱重公司Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (日本)
上海卫星程研究所Shanghai Institute of Spacecraft Engineering (中国)
作区dead band
作时间non-operative time
作条件no operation condition
作的not operational
专家系统建造expert system building tool
专用艺装备special tooling
专用艺装备special technological tooling
专用special tooling
专用加生产线dedicated manufacturing line
世界程训练仿真教育会议Inter-Industry/International Training Simulating Education Conference
东京业大学立方体工程试验卫星cubical tokyo tech engineering satellite (日本)
两个半轴加2 1/2 axis machining (常指数控机床沿 X、Y 轴连续加工,沿 Z 轴间歇加工)
中加middle finish machining
中国程院China Academy of Engineering
中国北方业集团公司China North Industries Group Corporation
中国南方业集团公司China South Industries Group Corporation
中国国防科学技术业委员会China National Defense Commission of Science,Technology and Industry (已撤销)
中国月球探测Chinese lunar exploration program
中国核业总公司China Nuclear Industry Corporation
中国核业集团公司China National Nuclear Corporation
中国航天业总公司China Astronautical Industry Corporation (已撤销)
中国航天程咨询中心China Aerospace Engineering Consultation Center
中国航天科集团公司China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation
中国船舶业集团公司China State Shipbuilding Corporation
中国船舶重集团公司China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation
中国长城业总公司China Great Wall Industry Corporation
中央科学仪器制造程设计和技术局TSPKTB NP (乌兹别克,俄文缩写英译)
中央运输建设程科学研究所TSNIITS (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
中间作组interim working party
作码primary work code
主动作台active console
主动作方式、有源模式active mode
主发动机作时间sustainer duration
主发动机作阶段sustainer propulsion period
主控程序master control program procedure
主级main stage operating condition
主要程测试项目major engineering test item
主要艺装备master tooling
乌拉尔电化学综合Ural Electrochemical Integrated Plant (俄罗斯)
伏龙芝兵设计局Arsenal Design Bureau named after M. V. Frunze (俄罗斯)
伪脱机线pseudo-offline working
伪装camouflage works
低损耗加low electrode wear machining
低温worst cold case
住友重业有限公司Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. (日本)
作战[operating altitude
时间time out
检修breakdown maintenance
先进程实验室Advanced Engineering Laboratory (澳大利亚)
先进低温火箭advanced cryogenic rocket engineering
光学照相仪器仪表程师协会Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
光学诸元作方式optical data operational mode
克拉斯诺亚尔斯克业学院KPI (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
法测图differential method of photogrammetric mapping
分布式作站环境distributed workstation environment
分析analysis tool
分析知识analysis knowledge engineering
分歧多manifold multiplexer
分离火separation ordnance device
分阶段程规划phased project planning
初始作能力initial operational capability
初始作能力initial operating capability
初步程项目工作分解结构preliminary project WBS
初步程项目简要工作分解结构preliminary project summary WBS
初步合同作分解结构preliminary contract WBS
初级preliminary stage operation condition
刨削加残余应力planing residual stress
制导guidance instruments
制导、导航和控制程师guidance, navigation & control systems engineer
制导系统仪器误差guidance system tool instrument error
制导系统具误差error due to guidance instrument
制导系统具误差分离isolation of guidance system tool error
制版mask-making technology
制造业部Department of Manufacturing Industry (澳大利亚)
制造流程manufacturing process
制造技术manufacturing technology (美国空军武器系统研究部用语)
制造艺分离面manufacturing break
制造方法与manufacturing method and technology
自动化chemical process automation
化学共沉淀chemical coprecipitation process
化学加chemical working
化学加chemical machining
化学黏合chemical bonding
北京卫星信息程学院Beijing Institute of Satellite Information Engineering
北京卫星环境程研究所Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering (中国)
北京宇航系统程研究所Beijing Institute of Astronautical System Engineering (中国)
北京控制程研究所Beijing Institute of Control Engineering (中国)
北京电子程总体研究所Beijing Electronic Institute (中国)
医学medical engineering
医学程学medical engineering
升降作梯elevating ladder
业化生产semicommercial production
半双half-duplex (双向数据通信的一种通信方式)
半双链路half-duplex link
运行simplex operation
通信single-simplex communication
单一作状态发动机single-regime engine
单故障作的single-fail operative
单模single mode operation
单载波single carrier operation
合同作分解结构contract work breakdown structure
合格性系统程组qualification systems-engineering group
后勤程分析logistics engineering analysis
商用作组Commercial Working Group (美国空间站商用项目评选工作组)
圭亚那固体推进剂Guiana solid-propellant plant (法文)
圭亚那固体推进剂Usine de Propergol de Guyane (法文)
地球观测国际协调作组Earth Observations International Coordination Working Group
地面实况作区ground survey area
备用加中心alternate work center
复合加combined machining
复合放电加combined EDM
复合材料加processing of composite materials
复合电火花加combined EDM
复合电解加combined electrochemical machining
复合超声加combined ultrasonic machining
复式人感力器duplicated artificial feel
外延epitaxy technique
作方式发射后免控multimode fire and forget
作方式雷达multimode radar
作站multiwork station
多回路加multi-lead machining
多媒体协同multimedia collaboration
多层multilayer technology
多电极加multi-electrode machining
多电极电解加multi-electrode electrochemical machining
多通道加multichannel machining
大不列颠国防厂协会Defence Manufacturers' Association of Great Britain
大型业结构装配industry large structures assembly
大型人神经网络large artificial nerve network (高速逻辑电路)
大型光学反射镜加large optics diamond turning machine
大型计算机large scale computer project
大学空间程联合会技术试验卫星UNIsec Technology Experiment Carrier (日本技术试验微小卫星)
大规模集成电流型逻辑电路艺'LSI-CML circuit technology
太空材料加materials processing in space
小型作站mini workstation
小片chip technology
嵌入式软件开发embedded software development tool
嵌入式软件测试embedded software testing tool
布雷德福德程有限公司Bradford Engineering BV (荷兰)
希腊航空航天Hellenic aerospace industries
常压碳化atmosphere pressure carbonization process
operating factor
引燃火igniting electric squib
引爆火detonating electric squib
弹头运载warhead carrier
弹道导弹运载ballistic-missile carrier
当地制造的locally manufactured tools
形变硬化同 strain hardening work package 程序work hardening
形式语言加程序formal language processor
作[运转total operating time
程师principal engineer
总体system engineering
总体程理事会Systems Engineering Directorate (美国兰利研究中心)
恒定作周期constant-duty cycle
成型管电解加shaped-tube electrolytic machining
成套维护service kit
成形modeling technology
成批加batch processing
战场人情报battlefield artificial intelligence
战场人智能battlefield artificial intelligence
战斗部运载warhead carrier
战略巡航导弹运载strategic cruise missile carrier
战略指挥程体系strategy command engineering system
凹焊resistance welding
凹焊push welding
增益控制manual gain control
成形hand forming
放样manual lofting
数据输入编程manual data input programming
数据输入装置manual data input device
manual welding
焊接hand soldering
装配成型manual assembly
指挥所command post engineering
损伤吸除damage gettering technology
换季climatization (装备的)
搜索回收作队search and recovery teams
改性加modification process
改进型一次性发射evolved expandable launch vehicle
改造reengineering effort
放电加electro-discharge working
放电加electrical-discharge machining
放电加electric spark machining
放电加electro-discharge working machine
故障时平均作时间average age at failure
故障注入fault injection tool
最低要求的作能另minimum required operational capabilities
最佳作温度optimum working temperature
最佳作点optimum operating point
最佳作电压optimum operating voltage
最佳作电流optimum operating current
最佳作频率optimum operating frequency
最后程验收试验final engineering acceptance test
最后加finish machining
最大作压力maximum working pressure
最大作状态maximum rating
最大作电压maximum working voltage
最大作范围距离maximum operating range
最大作马赫数maximum operating Mach number
最大作高度maximum working height
最大加深度maximum machining depth
最大加直径maximum machining diameter
最大加速度maximum material removal rate
最大加高度maximum machining height
最大可用作频率operational maximum usable frequency
最大推力作时间full-thrust duration
最大预期作压力maximum expected operating pressure
最终程项目工作分解结构final project WBS
最终程项目简要工作分解结构final project summary WBS
最终合同作分解结构final contract WBS
最长稳态作时间maximum steady state burn time
月球与程探测器selenological and engineering explorer (日本首个月球探测器,又称月亮女神)
月球探测计划lunar exploration program
月球探测lunar exploration engineering
月球探测程系统lunar exploration engineering system
有效作时间effective action time
有效作终点压强effective action time final pressure
有效作终点推力effective action time final thrust
有效具厚度active tool thickness
有效加时间available process time
有效载荷作条件保证设备payload accommodations equipment
有效载荷火品处理区payload ordnance processing area
有效载荷运载payload carrier
末级terminal stage operating condition
本征吸杂intrinsic gettering technology
机动气象卫星作站deployable weather satellite workstation
机器人作站robotic work station (国际空间站上的)
机器人程学robot engineering
机械连接mechanical joining technique
材料艺与检验规范material process and inspection specification
材料体积加速度material volumetric removal rate
材料加实验室materials processing laboratory
材料加平台material processing platform
材料加系统materials processing system
材料加装置materials process facility (美国航天飞机上的)
材料加速度material removal rate
材料加material removal
材料和艺过程materials and processes
材料科学和空间加material science/space processing
材料科学和空间加material sciences/space processing
材料空间加materials processing in space
材料质量加速度material mass removal rate
材料面积加速度material areal removal rate
标准作条件standard operating condition
标准作程序standard operating procedures
标号加程序label processor
程试验反应堆nuclear engineering test reactor
程试验设备nuclear engineering test facility
核心作环境core operating environment
核火箭nuclear rocket project
金属板的模压加power brake (美国用语)
模压加die pressing
模块式无容器加装置modular containerless processing facility (美国空间站上的)
横向分工程项目horizontal project
欧洲业空间研究集团European Industrial space Study Group
欧洲光电设备业协会European Photovoltaic Industry Association
欧洲国防业集团European Defence Industry Group
欧洲航天研究业集团European Industrial Space Study Group
欧洲赫尔墨斯航天飞机业集团Euro Hermes
正成形加normal sinking machining
气体扩散gaseous diffusion plant
气动分度作台air index table
氧化剂污水处理程车oxidant waste water treatment vehicle
水平测试作梯horizontal checking ladder
永备防御permanent defenses
流变加工艺流程schematic diagram of rheocasting
浅结shallow junction technology
浇铸casting process
浇铸casting building
测试试验作台test table
测量信息加measurement information processing
清洗作区clean work area
湖南航天业总公司Hunan Aerospace Corporation (中国)
爆破火blasting supplies
牛物技术业组织Biotechnology Industry Organization (美国生物技术贸易联合会)
理化加physical and chemical machining
生产艺装备production tooling
生化biochemical engineering
生命科学作组Life Science Working Group (欧洲空间局)
生态ecological engineering
生物程学系统bioengineering system
生物加biological processing
生物化学biochemical engineering
生物医学biomedical engineering
生物环境bioenvironmental engineering
用于地区威胁评估的简单simplified tool for assessment of regional threats (RAND theater-level campaign model, 兰德公司战区级战役模型)
用户作区user work area
用户作站user work station
用激光起爆的火laser initiated ordnance
申报艺规程一览表declared process list
仪表元件elements for electric instruments
电信telecommunication means
电信程师学会委员会Council Institute of Telecommunication Engineers
电加electro-discharge machining
电加设备electro-discharge machining plant
电化学加electrochemical working
电子业协会/国际电报电话咨询委员会Electronics Industries Association/International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
电子业部Ministry of Electronics Industry (苏联)
电子作台electronic workbench
电子程学electronic engineering
电子束仿形加electron beam profiling
电子束加electron beam working
电子束加electron-beam machining
电子束加electron beam machining
电子束微加electron beam microfabricator
电弧加electric-arc erosion
电极作表面active electrode surface
电气程指南electrical engineering instruction
电泳涂层electrophoresis coating
电火electric initiating explosive device
电火花刻蚀spark erosion
电火花仿铣加EDM milling
电火花加electrical-discharge machining
电火花加spark-erosion machining
电火花加electric spark machining
电火花加机床EDM machine
电火花展成加spark-erosion generating
电火花电解加electro-discharge electrochemical machining
电物理加electrophysical machining
电离聚合ionization-polymerization process (一种固化工艺)
电蚀加electro-erosive machining
电解具磨床electrochemical tool and cutter grinder
电解加electrochemical machine
电解放电加electro-chemical discharge machining
电解电火花加electro-chemical discharge machining
真空蒸发vacuum evaporation technology
研究程和测试research engineering and test
研究程师research engineer (苏联载人飞船上负责有效载荷的航天员)
研究与发展鉴定research and development engineering [evaluation]
研究发展程中心Research Development Engineering Center
研究、开发与程设计research, development and engineering
研究、开发、试验和research, development, test and engineering
研究未来的程师和技术专家project engineers & technologists for tomorrow
硅栅自对准silicon gate self-aligned technology
稳定作点stable operation point
稳态steady case
等平面isoplanar process
等离子加plasma working
等离子加plasma machining
等离子射流加plasma jet machining
等离子弧加plasma-arc machining
等离子弧加plasma arc machining
等离子旋转电极plasma rotating electrode processing
等离子流加plasma jet machining
索类火linear explosive (具有连续细长装药的索状火工品的总称)
累积作时间accumulated operating time
累积作时间accumulated duration
编织knit process
缠绕winding processing
缪空间程卫星Mu space engineering satellites (日本技术试验)
网络作组network work group
网络兼容性程师network compatibility engineer
网络模拟程师network simulations engineer
网络系统程师network system engineer
网络计算network computing industry
职业程师professional engineer
联合业公司joint industrial company
联合艺中心United Technology Center (美国联合工艺公司的)
联合诸元作方式joint data operational mode
联机保密具语言on-line cryptanalytic aid language
联邦科学与业研究组织Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO, 澳大利亚)
联邦科学与业研究组织地球观测中心CSIRO Earth Observation Center (EOC, 澳大利亚)
联邦科学与业研究组织通信与工业物理部CSIRO Telecommunications &Industrial Physics (澳大利亚)
联邦科学和业研究组织Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (澳大利亚)
聚合物薄膜加研究investigation into polymer membranes processing (美国航天飞机上的)
脉冲电解加pulse electrochemical machining
航天空间医学space medico-engineering
航天空间医学space medicine engineering
航天空间医学程设施'space medico-engineering facilities
航天空间space industry
航天空间业化space industrialization
航天业发展推动小组Committee for Aviation&Space Industry Development (CASID, 中国台湾)
航天空间业基地space industrial base
航天空间space project
航天space engineering
航天space flight project
航天空间space engineering
航天空间space program
航天astronautical engineering
航天程系统space engineering system
航天空间程系统space engineering system
航天空间材料加space material processing
航天空间系统飞行作状态评价inflight operational evaluation of a space system
航天医学space medico-engineering
航天医学space medicine engineering
航天医学程研究所Institute of space Medico-Engineering (中国)
航天医学程设施space medico-engineering facilities
航天员作能力astronaut work capacity
航天器运行环境spacecraft operation environment
航天器运行程序spacecraft operation program
航天器作性能鉴定Scope spacecraft operational performance evaluation
航天器spacecraft project
航天器spacecraft engineering
航天器制造spacecraft manufacturing engineering
航天器制造spacecraft manufacturing technology
航天器环境spacecraft environment engineering
航天型号软件space project software engineering
航天材料及艺研究所Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology (中国)
航天环境space environment engineering
航天系统space system engineering
航天系统space systems engineering
航天维修space tool
航空宇宙程测试机构aerospace engineering test establishment (canada, 加拿大)
航空海事程卫星aeronautical maritime engineering satellite
航空物理学和航空航天程研究报告aerophysics and aerospace engineering research report
航空航天aerospace industry
航空航天业分析员协会Aerospace Industry Analysts Association (美国)
航空航天业协会Aerospace Industries Association (美国)
航空航天业协会国际协调理事会International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Association
航空航天业协会国际协调理事会International Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Association
航空航天业工会联合会Union Syndicale des Industries Aeronautiques et Spatiales (法国,已改为 GIFAS,法文)
航空航天作环境模拟器aerospace business environment simulator
航空航天aerospace engineering
航空航天程局aeronautic and space engineering board (美国)
航空航天程师aerospace engineer
航空航天程师engineer in aeronautics and astronautics
航空航天程报告aerospace engineering report
航空航天程设施aerospace engineering facility
航空航天程试验研究所Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment
航空航天人机程学aerospace ergonomics
航空航天材料aerospace material technology
航空航天系统aerospace system engineering
航线宇宙程公司Routes AstroEngineering (加拿大)
舱外extravehicular operation
舱外作手套extravehicular gloves (航天员用的)
舱外活动具存储器EVA tool storage device
虚拟virtual engineering
蜂窝结构honeycomb structure manufacturing process
行为程学behavioral engineering
负极性加reversed polarity machining
质量程有效控制点quality engineering significant control points
质量控制管理quality control engineering
质量管理作程序quality control operating procedure
贵州航天业有限责任公司Guizhou Aerospace Industry Co., Ltd. (中国)
贸易和业部Department of Trade and Industry (英国常用 DTI 表示)
逆双电路inverse duplex circuit
透明作方式transparent operation mode (航天测控站的一种工作方式,只对射频信号作放大、变频和解调等处理,不对基带信息流作处理)
通信程标准communication engineering standards
通信与无线电程学院Institute of Communications and RadioFrequency Engineering (奥地利)
通信和广播程试验卫星communications and broadcasting engineering test satellite (日本通信试验卫星,发射后称为 Kakehashi 卫星)
通信设备业部Ministry of Communications Equipment Industry (苏联)
通用作环境common operating environment
通用common tools
通用多传输系统general purpose multiplex system
通用性作组Commonality Working Group
通用知识程语言general-purpose knowledge engineering language
通用维修作站generic maintenance workstation
逻辑图logic diagram engineering
阈值后作状态after-threshold behaviour
防护protective works
防静电作台anti-electrostatic working table
防静电作服anti-electrostatic clothing
阳极机械加anode-mechanical machining
阵地程验收'position engineering acceptance
阵地伪装position camouflage engineering
阿拉伯业化组织Arab Organization for Industrialization
阿波罗Apollo Program
陀螺平台累积作时间gyro platform accumulative working time
降级作状态degraded mode
需氧作能力aerobic work capacity
作时间unattended stand-by time
作贮备non-active redundancy
程系统仿真non-engineering system simulation
非电火non-electric initiating explosive device
非稳态unsteady operation
非邻接多non-contiguous multiplexer
非邻接输出多non-contiguous output multiplexer (卫星通信转发器中的一种复用器)
面向对象的软件object-oriented software engineering
齐洛杜制造Zerodur fabrication process
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