
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
三方协商促进实施国际劳标准公约Convention Concerning Triparties Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards
上下水管线的安装water supply and drainage pipes
下岗职基本生活费subsistence allowances for laid-off workers
不能胜任unqualified for one's work
专项作报告special work report
专题作报告work reports on special subjects from
专题作报告work reports on specific issues
个体商户individual businesses
中华人民共和国国防科学技术业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry For National Defence of the People's Republic of China
中华全国商联合会全国工商联All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
中华全国总All-China Federation of Trade Unions
中华全国新闻作者协会All-China Journalists' Association
中国程院Chinese Academy of Engineering
中国农民主党Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party
中国翻译作者协会Translators Association of China
中央台湾作委员会Taiwan Affairs Office, CCCPC
中央国家机关作委员会State Organs Work Committee of the CPC
中央直属机关作委员会Work Committee for Offices Directly under the CCCPC
中央经济作会议the Central Economic Work Conference
为全国人大代表作提供保障provide assurances to NPC deputies concerning their work
为加强人大监督作进行有益探索make valuable explorations of the way to strengthen the oversight work of people's congresses
为职for the workers
主体principal part of the project
主持常委会的direct the work of the Standing Committee
义务voluntary labor
义务compulsory labor
井下作业职miners working underground
产品质量监督supervision over product quality
培育artificial means
捕获caught by man
港口man-made ports
种草artificial sowing of variety of grass
障碍物体man-made obstacles
人大监督oversight of people's congresses
人大立法作的大事major legislative acts of the NPC
代表work related to deputies
代表作的形式与机制means and mechanisms for doing work related to deputies
代表职on behalf of the employee
代赈provide work as a form of relief
农联盟为基础based on the alliance of workers and peasants
以改革开放为动力推进各项make reform and opening up the driving force behind all our work
价格作人员personnel in charge of pricing
企业trade union in the enterprise
优异的作成绩make outstanding achievements in our work
低于当地最低资标准below the local minimum wage rate
供热、供冷系统heating and air-conditioning system
依法招用职hire workers in accordance with the law
保密secret-guarding work
保护业产权的巴黎公约1967年斯德哥尔摩修订文本Paris Convention for the Protection of industrial Property as Amended at Stockholm in 1967
保证立法作顺利进行ensure smooth progress in legislative work
信息网络information network project
信访work of addressing public complaints registered by means of letters and visits
信访handle of people's petitions delivered via letters and visits
做好人大作的根本保证fundamental guarantee for success in the work of people's congresses
做好人大监督effective oversight of people's congresses
减料cheat on work and materials
党和国家作的大局the overall work of the Party and the government
全体职all staff and workers
全国商联All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
全国人大常委会作委员会Working and Administrative Bodies of the Standing committee
全国人大常委会作的总体要求the general requirements for the work of the Standing Committee
全国人大常委会法制作委员会法工委the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the NPC
全国人大常委会预the Budget Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the NPC
全国人民代表大会常务委员会作报告report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国少年儿童作协调委员会National Children^ Work Coordination Committee
全国总All-China Federation of Trade Unions
全国教育nationwide educational work
全国草原监督管理supervision over the grassland nationwide
全民所有制业企业industrial enterprise owned by the whole people
公共交通public transportation
公用public utilities
公益事业程项目public welfare project
公路程技术标准technical standards for highway engineering
《关于进一步加强农村教育作的决定》Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education
关注"三农"concern about work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
兴建长江三峡the building of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River
兵役作业务professional work concerning military service
养护maintenance project
产品military industrial products
军用房屋建筑construction of buildings for military use
产品加the agricultural and sideline product processing industry
农业人的集会结社权公约Convention Concerning the Rights of Association and Combi nation of Agricultural Workers
农业技术推广work of agro-technical popularization
农村义务voluntary work in rural areas
农村扶贫开发efforts to alleviate rural poverty through development
农村每一代表所代表的人口数同镇或者企业事业组织职每一代表所代表的人口数之比the ratio between the number of people represented by a rural deputy and the number of people represented by a town deputy or a deputy of an enterprise or institution
农民rural migrant workers in cities
决定和批准任免一批国家机关作人员make decisions on and approve the appointment and removal of a number of employees in Chinese state organs
代表联系选民deputies have division of labour in their contacts with the voters
代表联系选民apportion among themselves the task of maintaining contact with their constituencies
负责division of responsibilities
负责divide their functions and each takes responsibility for its own work
创造性creative work
制定常委会立法和监督作计划plan legislation and oversight work of the Standing Committee
制定最低资确定办法公约Convention Concerning the Creation of Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery
贸易转型升级transform and upgrade the processing trade
加大"三农"农业、农村和农民作力度expand support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers
加强人大监督strengthen the oversight work of people's congresses
加强信访improve the handling of people's complaints made in letters or through visits
加强信访improve handling of people's petitions delivered via letters and visits
加强和改进人大监督strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC
加强政府立法strengthen government-sponsored legislation
加强法制strengthen the legal system (in)
加强节能intensify energy conservation work
加强节能环保increase energy conservation and environmental protection
动物防疫监督作人员supervisor of animal epidemic prevention
努力把各项作做得更好do even better in all our work
努力提高代表作质量strive to improve the quality of our work related to deputies
labor force
劳动积累labor for public accumulation fund
劳动积累accumulative labor
助学基金fund for work-study programs
医疗保健作规范rules and regulations for medical and health care services
医疗卫生medical and health care services
协助全国人大常委会assist the Standing Committee in (doing)
协助国家安全assistance in safeguarding state security
协助委员长assist the Chairmen in the work
协助本级人民政府推行help promote the work of the people's government at the corresponding level
协议资制agreed-upon salary system
协调立法作中的重大问题coordination in some important issues in legislative work
单位业增加值水耗water consumption per unit of industrial added value
original work
原材料加the raw material processing industry
县、乡人大换届选举elections of the new county and township people's congresses
参加join trade union
反垄断执法enforcement of the Anti-monopoly Law
反映代表和群众对本级人民政府作的建议、批评和意见convey the suggestions, criticisms and opinions of the deputies and the masses regarding the work of the people's government at the same level
司法作人员judicial officer
司法行政体制和作机制改革reform of the judicial administrative system and its working mechanisms
各方面作都取得新的进展make further advances in all fields of endeavor
各级trade unions at various levels
各项作取得新的成绩make new achievements in all its work
同酬的权利right of equal pay for equal work
同级trade union at the corresponding level
后续follow-up work
向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出对各方面作的建议、批评和意见communicate: to the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work
听取作报告listen to the work report
听取全国人民代表大会常务委员会作报告listen to the work report by the NPC Standing Committee
听取和审议作报告listen to and examine work reports
听取国务院作报告listen to the work report by the State Council
听取审议专项作报告the hearing and deliberation of work reports on special subjects
听取最高人民检察院作报告listen to the work report by the Supreme Peopled Procuratorate
听取最高人民法院作报告listen to the work report by the Supreme Peopled Court
听取职的意见和建议solicit the opinions and proposals of the employees
回顾过去一年常委会的in reviewing the work of the Standing Committee of the past year
作过失due to faults in one's work
因误减少的收入income lost by missing work
围海projects to enclose sea areas
围绕..... 开展监督focus oversight work on (doing smth)
围绕党和国家作的大局focus on the overall work of the Party and the government
围绕党和国家作的大局be closely related to the overall work of the Party and the government
围绕党和国家作的大局履行职责focus on the overall work of the Party and the government in carrying out our duties
土建civil engineering projects
程承包中in project contracting
在建的建筑project under construction
在海上作的儿童及未成年人的强制体格检查公约Convention Concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea
在编职permanent workers and staff
在节能管理作中in administration of energy conservation
地质作单位geological unit
地震seismic work
城镇职基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban working people
城镇职基本医疗保险制度the basic health insurance system for urban employees
增加作的透明度make the work more transparent
增强监督作的针对性make oversight work more focused
处理重要日常handle the important day-to-day work
处理重要日常execute the important day-to-day work
备案审查filing and inspection (of)
resume the original work
外交foreign relations work
外交China's diplomatic work
外交diplomatic work
大中型水利水电large and medium-sized water conservancy and hydroelectric projects
大型建筑large construction project
大规模的宣传活动large-scale publicity work
女职women staff and worker
安全作人员personnel in charge of safety work
完成一定作任务为期限expire upon completion of the given job
宗教作基本方针basic principle on work related to religions
实现业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化modernize the country's industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology
实际practical work
审判judicial work
审判administration of justice
审计作报告work report on auditing
审计作报告the auditing work report
审议作报告examine a work report
对各方面作的建议suggestion on any aspect of work
对各方面作的建议、批评和意见suggestions, criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work
对各方面作的建议、批评和意见proposals, criticisms or opinions concerning any sphere of work
小型房屋建筑small-sized building
屋面防水leak prevention of roof covering
业产品的安全、卫生要求safety and sanitary requirement of industrial product
业企业中实行每周休息公约Convention Concerning the Application of the Weekly Resting Industrial Undertakings
业企业厂界环境噪声environmental noise within the boundary of an industrial enterprise
业垃圾industrial wastes
业总体规模the overall scale of China's industry
人阶级the working class
会委员会trade union committee
会法the Trade Union Law
会活动trade union activity
work-related injury
伤保险insurance against injury at work
伤医疗费medical expenses for job-related injury
伤社会保险employment injury insurances
作交接transfer of work
作交接handover of the work-related matters
作单位和住所unit and domicile
作和执业work and practise
作委员会working commission
作委员会a working commission
作态度attitude towards work
作机制working mechanism
作机构working bodies
作秩序working order
作证件work certificate
作责任制system of responsibility for work
作责任制the system of responsibility for work
商联federations of industry and commerce
商行政管理机关industry and commerce administration authority
商行政管理部门administration for industry and commerce
时制度working hour system
本费fee for the cost
程技术人员engineering technician
程救险车engineering rescue vehicle
程测量engineering surveying
程的安全性能safety performance of the project
程监理人员project supervising personnel
程监理单位construction supervising unit
程质量quality of a project
程质量quality of the construction
程质量验收情况result of a quality assessment of the project
程造价cost of the project
艺美术品handicraft articles
读学校work-study school
资分配方式form of wage distribution
资制度salary system
资差距wage gap
资差距difference in salary
资形式forms of wage
资指导价位guidance rates of wages
资标准wage rates
资水平salary standards
资水平level of wages
资生活待遇salaries and benefits
资调整机制wage adjustment mechanism
资调査salary survey
带离运输discharge from the means of transport
常务委员会作机构the working offices of the Standing Committee
常务委员会的立法作机构the Standing Committee's legislative bodies
平均资水平average wage level
广泛宣传人大widely publicize the work of the NPC
延长劳动者的作时间extend working hours of laborers
开创人大作新局面bring about a new phase in the work of people's congresses
当地最低资标准local standard on minimum wage
当地月最低资标准standard local monthly wage rate
扎实work effectively
扎实do a solid job
执行作任务execution of one's work duty
执行最低资标准compliance with the minimum wage standards
扰乱人民法院作秩序disturb the working order of a people's court
扶贫开发poverty alleviation through development work
扶贫开发help-the-poor work
扶贫开发help-the-poor drive
扶贫开发reduce rural poverty through development
扶贫开发alleviate rural poverty through development
承揽contract projects
技术technical work
抓紧.....lose no time in doing
抓紧... move quickly to (do)
抓紧... attend to one's job in earnest
抓紧... lose no time in doing
抓紧.....attend to one's job in earnest
抓紧加强.... 作,加大力度step up efforts to do
抓紧……工作concentrate on strengthening
抓紧……工作lose no time in doing
抓紧……工作move quickly to (do)
抓紧……工作step up efforts to do
抓紧……工作attend to one's job in earnest
抓紧……工作intensify efforts to
报告report on the work
报告常委会present the report on the Standing Committee's work
报告节能report the work concerning energy conservation
拖欠教师default on paying teachers' salaries
招标projects subject to bidding
指导和协调各专门委员会的日常direct and coordinate the day-to-day work of the special committees
按期开start construction on schedule
按照十届全国人大五次会议对经济财政作提出的各项要求meet all the requirements for economic and financial work set out at the Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC
按照围绕中心、突出重点、讲求实效的监督作思路follow an approach to oversight work that requires concentrating on the core tasks, identifying priorities and striving for substantive results
按照我国外交作的基本方针和总体部署in accordance with the basic principles and overall arrangements for China's foreign relations work
按照职责分according to one 's functions and duties
挪用职教育经费misappropriate funds for workers' education
振兴东北地区等老业基地revitalize old industrial bases such as northeast China
振兴东北地区等老业基地rejuvenate northeast China and other old industrial bases
推动人大各项作取得新的进展make continued progress in the work of the NPC
推进carry forward the project
推进扩大试点proceed with the expansion of trials (to)
提出作报告present a work report
提出对各方面作的建议和意见offer suggestions and comments on all work
提出对各方面作的建议和意见make suggestions and comments on all work
提取加场所premise for extracting
提取职教育经费allocate funds for the workers' education
提高政府作的透明度和人民群众的参与度increase transparency and public participation in government affairs
提高职福利improve workers and administrative staffs welfare
支付pay wages
支持审计机关依法开展审计support the auditing authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law
改善职生活improve workers and administrative staff's living standards
改进执法improve law enforcement
政府作报告the government's work report
政府作报告report on the work of the government
政府作的着力点the government's priorities
政府立法government-sponsored legislation
政府立法作质量quality of government legislation
教师的平均资水平teachers' average salary
教职代表大会congress of teachers, staff members and workers
教育作者educational worker
in the course of construction
construction party
图纸working drawing
技术标准construction technical standard
现场construction sites
现场安全safety at construction site
过程course of construction operation
验收规范criteria for construction project inspection and acceptance
日常routine duties
日常day-to-day work
日平均average daily pay
be absent from work without leave
明确分,落实责任set out the division of labor and responsibility for implementation
是我们全部作的重中之重be a top priority in all our work
最低资保障制度system of guaranteed minimum wages
最低资制度a minimum wage system
最低资标准minimum wage standard
最高人民检察院的专题作报告work reports on special subjects from the Supreme People's Procuratorate
最高人民检察院的专题作报告work reports on specific issues made by the Supreme Peopled Procuratorate
最高人民法院的专题作报告work reports on special subjects from the Supreme Peopled Court
最高人民法院的专题作报告work reports on specific issues made by the Supreme Peopled Court
monthly salary
月平均average monthly salary
有益于人民的创造性creative endeavours conducive to the interests of the people
未成年juvenile worker
本国人与外国工人关于事故赔偿的同等待遇公约Convention Concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
本职respective work
机关会.theTrade Union of the Organizations
机构及其作人员authorities and their staff members
架空施overhead operation
核事故应急emergency caused by nuclear accident
核验施许可证verification of the working license
2007 根据中央对 2007 年作的总体部署in light of the overall arrangements of the central authorities for our work in
档案archival work
检查scrutinize work
检査运输examine the means of transport
正确处理加强人大监督作和坚持党的领导的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with the leadership of the Party
正确处理加强人大监督作和支持"一府两院"依法开展工作的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law
殴打司法作人员beat a judicial officer
母婴保健work of maternal and infant health care
民政civil affairs
民生work related to people's well-being
河道river course project
法制legislative work
法制作委员会the Legislative Affairs Commission
法制作委员会the Legislative Affairs Committee
法制作委员会the Commission of Legislative Affairs
法律服务和法律援助provide legal services and assistance to the public
测绘surveying and mapping work
涉及政府机关及其作人员的大案要案major cases involving government offices and their employees
清洁clean technique
清洁生产促进promote cleaner production
清理新开项目review newly launched projects
煤炭洗选加coal washing and processing
煤矿企业职employees of coal mining enterprises
特殊special types of work
独立function independently
生态ecological projects
单位receiving unit
单位所在地place where the receiving unit is located
比例proportion of employees
男女同同酬equal pay for equal work to men and women
畜禽良种fine livestock and poultry breed project
监察、审计监督oversight in the form of supervision and auditing
监狱work of prisons
监督作年度计划the annual plan for oversight work
监督作的突出特点prominent features in oversight work
相关作文件.work-related documents
确定允许儿童在海上作的最低年龄公约Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Employment at Sea
确定准许使用儿童于业工作的最低年龄公约Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Industrial Employment
确定准许使用未成年人为扒炭或司炉工的最低年龄公约Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or Stokers
示范demonstration engineering
禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童劳动公约Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention
禁毒fight against narcotic drugs
科学技术作者scientific and technological personnel
积极做好... work diligently on
积极做好财税立法work diligently on financial and tax legislation
积极探索加强和改进人大监督actively explore ways to strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC
积极稳妥推进actively yet prudently proceed with work (of)
立法legislative work
立法作中必须把握好的重大原则the major principles that must be observed in the formulation work
立法和监督legislative and oversight work
立法和监督等领域的作交流exchanges in the areas of legislation and oversight
验收acceptance test
验收acceptance upon completion
符合人大作实际be in line with the actual work situation of people's congresses
管理测绘作的部门department of surveying and mapping administration
管理经济等行政conduct administrative work concerning the economy
管理节能作的部门department in charge of energy conservation
紧紧围绕党和国家作的大局closely centered around the overall work of the Party and the government
紧紧围绕党和国家作的大局认真履行职责in diligently carrying out its duties closely centered around the overall work of the Party and the government
红十字会作人员staff of the Red Cross Society
约定wage agreed upon
组织organize a trade union
组织和作程序organization and working procedures
组织和参加会的权利和自由right and freedom to form and join trade union
终止用terminate the employment
经济economic affairs
结合常委会作的专题讲座lectures on special topics related to the work of the Standing Committee
统一领导各部和各委员会的exercise unified leadership over the work of the ministries and commissions
网络network project
的权利和自由right and freedom to strike
美中作小组众议院US-China Working Group
代表employees' representative
代表大会workers' conference
代表大会congress of workers and staff
代表大会congresses of workers and staff
住宅分配方案program for the allocation of the staff and workers' housing
大会meeting of the company's employees
技能培训train in skills among workers
生活福利well-being and benefits of the staff and workers
职业和occupation and work
职责分division of responsibility
联合国业发展组织章程Constitution of the United Nations industrial Development organization
肉类联合加joint meat processing factory
自用之日起from the date when the employment begins
致使作不能正常进行make it impossible for work to go on normally
船舶装卸人伤害防护公约Convention Concerning the Protection Against Accidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships
节能energy conservation project
落后backward techniques
落后生产outdated production techniques
行政administrative work
行政机关及其作人员administrative organs and the functionary
装修decoration project
规模以上业企业large industrial enterprises
规范预算编制standardize budget compilation work
视察scrutinize work
计件work on the basis of piecework
计量metrological work
认真总结立法作经验a careful review of the legislative work (of)
证件本费cost of the card
试点a pilot project
试点work in the trial of (doing)
补贴subsidize for the loss of work time
补贴subsidies for work delayed
调整作岗位assign to another post
调整和优化政府组织结构与职责分adjust and optimize government structure and the division of responsibility
负责并报告be responsible and report on the work
货币信贷monetary and credit tools
货币政策monetary policy instrument
贯穿于立法作的始终be taken into consideration during the entire legislation process
制度走向成熟、规范的标志性landmarks featuring the gradual maturity and standardization of (a system)
走新型业化道路take a new road to industrialization
转包project due to subcontracting
辞退职dismiss the staff members and workers
过去一年的主要main accomplishments of last year
运输具航程保险合同voyage insurance contract for a means of transport
进出境动植物检疫entry and exit animal and plant quarantine
进出境运输inward and outward means of transport
进城务人员migrant workers in the city
连续work continuously
连续用continued employment
连续用期限continuous period of employment
道路交通road traffic work
道路交通安全work for road traffic safety
重大程建设the construction of major projects
重大建设major construction projects
重点抓好以下focus on performing the following tasks well
重点节能程的实施construction of key energy conservation project
重要建设important development project
重要日常important day-to-day work
长江三峡the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River
防水leak prevention
防汛抗洪flood control and flood fighting work
防洪flood control work
非全日制用part-time employment
非全日制用双方当事人two parties to part-time employment
非因负伤for injury incurred when not at work
预算作委员会the Budgetary Affairs Commission
预算作委员会the Budget Affairs Commission
预算作委员会the Budget Committee
预算监督作机构budgetary supervision body
驻外使领馆作人员embassy and consulate personnel working overseas
驻港澳地区内派作人员personnel assigned to work in Hong Kong and Macao
高度重视此项立法attach great importance to the enactment of the law
高度重视此项立法attach great importance to formulating this legislation
高度重视……的立法工作place great importance on formulating and passing a law on (smth)
高度重视监督法的制定pay close attention to the formulation of the Law on Oversight
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