
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 工间 | all forms | in specified order only
不工作时间outage time
中间〔试验〕 工厂研究pilot plant work
中间包工作容量working capacity of tundish
中间包工作深度operating depth of tundish
中间包工作衬working lining of tundish
中间包工作衬tundish working lining
中间工厂试验pilot trial
中间工厂试验pilot-plant test
中间工厂试验炉pilot furnace
中间工厂试验研究pilot-plant investigation
中间工厂试验装置pilot-plant facilities
中间工序拉intermediate drawing die
中间试验工厂semiwork-scale plant
中间试验工厂pilot plant
工间artificial discontinuity
人工操作时间handing time
人工进给燃弧时间manual flashing time
停工停机时间idle time
停工【停机】期间idle period
停工时间lie time
内部工作空间高度internal height (转炉的)
再加工车间reprocessing plant
大量生产的铸工车间production foundry
工作时间running time
工作时间working period
工作时间working time
工作时间working hours
工作时间表work schedule
工作空间work space
工作空间furnace proper
工序间备用料interprocess inventory
工序间备用料in-process inventory
工序间退火inter-process annealing
工艺时间process time
工间休息lie time
您如何看待钢铁联合工厂和小钢厂之间的关系?How do you view the relationship between integrated mill and mini mill?
手工焊闪光时间manual flashing time
手工自由锻工作间smith's shop
机工车间machine shop
机架间人工递钢manual catching (不用围盘)
机架间的人工递钢interstand manual catching
机械加工车间engineering shop
材料空间加工material processing in space
炼钢车间工长melter foreman
补焊工作间job welding shop
车工车间turning shop
车间工长shop foreman
轧辊车削加工间roll shop building
轧辊车削加工车间roll-turning shop
转炉工作空间working space of converter
转炉工作空间vessel working space
辅助工作时间handing time
金工车间machine shop
钳工车间locksmith's shop
机器制造厂内的铸工车间captive foundry
铸工车间captive foundry
锻工车间blacksmith shop
锻工车间blacksmith house
间接工商业营业indirect business tax
间歇工作intermittent duty
间隔施工alternate bay construction
阴极工作时间age of cathodes