
Terms for subject Economy containing 工间 | all forms
人工时间差异labour time variance
他们不是全日制工作就是部分时间工作They are either in fulltime or in part-time employment
他们应提供生产该物品足够用的空间、工具、设备和劳力They should furnish space, tools, equipment and labour force enough for its production
他们认为,损坏的原因是由于工具与箱子内壁之间没有足够的空隙They ascertained that the damage was due to the fact that there was no enough clearance between the tools and the inside of the case
他对改进管理层和工人间的关系提出了一些建设性的建议He made some constructive suggestions for improving management-worker relations
以小时记的连续工作时间running hours
停工时间shutdown period
停工时间the stoppage time
停工时间standby time
停工时间lost time
停工时间idle hours
停工时间伤害事故频率lost-time injury frequency
停工时间开支idle time expense
停工时间成本idle time cost
停工时间补充工资idle time supplementary rate
公司准许所有的工作人员在圣诞节期间休假三天The company allows all the workers to take three days' holiday at Christmas
内部加工车间closed job shop
加工车间a processing workshop
厂商之间的工资差异interfirm wage differences
可用工作时间available labour time
名义上的工作时间nominal hours
商店工作时间调整法Shops Act
在双方签署协议起3天内罢工者现在占据的全部车间必须撤空All workshops now occupied by strikers should be evacuated within three days upon agreement being signed by both parties
多样的按时间计算工资制multiple time rate system
多样的时间工资计划multiple time rate plan
多科性机构间工作团multidisciplinary interagency mission
多科性机构间工作团multidisciplinary inter-agency mission
实际工作时间actual hours
工业内部间的协作inter-industrial co-operations
工业界和研究中心间的相互关系interfaces between the industrial community and the research centers
工业部门间竞争interindustry competition
工业间关联分析投入-产出法interindustry relations analysis
工业间谍industrial spy
工作前序期间process period
工作时间work schedule
工作时间折旧法working hour method of depreciation
工作时间日报表job time report
工作时间法折旧depreciation by working hours method
工作时间记录簿time book
工作时间逐渐减少the gradual reduction of work time
工作最忙时间peak load period
工农业之间的工资差别disparity between wages paid in agriculture and industry
工厂间接材料账户indirect factory materials a/c
工厂间接费factory overhead
工厂间接费成本factory burden cost
工厂间接费用分摊率factory overhead rate
工厂间接费账户factory expense a/c
工厂间接费账户factory burden a/c
工场车间间的搬运费intershop trucking expense
工场间的搬运费intershop trucking expense
工班时间gang hour
工程时间日报表job time report
已分摊工厂间接费用applied factory overhead cost
平均工作时间average task time
延长工人的劳动时间以获得高额利润secure a good profit by means of prolonging the working hours of the employees
弹性工作时间flexible hours
我们给仓库增添了 10名部分时间工作制人手We supplemented the warehouse staff with 10 part-timers
我们需要相当的时间来完成分配的工作We shall spend quite a bit of time to perform the allocated work
技术人员应集中其全部时间与精力致力实验工作The technicians shall devote all of their time and attention to the experimental work
按工作时间法折旧the depreciation by working hours method
按进出门时间计付工资法the portal-to-~ pay
按进出门时间计付工资法portal-to-portal pay
施工单位的间接费用和利润contractors’ overhead and profit
施工期间period of construction
无故障工作时间time between failure
普通间接工资general indirect labour
欢迎你们直接或间接地参加我们的研究工作You are welcome to directly or indirectly take part in our research work
正常工作时间straight time
正规的工作时间straight time
由于外部原因造成的停工时间external idle time
由于技术原因造成的停工时间standby unattended time
窝工时间bad time
累计工作时间accumulated operational time
罢工期间工资strike pay
职业间的工资差异occupational wage difference
该银行的工作时间是从上午8:30至下午5:00The bank operates from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
资方在工会之间的谈判长达7小时,因未达成协议而中断The negotiations between the management and the union broke down after 7 hours
车间主任应在新雇用的年轻工人中实施严格的纪律,维持良好的秩序The workshop director should enforce strict discipline and good order among the newly employed youngsters
车间的工会代表a shop steward
部门间分工inter-sectoral division to labor
部门间接人工及费用department indirect labor and expenses
长时间的工作long run
间接工资indirect wage
间接工资indirect charges
预计竣工时间estimated time of completion
预计竣工时间estimated completion time