
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 工程 | all forms | in specified order only
下部结构工程substructure works
不合格工程faulty work
中国公路桥梁工程公司China Road and Bridge Engineering Company
中国土木工程学会China Society of Civil Engineering
中国土木工程期刊Chinese Journal of Civil Engineering
中国铁道工程学会China Railway Engineering Society
临时工程temporary project
临时工程temporary works
临时工程temporary engineering
主体工程subject construction
主体结构工程skeleton works
主要工程数量main quantities of works
主要工程数量quantities of main works
主要工程数量表main-quantity table of works
主要工程数量表quantity-table of main works
交通工程traffic engineering
优质工程high quality engineering
修复工程repair works
全优工程all-excellent project
公路工程highway engineering
公路工程技术标准technical standard of highway engineering
公路桥涵施工技术规程specifications for construction of highway bridges and culverts
关键工程key point in construction
军事工程military engineering
军事工程military engineer
农田水利工程agricultural engineering
准备工程preparatory works
分水工程diversion work
分流工程flow separation works
分部工程partial works of an unit project
分项工程construction operation works
分项工程construction operation work
副总工程assistant engineer in chief
副总工程vice chief engineer
加固工程strengthening works
加固工程strengthening engineering
单位工程概算approximate estimate of a unit project
发包工程contract work
合格工程qualified project
吊装工程erection work
国际土力学和基础工程学会International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
土和岩石的工程分类engineering classification of soil and rock
土方工程volume of earthwork
土木工程civil engineering works
土木工程学会civil engineering society
土木工程学会Institution of Civil Engineering
土木工程期刊Journal of Civil Engineering
土木工程Department of Civil Engineering
土木工程问题problem in civil engineering
土木工程问题civil engineering problem
土木建筑工程civil engineering and building construction
地下工程underground engineering
地下工程underground works
地震工程earthquake engineering
地震工程earthquake engineering
地震工程seismological engineering
城市排水工程municipal sewerage
基建工程capital works
大型工程big-scale works
大桥工程Major Bridge Engineering Bureau
大量土方工程heavy earthwork
安装工程erection engineering
安装工程installation engineering
导流工程training works
岩土工程勘察geotechnical investigation
岩土工程geotechnical engineering
工作程序working procedure
工地工程resident engineer
工程事务所construction work office
工程任务单construction work sheet
工程决算final cost of engineering
工程列车work train
工程判断engineering judgment
工程勘察field survey for construction
工程变动费variable expense of engineering
工程可靠性与质量控制engineering reliability and quality control
工程合同contract of construction works
工程名称name of project
工程咨询公司corporation for engineering consultation
工程咨询服务engineering consultation service
工程图纸变更engineering drawing change
工程图纸清单engineering drawing list
工程地质engineering geology
工程地质勘探engineering geological prospecting
工程地质图engineering geological map
工程地质条件engineering geologic condition
工程地质测绘engineering geological survey
工程地质测绘engineering geology surveying
工程地质试验engineering geological test
工程地震学engineering seismology
工程engineering department
工程学院engineering college
工程完成量amount of done work
工程定额norm of construction project
工程实施计划execution plan
工程实践engineering practice
工程construction division
工程engineering bureau
工程师协会Institution of Engineers
工程常用单位common engineering unit system
工程常用单位common engineering units
工程常用计量单位common engineering unit
工程成本cost of a project
工程手册project manual
工程承包人construction contractor
工程承包公司corporation for contracting project
工程承包合同engineering contract
工程技术人员engineers and technicians
工程技术人员technical clerk
工程技术人员engineering technical personnel
工程技术勘察technical survey for construction
工程技术设计规范engineering technical design specifications
工程投资engineering investment
工程抢修salvage of engineering
工程数学engineering mathematics
工程数量汇总表collecting quantity table
工程数量表bill of quantities
工程数量表schedule of quantities
工程数量表quantity table
工程新闻公式Engineering News Record Formula
工程新闻公式Engineering News Formula
工程新闻打桩公式Engineering News pile driving formula
工程施工project construction
工程暂停suspension of works
工程机械使用费service expense for engineering machine
工程材料construction material
工程材料费material expense of engineering
工程检查engineering supervision
工程概算工程预算estimate of project
工程概算工程预算project estimation
工程测量学engineering surveying
工程现场working site
工程用土soil for engineering
工程监理supervision of engineering
工程监理engineering supervision
工程直接费direct expense of engineering
工程研究engineering research
工程division of construction
工程construction section
工程空气动力学engineering aerodynamics
工程竣工completion of construction
工程竣工报告work completion report
工程竣工验收check and accept of the completed project
工程结构荷载engineering structural load
工程规划project planning
工程规范engineering specifications
工程计划engineering plan
工程计划审查project appraisal
工程记录work record
工程设计修改engineering design modification
工程设计变更engineering design change
工程设计审查engineering design review
工程设计建议engineering design proposal
工程评价engineering evaluation
工程试验室engineering laboratory
工程详细时间表engineering detail schedule
工程说明书description of works
工程负责人project director
工程质量低劣poor workmanship
工程质量管理project supervision
工程cost of construction
工程construction expenses
工程construction cost
工程费用construction cost
工程费用engineering cost
工程费用works expenses
工程进度progress of works
工程进度表timework progress chart
工程进度表work schedule
工程造价construction price
工程造价cost of building
工程engineering quantities
工程间接费indirect expense of engineering
工程construction brigade
工程engineering brigade
工程项目item of working
工程项目project item
工程项目working item
工程项目明细表details of working items
工程项目概算approximate estimate of construction project
工程验收acceptance of project
工艺流程图technological flow cheet
已完工程completed construction
市政工程municipal civil engineering
市政工程公司municipal engineering company
市政工程Municipal Works Bureau
市政工程Department of Public Works
市政工程Bureau of Public Works
常用工程计量单位common engineering units
建筑工程列车construction train
建筑安装工程construction and installation engineering
建筑安装工程monetary sum of construction and installation engineering
建筑安装工程quantity of construction and installation engineering
开挖工程excavating engineering
引水工程diversion works
工程master engineer
工程师室chief engineer's office
打桩工程piling works
承包工程协议书contract agreement
承包桥梁工程contract to build a bridge
抛石工程riprap works
抢险工程emergency work
护坡工程pitching works
护岸工程revetment works
护岸工程bank protection works
抹灰工程rendering work
拦水工程retaining work
持照工程licensed engineer
挖方工程excavating works
挖方工程cutting works
挖方工程excavation works
排水工程drainage engineering
支挡工程bulkhead engineering
收尾工程winding up
改建工程reconstructed project
改河工程diversion of river
改造工程modification work
改造工程alteration work
教授级高级工程professorship engineer
教授级高级工程professor senior engineer
教授级高级工程professorial senior engineer
教授级高级工程professorship senior engineer
整治工程regulating engineering
新建工程new built engineering
工程execution programme of works
工程construction program
施工工程construction works
施工工程construction-works bureau
施工工程construction division
施工工程construction-works authority
施工公程公司construction corporation
施工及验收规程regulations for construction and acceptance
施工安装工程计划plan of installation engineering of construction
施工安装工程计划plan of construction and installation engineering
最终工程报告final engineering report
未完工程unfinished engineering
未完工程incompleted works
架桥工程bridge erection works
桥梁工程bridge engineer
桥梁工程常用专门名词common terminology for bridge engineering
桥梁工程department of bridge engineering
桥梁设计工程bridge design engineer
桥梁防护工程protection works for bridge
模板工程form work
水利工程water conservancy works
水利工程irrigation works
水利工程water conservancy engineering
水力工程water power engineering
水力工程hydraulic works
水土保持工程conservancy engineering for water and earth
永久工程permanent project
永久性工程permanent works
永久性工程permanent project
河床铺面工程river-bed covering work
河流导流工程river training works
河道整治工程规划river regulation planning
河道疏浚工程channel dredging
海上工程off-shore engineering
海岸防护工程coastal engineering
海岸防护工程coast protection works
渠化工程canalization project
疏竣工程dredging engineering
监理工程supervising engineer
石笼工程gabion works
立体交叉工程grade separation project
管理工程administration engineer
管理工程authority engineer
管道工程pipe work
结构工程structural engineering
结构工程structural engineer
结构工程期刊Journal of Structural Engineering
航道工程channel works
航道工程waterway engineering
落水工程falling works
蓄洪工程flood storage project
装饰工程decorative works
运输工程transportation engineering
追加工程additional works
道路工程roadway engineering
道路工程road engineering
道路工程road work
重建工程reconstruction work
钢桩插入工程steel pile inserting works
钢筋工程reinforcement work
钻孔桩施工试行规程tentative specifications for construction of drilled pile
铁路工程railway works
铁路工程railway engineering
铁路工程技术标准technical standards for railway engineering
铁路桥梁工程railway bridge engineering
铁道工程railway engineering
铺砌防护工程paving protection engineering
间接工程indirect construction cost
防水工程waterproofing work
防洪工程flood prevention works
附属工程additional works
顾问工程consulting engineer
顾问工程consultant engineer
预计工程estimated amount of works
驻工地工程resident engineer
高级桥梁工程senior bridge engineer