
Terms for subject Ecology containing 工程 | all forms | in specified order only
下水道工程sewerage engineering
东线工程water transfer project of east route
中国跨世纪绿色工程规划China Trans-Century Green Project Plan
中国长江三峡工程开发总公司China Three Gorges Project Corporation
井点工程well point works
人工生态工程artificial ecological engineering
人工生态工程artificial ecology project
保安工程safety engineering
农村沟渠工程rural sewerage
出口工程outlet work
分水工程separation works
包工工程force account work
南水北调工程south-to-north water diversion project
卫生工程sanitary engineering
可拓工程extension engineering
国家天然林资源保护工程National Natural Forest Conservation Program
国际噪声控制工程学会International Institute of Noise Control Engineering
土地利用工程land use engineering
土壤生物工程soil bioengineering
地下工程subterranean works
坡面生态工程slope eco engineering
城市沟渠工程municipal sewerage
基因工程细胞genetically engineered cell
堤防工程dike project
堤防工程embankment project
堤防工程levee construction
大型工程large scale project
大气污染防治工程air pollution control engineering
室内装管工程building plumbing
家庭下水道工程domestic sewerage
工业排水工程industrial sewerage
工作规程code of practice
PEEN 工程physical ecological engineering
工程任务分配engineering task assignment
工程增沙sediment yield from construction
工程应用engineering application
工程技术资料或数据engineering data
工程控制措施mechanical control measure
工程措施engineering measurement
工程措施engineer measure
工程方法engineering approach
工程监察engineering supervision
工程经济分析cost-efficiency analysis
工程经济分析cost-effectiveness analysis
工程engineered bacterium
工程边坡engineering slope
工程防护体系straw barrier system
工艺规程technical schedule
市政工程测量public works survey
市政工程测量public engineering survey
市政工程设施municipal facilities
建设工程监理supervision of construction project
弱电工程weak current engineering
抗虫基因工程resisting pest genetic engineering
护坡工程slope protection work
护坡工程slope improvement
抽水蓄能电站建设工程pumped storage power project
排水口工程outlet work
排污工程sewerage engineering
改建工程improvement work
效益工程理论optimization engineering theory
最优化工程理论optimization engineering theory
林业生态工程forestry ecological engineering
林业生态工程体系forestry ecological engineering system
工程nuclear engineering
水利富民工程irrigation works to enrich peasants
水利资源工程water resources engineering
水土保持工程soil and water conservation project
水底工程submarine work
水污染防治工程water pollution control engineering
沟渠工程sewerage engineering
河道整治工程river training works
河道整治工程channel regulation works
油层工程reservoir engineering
治河工程river training works
海事工程sea works
海岸工程port engineering
海岸工程coastal current
海洋工程marine engineering
物理生态工程physical ecological engineering
环境卫生工程environmental health engineering
环境无害的工艺过程environmentally sound technological process
生命周期工程life cycle engineering
生态环境建设工程project of ecological environment construction
生物生态工程治理bioecological engineering harnessing
疏导工程dredging engineering
磺酸工艺过程sulfoacid process
社会林业工程community forestry project
稻田工程整理engineering arrangement for paddy field
系统工程systematical engineering
给排水工程water supply and sewerage engineering
综合治理生态工程tackling the ecological engineering problem in a comprehensive way
蓄水工程retaining work
西气东输工程West-East Gas Pipeline Project
西气东输工程project of natural gas transmission from West to East China
豆腐渣工程shoddy project
豆腐渣工程jeny-built project
输水工程transmission work
运河工程canal project
退耕还林还草工程converting cropland into forest and grassland project
采油工程reservoir engineering
铁路工程railway construction
闭路循环工艺过程closed-circuit circulation process
防渗工程anti-seepage project
集水工程catchment project
工程抗旱节水non-engineering drought resisting and water saving
驻场工程resident engineer