
Terms for subject Technology containing 工具 | all forms | in specified order only
一组运输工具battery of hauling equipment
万能工具multipurpose instrument tool
万能工具combination square
万能工具universal fixture
万能工具显微镜universal tool maker's microscope
万能工具all-purpose machine
万能工具磨床universal cutter grinder
万能工具磨床universal cutter and tool grinder
万能工具铣床universal tool milling machine
万能工具铣床universal tool miller
万能浮动工具夹具universal floating tool holder
万能电动工具universal electrical tool
万能电动工具universal electric tool
下套管用工具casing appliances
下线工具inserting tool
不产生火花的工具non-sparking tool
不合理的工具变量illegitimate instrumental variable
不完全的工具odd farm implements
专业工具special-purpose tools
专用工具special tools
开挖圆形地沟的专用工具quirk cutter
专用工具built-for purpose tool
专用运输工具private carrier
专用运输工具private carriage
专门运输工具technical transport
中和工具neutralizing tool
中速行驶运输工具semifast transport
中间接运工具intermediate carrier
中间运输工具intermediate carrier
临时煤气用具安装工journeyman gas fitter
主要工具basic tool
主轴承精镗削工具main bearing reboring device
传动工具means of driving
传送工具means of conveyance
低合金工具low alloy tool steel
倒棱工具pointing tool
倒棱工具chamfering tool
光信号工具means of light signalling
光学工具optical tooling
光学工具optic tooling
光学工具optical tooling scale
光学工具optic tooling scale
光学工具检测仪optical tool measuring machine
光学工具检测仪optic tool measuring machine
光学工具optical tooling bar
光学工具optic tooling bar
光学螺纹工具显微镜optical thread tool microscope
光学螺纹工具显微镜optic thread tool microscope
光学辅助工具optical aid
光学辅助工具optic aid
光滑加工工具smoothing tool
光电通信工具electrooptical of communication means
光电通信工具electrooptic of communication means
光纤切割工具fibre cutting tool
刀具加工成本tooling cost
刀具工作端business end of tool
刀具工作系统tool-in-use system
刀具调整工tool setter
刀削工具cutting tool
分析工具diagnostic tool
分选工具grading tool
分针拆卸工具hand remover
退刀工具necking tool
切削工具冷却油cutting-tool coolant oil
切削工具和砂轮用研磨料abrasive for cutting and grinding wheels
切削工具cutting-tool steel
切槽工具necking tool
切槽工具grooving tool
划痕工具scratch tool
划线工具marking tool
刮导线末端绝缘包皮的工具wire skinner
刮料工具skimming tool
刮管工具pipe scraping tool
刮糙工具scratch tool
制动带张紧工具brake band tightener
制帆工具sailmaker's tool
制式运输工具organic transport
制模工具formwork aid
制模木工具modelling tool
制模木工具modeling tool
刻图工具scribing instrument
刻图工具scribe tool
刻图工具facility for scribing
刻槽工具chamfering tool
刻线工具scratch tool
前轮定位工具front-wheel aligner
前轴对准工具front axle aligning tool
包租的运输工具contract carrier
包装工具wrapping tool
十字形工具spider kit
半精密量测工具semi-precision measuring tool
合金工具钢车刀alloy tool steel bit
工具上桅的小绳heaving line
工具上桅的小绳hauling line
吊线工具alignment tool
吊货工具stevedore gear
商业运输工具commercial vehicle
圆头旋压工具round-nose spinning tool
圆盘月形孔抛光工具roller crescent tool
土工器具intrenching tools
土方运输工具earthwork vehicle
土样取样工具soil sampling tool
圬工工具masonry tool
圬工用具masonry tool
圬工锚具masonry anchorage
地下水位测量工具equipment of measuring the groundwater level
地面交通工具surface carrier
地面效应气垫运载工具ground effect vehicle
堆放工具stack the tools
堵漏工具leak stopping outfit
堵缝工具caulking tool
备用工具stand gear
备用工具stand-by facility
备用的营造工具auxiliary building equipment
备用钻孔工具auxiliary drilling device
多功能工具multipurpose machine
多功能小型工具multipurpose mini machine
多功能模具加工机multifunctional die processing machine
工具big tool box
大件工具large tools box
大型工具capital equipment
大型工具制造工用显微镜large toolmaker's microscope
大理石安装工具marble setter
夯实工具tamping tool
头部镦锻工具heading tool
夹紧工具clamping tool
套筒装卸工具bushing tool
套管工具casing tool
套管起拔工具spring dart
套管送入工具transportation tool
孔壁修整工具tubular saw
工具small tool
小型工具glove compartment
小型电动工具portable electrical tool
小型电动工具portable electric tool
尖头工具pointed tool
尖头旋压工具diamond spinning tool
嵌入式工具inserted tool
嵌凸缝工具tuck point joint filler tool
嵌线工具inserting tool
帆缆工具boatswain's holder
带抓卡装置的打捞工具grappling tool
带电操作工具hot-line tool
开槽工具grooving tool
开槽工具slotting tool
开槽工具parting tool
开槽工具dado head
开沟工具gutter tool
开裂工具parting tool
张紧工作绳的工具jerk shoe
弧焊工具接头flash-weld tool joint
弯曲工具bending tool
弯管工具pipe bending tool
弯管工具bending tool
弹射紧固工具powder-actuated fastening tool
弹簧式顶件工具spring knockout
强力切削工具full back cutter
V 形工具vee tool
成型工具forming tool
成套工具kit tools
成组工具unitization device (货物)
货物的成组工具tools for unitized goods
扁钢张紧工具band-iron tightener
工具small tool
工具hand tool
工具箱盖glove compartment cover
工具glove compartment
手动旋转式切削工具hand-operated rotary cutting tools
手动砂轮整形工具hand-wheel-dressing tool
手工工具manipulative device
手工操作工具hand tool
手工工具hand rest
手工刀具hand cutting tool
手工切削刀具hand cutter
手工刮具hand scraper
手工刮具pull scraper
手工器具manipulative device
手工打入工具hand driver
手扶动力工具hand-held power tool
手扶电动工具electrical hand-held tools
手扶电动工具electric hand-held tools
手持工具hand tool
手持机动工具powered hand tool
手持机动工具power-driven hand-tool
手持电动工具hand electrical too
手持电动工具hand electric too
手提工具portable toolbox
手提动力工具hand power tool
手提式工具portable toolbox
手提式电动工具portable electrical tool
手提式电动工具portable electric tool
手提式轻便电力工具hand-held portable electrical tool
手提式轻便电力工具hand-held portable electric tool
手提电动工具electrical hand tool
手提电动工具electric hand tool
手摇工具车床hand tool lathe
手用修理工具hand refinishing kit
打中心孔工具center drilling tool
打井工具well construction tool
打击工具batting tool
打包工具strapping tool
打捞工具jar knocker
打捞工具pick ups
打捞工具salvage appliance
打捞工具tool grab
打捞工具recovery tool
打捞工具lazy tongs
打捞工具finger grip
打捞工具twist drill spear
打捞工具crowfoot elevator
打捞工具的槽catching groove
打捞工具fishing rack
打桩工具pile driving tool
扣紧工具gripping apparatus
指数曲线形工具exponential tool table
按口工具caulking tool
按运输工具分担modal split
挖掘工具intrenching tools
挖掘工具digging tools
挖掘工具附件excavating attachment
挖槽工具intrenching tools
挖沟工具intrenching tools
挖石工具stone drawing tool
挖运工具cut-and-carry tool
振动工具vibrating tool
捞起断钢丝和工具spud fishing (冲击钻进)
换衬工具relining tool
换阀工具valve converting tool
捣固工具tamping tool
捣实工具tamping device
捣实工具packing tool
搅拌工具mixing element
搬运工人用具及更衣室stevedores gear and change house
摆轮平衡工具poising tool
摊平工具flattening tool
支线和干线交通工具换乘制日本大阪城市交通规划内容之ride and ride system
攻螺丝的机械化工具torquing unit
散装货运输工具bulk carrier
星形工具spider kit
星形修整工具star dresser
有冲击式活塞的工具percussive piston tool
有刃的工具edge tool
有搅拌工具的混凝土运输车agitator truck
有槽工具磨边edge with a groove
有线通信工具means of line communication
服务工具service aid
木刻工具wood carving tool
木工工具wood working tool
木工工具wood working instrument
木工工具carpenter's tool
木工工具carpenter's tool kit
木工作业工具firmer tools
木工夹具claw bar
机修工具engine tool
机修工具work box
机具修理工drill doctor
机内工具built-in tool
机动工具power-actuated tool
机动切割工具power cutter
机床切削工具machine cutting tool
机械及工具machinery and tool
杂项工具miscellaneous tools
杆式移送多工位模具shuttle die
标准工具master tool
标准工具变量估计量standard instrumental variable estimators
标准工具磨床regular tool-grinding machine
校准工具truing tool
校正工具dressing tool
校正工具dressing stick
校正工具adjusting tool
样板工具master tool
模具工具磨床die tool grinding machine
模具加工机die processing unit
模具型腔的加工die sinking
模具工作部分working portion of die
模具规格,工具规格tooling specification
模具非常规热处理工艺process of unconventional heat treatment of mould
模具非常规热处理工艺process of unconventional heat treatment of mold
模块式工具系统modular tooling system
工具air tool
气动工具pneumatic tool plant
气动抹灰工具air trowel
气动抹灰工具air float
气垫运载工具air cushion vehicle
气铆工具pneumatic riveting appliance
气门吊装工具valve fishing tool
气门安装工具valve installing tool
气门导管拆卸工具valve guide puller
气门弹簧压缩工具valve spring compressor
气门弹簧拆卸工具valve spring remover
气门弹簧拆装工具valve spring tool
气门拆卸工具valve remover
气门拆卸工具valve lifter
氧化铝基切削工具alumina-based cutting tool
氮化硅基切削工具silicon nitride based cutting tool
水上运输工具water-borne carrier
水上运输工具water carrier
水上运输工具water-borne vessel
水上运输工具marine media
水上运输工具marine equipment
水垢清除工具boiler scaling appliance
水泥灌浆工具cementing tool
水泥运输工具cement haulage unit
水泵拉杆拧紧工具fence jack
浇沥青工具asphalting tool
测图工具mapping tool
测试设备工具test equipment tool
测量工具surveying instrument
测量工具measuring instrument
测量工具surveying tool
测量工具measuring apparatus
清垢工具scaling tool
清洁工具储存柜broom closet
清洁工具储存柜cleaner closet
清洁工具broom closet (橱)
清洗工具cleaning means
清洗工具cleaning equipment room
清洗工具cleaning equipment closet
清洗管道工具pipe cleaning device
清理毛口工具deburring tool
清除工具erasing tool
港内运输工具port transportation tools
港内运输工具port traffic facility
游丝内桩工具hairspring collet tool
灌水工具irrigation tool
焊割工具welding cut bit
焊接工具soldering tool
焊接工具welding outfit
焊接工具welding tool
焊接工具welding apparatus
焊接工具soldering kit
焊接工具soldering appliance
焊接工具用料welding supplies
爆破工具blasting tools
理解工具comprehension tool
琢石工具broad tool
生产工具means of production
生产工具和设备production tool and equipment
生火工具fire irons
工具修琢面层tooled finish (石料)
用专用工具勾灰浆缝tooled joint
由起爆火药驱动的工具powder-actuated tool
电光通信工具electrooptical means of communication
电光通信工具electrooptic means of communication
电力工具electrical power tool
电力工具electric power tool
电动工具electrical power tool
电动工具electric tool
电动工具electrical tool
电动工具power-driven tool
电动工具power tool
电动工具electric power tool
电动工具磨床electrical tool grinder
电动工具磨床electric tool grinder
电弧焊工具arc welding set
电弧焊工具arc-welding outfit
电气施工工具electrical construction tool
电气施工工具electric construction tool
电火花机械复合工具磨床electrosparking and machinery tool grinding machine
电烙焊工具electrical soldering appliance
电烙焊工具electric soldering appliance
电焊工具welding tool
电磁打捞工具electromagnetic fishing tools
电解工具磨床electrolytic tool grinder
电镀金刚石工具plated diamond tools
画线工具lining tool
码头工具管理员tool house foreman
砂轮成形工具wheel forming tool
砂轮整形工具crush dresser
砌砖工具brickmason's tool
砌砖工具brick tool
砌砖工具brick-laying tool
砌砖工具bricklayer's tool
砌砖工的工具bricklayer's work
砌筑用工具masonry tool
工具的棚盖hack cap
研磨工具lapping tool
研磨工具grinding device
破冰工具icebreaking tool
破拆工具entry tool
破碎工具breaker tool
社会经济的工具sociometric device
程序准备的工具程序programme preparation aids
程序准备的工具程序program preparation aids
程序员工具programmer tool
程序设计工具programming tool
程序设计工具programming aid
程序调试工具programme debugging tool
符号工具symbolic tools
等静力刀具加工isostatic tooling
筑井工具well construction tool
筛选工具grading tool
簇状金刚石修整工具cluster-type diamond dressing
索具工人ship rigger
索具工场rigging shop
索具工油盒rigger's horn
紧固工具fastening tool
紧急工具emergency tool box
编译工具compilation tool
缝帆工具sailmaker's tool
缝帆工具canvas seaming tools
耕地工具tillage implement
抽筒钢丝绳的联结工具knitting needle
落锤式钻探工具drop boring tool
调整工具adjustment tool
调整工具adjusting appliance
调整用工具setting tool
调整管子工具bending pin
调直工具long dummy (管子工用)
调直管子工具pipe straightener
调节工具adjusting appliance
调试工具debugging aids
调试工具debug aids
货运工具cargo carrier
退卸工具withdrawal device
送人工具running tool
适当的工具proper implements
通信工具means of communication
通信工具communication tools
通用工具general utility tool
通用工具multipurpose instrument
通用工具general purpose tool
通用运输工具universal carrier
通讯工具telecommunication facility
通风式潜水工具ventilative diving equipment
速写工具sketch tools
造斜工具deflection tools
造斜工具deflecting tools
道班工具section tool house
道路运输工具road vehicle
道路运输工具road transportation means
配套储藏的消防工具fire-tool cache
销钉打入工具dowel driver
锅炉去水锈工具boiler scaling tool
锐利工具sharp tool
锐利工具sharp instrument
锤击工具fullering tool
锤打工具peening tool
锤打工具hammer tool
锤锻工具hammer tool
锥度配合油压拆卸工具oil hydraulic dismounting tool for conical fit
锥度配合油压拆卸工具oil hydraulic dismounting tool for conic fit
向井内下开口楔的锥形工具taper-type dropper
锥形工具taper tools
锥形工具cone tool
锥形尖头木材工具timber broach
锥形轴承内圈拔出工具bearing cone puller
锥形轴承内圈更换工具bearing cone replacing tool
锪钻工具countersinking reamer
锯木成斜接缝的工具miter box
工具manganese tool steel
锰硅工具manganese silicon tool steel
锰钒工具manganese vanadium tool steel
锻工工具blacksmith's tool
锻打工具striking and forged tool
锻造工具wrought tool steel
镗孔工具uprighting tool
阀座装卸工具valve seat insert replacing tool
阀芯拆卸工具valve core removing tool
附件改型工具modification kit
陆运工具overland carrier
陆运工具land craft
陆运工具land carrier
静态分析工具static analysis tools
静液压参照工具hydraulic reference tool
非机动工具的运输业non-mechanized vehicles
鹅颈式排水工具swan-necked drainage tool
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