
Terms for subject Surgery containing 工具 | all forms
万能人工瓣膜omniscience device
人工关节joint prosthesis
人工关节artificial joint
人工关节置换prosthetic replacement
人工心artificial heart
人工心肺机artificial heart-lung machine
人工心肺机artificial cardiopulmonary machine
人工心脏瓣膜artificial heart valve
人工椎间盘置换术artificial disc replacement
人工气管置换术replacement of tracheal prosthesis
人工气管置换术replacement of artificial trachea
人工气胸artificial pneumothorax
人工气腹artificial pneumoperitoneum
人工瓣环prosthetic valve ring
人工瓣膜prosthetic valve
人工瓣膜心内膜炎prosthetic valve endocarditis
人工瓣膜换置术prosthetic valve replacement
人工瓣膜替换prothetic valve replacement
人工瓣膜机械性失效mechanical failure of prosthetic valve
人工瓣膜机械性故障mechanical dysfunction of prosthetic valve
人工眼artificial eye
人工肛门artificial anus
人工肾artificial kidney
人工血管blood vessel prostheses
人工血管artificial blood vessel
人工血管置换术prosthetic vessel replacement
人工血管置换术prosthetic blood vessel replacement
人工透析器artificial dialyzer
人工阴茎penile prosthesis
人工阴道成形术artificial vaginoplasty
人工骨artificial bone
吉本一梅奥人工心肺机Gibbon-Mayo heart-lung machine
工作台上手术bench operation
瓣中瓣人工瓣植人术valve in valve prosthetic valve implantation
空心纤维人工肾hollow fiber artificial kidney
组织工程学tissue engineering