
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing 工作人员 | all forms | in specified order only
一线工作人员front-line worker
半日工作人员part-time personnel
国际招聘工作人员internationally-recruited staff
外籍工作人员的配偶spouse of expatriate staff member
外籍工作人员的配偶expatriate spouse
工作人员按日计算的承付款一般服务人员daily paid staff commitment General Service
对口工作人员counterpart staff
对口工作人员counterpart personnel
工作人员staff members
工作人员借调secondment inter-agency
工作人员借调secondment of staff member
工作人员更替和填补延迟调整数adjustment for staff turnover and delays
工作人员每日费用率daily rate staff expenditure
工作人员表现评级ratings of the performance of staff
工作组人员service with a mission
评定工作人员职等grading of staff