
Terms containing 工作人员 | all forms | in specified order only
corp.gov.一线工作人员front-line worker
busin.一般工作人员办事员clerk general
tech.一般工作人员clerk general
consult.不存在工作人员住房问题no housing problems for staff
UN, account.与非工作人员费用有关的通货膨胀inflation in non-staff costs
oil专业工作人员specialized staff
IMF.专业工作人员professional staff
org.name.专业人员薪金和津贴工作组Working Group on Professional Remuneration and Allowances
IMF.业务部门的工作人员operational staff
tech.临时工作人员temporary stuff
gen.为了保护工作人员不受 γ 射线的伤害起见for the protection of personnel from gamma rays
interntl.trade.主管项目工作人员projects staff
busin.主要工作人员key personnel
commer.交易会有关工作人员personnel associated with the work of the fair
avia.人工输人操作员manual inputs operator
econ.仓库工作人员go-down man
econ.仓库工作人员warehouse man
proj.manag.代理人的工作人员agent's staff
China, law价格工作人员personnel in charge of pricing
China, polit.任免一批国家机关工作人员appointment and removal of a number of employees in Chinese state organs
tech.伴音工作人员audio man
agric.作物专业工作人员crop specialist
hockey.侮辱比赛工作人员abuse of officials
commer.信用工作人员credit man
plast.全体工作人员workers and staff
plast.全体工作人员total labor
China, polit.全国人大常委会工作委员会Working and Administrative Bodies of the Standing committee
China, polit.全国人大常委会法制工作委员会法工委the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the NPC
securit.全国人大常委法制工作委员会中国Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee
China, polit.全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
econ.公司准许所有的工作人员在圣诞节期间休假三天The company allows all the workers to take three days' holiday at Christmas
China, polit.决定和批准任免一批国家机关工作人员make decisions on and approve the appointment and removal of a number of employees in Chinese state organs
busin.出国工作人员expatriate staff
busin.出国服务工作人员expatriate staff
econ.出国服务的工作人员expatriate staff
exhib.前台工作人员front-of-house staff
exhib.前台工作人员front desk personnel
econ.办公室工作人员clerical worker
China, law动物防疫监督工作人员supervisor of animal epidemic prevention
textile医务人员工作服overalls for medical personnel
UN, tech.医院工作人员洗手设施和系统hand washing facilities and systems for hospital staff
corp.gov.半日工作人员part-time personnel
auto.工作人员客车指有乘务员客车two-men operation bus
astronaut.发射台工作人员pad crew
transp.发射台工作人员launching crew
mil.发射台工作人员firing crew
China, law司法工作人员judicial officer
tech.吊放工作人员launching staff
exhib.后台工作人员backstage crew
securit.后台机构工作人员back-office staff
gen.工作人员出示行李票及其他相关信息,留存一份申报单影印件、免费电话号码及申报办公室电话号码Present your claim ticket and other pertinent information to the employee, leave with a copy of the report, a toll-free number to call and the number of the local office where you made your claim
China, polit.向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见communicate: to the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work
China, polit.听取全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告listen to the work report by the NPC Standing Committee
econ.商店工作人员shop staff
China, polit.国家工作人员state functionaries
China, polit.国家工作人员State functionary
China, polit.国家工作人员functionary
China, polit.国家工作人员的培训和考核制度the system of training functionaries and appraising their performance
China, law国家对外贸易工作人员personnel serving in the state's foreign trade authority
China, polit.国家机关工作人员State functionary
China, polit.国家机关工作人员functionaries of State organs
corp.gov.国际招聘工作人员internationally-recruited staff
libr.图书馆工作人员library staff
libr.图书馆工作人员library clerk
eng.geol.场地工作人员site staff
sport.场地车场 工作人员yardman
busin.场地工作人员yard man
sport.场地工作人员field officer
tech.培训工作人员training officer
IMF.基金组织工作人员Fund staff
IMF.基金组织工作人员的评估IMF staff assessment
IMF.外债统计数据国际编制人员工作小组International Compilers Working Group on External Debt Statistics IMF, IBRD, OECD, BIS, Berne Union
busin.外勤工作人员field operator
busin.外勤工作人员field officer
manag.外地工作人员field staff
corp.gov.外籍工作人员的配偶spouse of expatriate staff member
corp.gov.外籍工作人员的配偶expatriate spouse
sport.大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域和一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers
gen.如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date
China, law安全工作人员personnel in charge of safety work
hockey.实地调查工作人员field worker
tech.实际工作人员real staff
tech.实际工作人员actual staff
tech.实际工作人员actual personnel
fin.审核工作人员staff auditor
busin.审计工作人员audit staff
UN, polit.客户和基层计划生育工作人员相互影响问题专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on the Interaction between Clients and Grassroots Family-Planning Workers
corp.gov.工作人员按日计算的承付款一般服务人员daily paid staff commitment General Service
corp.gov.对口工作人员counterpart staff
corp.gov.对口工作人员counterpart personnel
manag.对应工作人员counterpart staff
busin.〈美〉对招聘人员工作能量的测试分析activity vector analysis
exhib.展位工作人员booth staff
exhib.展位工作人员booth personnel
exhib.展位工作人员手册booth staffing manual
corp.gov.工作人员staff members
el.工作人员working crew
swim.游泳比赛中的工作人员pool attendant
manag.工作人员working staff
textile工作人员working personnel
sport.比赛的工作人员management official
tech.工作人员operating force
IMF.工作人员Fund staff
IMF.工作人员staff member
swim.游泳比赛中的工作人员swimming bath attendant
swim.游泳比赛中的工作人员swimming pool attendant
econ.工作人员个人品质检査personality test
econ.工作人员个人报劑记录individual employee compensation record
fin.工作人员付的保证金guarantee money from employee
IMF.工作人员代表团staff mission
tech.工作人员休息室crew rest room
corp.gov.工作人员借调secondment inter-agency
corp.gov.工作人员借调secondment of staff member
busin.工作人员分类classification of workers
IMF.工作人员助理Staff Assistant
IMF.工作人员协会委员会SAC Office
IMF.工作人员协会委员会Staff Association Committee
tech.工作人员卫生消毒设施sterilizing facility for staff
IMF.工作人员发展中心Staff Development Center
UN, account.工作人员发展和培训方案staff development and training programmes
IMF.工作人员发展处Staff Development Division
econ.工作人员受益人staff member beneficiary
tech.工作人员变动labour overturn
tech.工作人员变动labor overturn
busin.工作人员培训training of workers
IMF.工作人员备忘录staff report
IMF.工作人员备忘录Staff Memorandum IMF document series, SM/...
econ.工作人员奖金和津贴bonus and allowance to employees
busin.工作人员奖金和津贴bonus and allowances to employees
IMF.工作人员守则staff regulations
busin.工作人员工资税staff assessment
interntl.trade.工作人员指定受益人staff member beneficiary
interntl.trade.工作人员搬迁费津贴staff relocation allowance
econ.工作人员搬迁费津贴the staff relocation allowance
auto.工作人员方便性crew comfort
manag.工作人员更动labour overturn
busin.工作人员更动labor overturn
corp.gov.工作人员更替和填补延迟调整数adjustment for staff turnover and delays
proj.manag.工作人员条例staff regulations
corp.gov.工作人员每日费用率daily rate staff expenditure
interntl.trade.工作人员津贴staff allowance
econ.工作人员津贴the staff allowance
tech.工作人员电梯staff elevator
IMF.工作人员的业务发展staff development personnel
hockey.工作人员的任命appointment of officials
IMF.工作人员的估算staff estimates
IMF.工作人员的预测staff projections
IMF.工作人员监测的规划Fund-monitored program
IMF.工作人员监测的规划staff-monitored program
fin.工作人员福利基金staff benevolent fund
consult.工作人员福利楼staff welfare buildings
el.工作人员空气取样器personal air sampler
manag.工作人员类别staff type
manag.工作人员类别class of worker
interntl.trade.工作人员结构系统staff structure
manag.工作人员编制staff establishment
IMF.工作人员联合评估Joint Staff Assessment
interntl.trade.工作人员薪资税staff assessment
UN, account.工作人员薪金税staff assessment
interntl.trade.工作人员补偿基金staff compensation fund
corp.gov.工作人员表现评级ratings of the performance of staff
UN, account.工作人员规划活动Work Force Planning Exercise
manag.工作人员设施staff facilities
econ.工作人员评价报吿staff appraisal reports
UN, account.工作人员费用依法增加幅度statutory cost increases for staff
el.工作人员辐射剂量监督radiation survey
IMF.工作人员退休基金Staff Retirement Fund
IMF.工作人员退休计划Staff Retirement Plan
org.name.工作人员选拔委员会Staff Selection Committee
org.name.工作人员选拔小组Staff Selection Panel
org.name.工作人员遴选委员会Staff Selection Committee
consult.工作人员鉴定表staff appraisal form
auto.长途客车工作人员compartment for crew
manag.工作分类人员job classification analyst
busin.工作指导人员instruction clerk
econ.工作指导管理人员instruction clerk
manag.工作方法人员methods men
manag.工作方法人员method men
tech.工作班人员operating crew
corp.gov.工作组人员service with a mission
tech.工厂操作人员plant hand
el.工地工作人员site personnel
tech.建筑工地工作人员field staff
busin.当地工作人员local staff
interntl.trade.当地雇佣工作人员local staff
tech.总公司工作人员head office staff
econ.我们客观地评定了全体工作人员的业绩We are objective in evaluating the performance of the staff
telecom.我们想买一些对讲机,以便舞台工作人员用来内部交流We would like to buy some interphones for intercommunication between our stagehands
econ.我们正在拟定一项招聘计划,将雇用许多有能力的工作人员We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees
econ.我公司的全体工作人员将享受到优厚的薪水和养老金、人身保险和医疗福利All workers of our company will benefit from our excellent rates of pay and our pension, life assurance and sickness benefit schemes
sport.所有投掷链球的动作必须在护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors
busin.扣除工作人员薪金税后的应计养老金报酬pensionable remuneration less staff assessment
tech.承包人的工作人员contractor's staff
proj.manag.承包商的工作人员contractor's staff
tech.承包者的工作人员contractor's staff
econ.技术人员应指导操作人员的工作,以确保这项技术革新的完成The technicians shall direct the work of the operators to assure the completion of the technical innovation
econ.技术人员应集中其全部时间与精力致力实验工作The technicians shall devote all of their time and attention to the experimental work
UN, account.拟议工作人员配置proposed staffing
busin.指定高级工作人员designated official
tech.按日领工资的工作人员daily paid staff
el.控制室工作人员control room crew
el.放射工作人员radiologic worker
tech.放射工作人员radiological worker
tech.政府工作人员public official
tech.救灾工作人员relief worker
gen.无线电操作人员工作证certificate for radio operator
China, polit.机构及其工作人员authorities and their staff members
agric.村级工作人员village-level worker
China, law档案工作人员archivists
org.name.《欧洲国际公路运输车辆和人员工作协定》European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International road transport
lab.law.正式工作人员regular employee
IMF.正式工作人员regular appointment
China, law殴打司法工作人员beat a judicial officer
tech.没有经验的工作人员green man
logist.海关工作人员customs staff
logist.海关工作人员customs personnel
tech.海关工作人员customs officer
tech.海运危险化学品工作人员marine hazardous chemical worker
tech.消防部门工作人员fire department personnel
China, polit.涉及政府机关及其工作人员的大案要案major cases involving government offices and their employees
tech.照明工作人员light man
tech.环境工作专业人员environmental professional
proj.manag.现场工作人员field staff
consult.现场工作人员site staff
bowl.球场工作人员alley man
baseb.球场工作人员ground crew
bowl.球场工作人员alley man
hockey.球队工作人员team official
agric.田间工作人员field worker
busin.由外来人员承担后勤工作的商店extrinsically backed store
UN, afr.货币基金组织工作人员监测下的方案监测下方案Staff Monitored Programme SMP of the International Monetary Fund IMF
busin.直属工作人员immediate staff
manag.直接工作人员immediate staff
interntl.trade.离国服务的工作人员expatriate staff
textile税务工作人员制服tax collector's uniform
busin.管理工作人员managerial worker
China, law红十字会工作人员staff of the Red Cross Society
athlet.终点摄影工作人员photo-finish clerk
tech.统计工作人员statistical staff
tech.统计工作人员statistic staff
auto.车赛维修站工作人员pit crew
oil美国采矿、冶金、石油工程师协会女工作人员委员会Women' s Auxiliary to the Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
oil美国采矿、冶金、石油工程师协会女工作人员委员会Women' s Auxiliary to the American Institute of Mining
oil美国采矿、冶金、石油工程师协会女工作人员委员会Women' s Auxiliary to the AIMMPE
econ.职业性工作人员career service
nucl.pow.职业性辐射工作人员occupational radiation worker
econ.职位由级别较低的工作人员充任the encumbrance of post by staff at lower level
org.name.联合国工作人员养恤金联合委员会United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board
org.name.联合国合办工作人员养恤基金United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
UN, tech.联合国检查/核查队,可由特派团团长或其代表任命的联合国工作人员和军 事人员组成。 检查队必须有充分的时间以保证控制活动的连续性united nation Inspection/Verification team, which may be composed of united nations staff members and military personnel, assigned by the head of mission or by an official acting on his/her behalf must be assigned to the inspection team for a sufficient period of time to ensure continuity in the control activities
econ.自动服务商店工作人员an aisle-man
shipb.航运管理部门和工作人员shipping management department and working personnel
tech.船闸工作人员lock screw
tech.船闸工作人员lode keeper
tech.船闸工作人员lock attendant
expl.虽说他20世纪是个无足轻重的工程技术人员、但在炸药乳化制作方面却有至关重要的发现Although as an insignificant engineering technician last century, he made a significant discovery in the making of explosive emulsion
China, law行政机关及其工作人员administrative organs and the functionary
tech.设计工作人员design staff
corp.gov.评定工作人员职等grading of staff
econ.该企业希望通过自然减员如辞职、退休,等等来缩减工作人员The enterprise is hoping to cut down its staff by natural wastage (e. g., resigning, retiring, etc.)
IMF.资深工作人员senior staff
drag.赛场工作人员site steward
busin.车场工作人员yard man
busin.车间工作人员shop personnel
racing车队工作人员pit crew
nautic., tech.轮机人员工作间engineer workshop
busin.较高级工作人员higher-level staff
interntl.trade.较高级别的工作人员higher-level staff
manag.辅助工作管理人员staff managers
sport.运动会工作人员officials of the meeting
auto.运载工作人员的工具personnel carrier
econ.运输工作人员materials handlers
expl.这个问题看上去对很多人异常重要、但对新的工作委员会来说可能是小事一桩This problem, which is seemingly important to many others, is likely to be a minor concern to the new working committee
tech.野外工作人员field man
tech.钻塔工作人员drill tower man
tech.钻架工作人员drill tower man
refrig.防尘工作人员dust minder
tech.陆上工作人员【港shore man
UN, account.除去工作人员薪金税后的方案预算net of staff assessment, programme budget
expl.露天爆破作业产生的飞石已对工作人员和居民造成严重伤亡、所以这是爆破人员始终关切的重大事情之一Flyrock from surface blasting operations has caused serious injury and death to employees and habitants,and it is always known as one of the major concerns far the blasters
UN, account.工作人员报酬non-staff compensation
tech.非全日工作人员part-time staff
shoot.靶场工作人员range official
China, polit.驻外使领馆工作人员embassy and consulate personnel working overseas
China, polit.驻港澳地区内派工作人员personnel assigned to work in Hong Kong and Macao