
Terms for subject Commerce containing 履行 | all forms | in specified order only
履行义务non-performance of duty
履行债务non-performance of obligation
履行协议back out of an agreement
履行支付义务default of payment
履行责任non-performance of obligation
人力不可抗致使合同的履行成为不可能The performance of the contract is rendered impossible by force majeure
代理人在履行自身任务中招致负债The agent has incurred liabilities in the course of his duties
保证合约履行guarantee performance
免除履行合同的义务be excused from performing the contract
协议的履行implementation of agreement
卖方已履行其承担的义务The seller has already discharged his duties
合同不履行non-fulfilment of contract
合同的履行performance of contract
合约履行地点place of contract performance
契约履行discharge of agreement
契约义务的履行performance of obligation
履行义务redeem one's obligation
履行义务discharge of obligations
履行义务的债务performance obligation
履行保证金performance bond (中标后须交纳一般为投标金额的10%)
履行合约meet one's engagement
履行契约义务obligation of contract
履行延迟delay in performance
履行承担的责任keep to one's commitments
履行承诺fulfill one's engagements
履行诺言one's promises
履行诺言carry out a promise
履行诺言act up to a promise
履行质量performance quality
延迟的履行delayed performance
我们从未不履行自己的义务We have never failed to discharge our obligations
我方总是履行自己承担的义务We always honour our commitments
拒绝履行义务repudiate an obligation
有义务履行合同的规定条款be bound to carry out the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract
每一方应履行各自的义务Each party shall fulfil his own obligations