
Terms for subject China containing 履行 | all forms | in specified order only
履行fail to discharge
履行调解协议fail to perform the agreement
不提出异议又不履行支付令neither dissented from nor complied with the order of payment
严格履行strictly perform
中止履行suspend the discharge
享有权利,履行义务enjoy rights and undertake liabilities
依法履行职责perform the duties according to law
依法独立负责地履行职责in the independent performance of their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the law
债务履行period to perform debts
债务履行期届满complete list of debts
债务履行期间time limit for the debtor to pay the debts
全部履行fully fulfill
全面履行fully perform
全面履行政府职能fully exercise the government's functions
分期履行installment performance
劳动合同履行place where the labor contract is performed
劳动合同的履行performance of the labor contract
合同履行place where the contract is performed
围绕党和国家工作的大局履行职责focus on the overall work of the Party and the government in carrying out our duties
在一定期限内履行perform it within a fixed period of time
履行go into effect
履行put into operation
履行come into effect
履行carry out
履行义务performance of a duty
履行义务fulfil an obligation
履行义务一方party fulfilling the obligation
履行任职手续complete the formalities for appointment
履行保护草原的义务fulfil duty of protecting the grasslands
履行保证义务perform a guarantor's duties
履行债务discharge of debts
履行债务的期限time limit to repay one's debts
履行兵役义务fulfil one's duty of performing military service
履行出资义务fulfill the obligations of capital contributions
履行判决implement the judgment
履行劳动义务fulfill the labor obligations
履行反洗钱资金监测职责perform the duty of monitoring the antimoney laundering funds
履行合同fulfill the contract
履行合同义务perform the obligation under the contract
履行国际禁毒公约义务perform the obligations prescribed by the international anti-drug convention
履行地点place of performance
履行处罚决定comply with the punishment decision
履行审判职责performance of judicial functions
履行客户身份识别义务perform the obligation of distinguishing clients' identities
履行宪法和法律规定的义务perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution and other laws
履行扣缴义务perform the withholding obligation
履行扶养义务fulfill the duty of support
履行报批手续perform the procedure of submitting report for approval
履行担保义务perform the obligations of a guarantor
履行支付令comply with the order of payment
履行方式mode of performance
履行期届满at the maturity of the obligation
履行期限time limit for the performance
履行条件comply with the conditions
履行治安管理职责performance of the duty of security management
履行法定职责perform the statutory duty
履行法定职责carry out statutory duties
履行法律援助义务perform the obligation of legal aid
履行禁毒职责perform the duty of fighting against narcotic drugs
履行约定meet the liability as contracted
履行约定fulfill the contract
履行职务discharge duties
履行职能implementation of the duties and functions
履行职责discharge responsibilities
履行职责perform duties (of)
履行职责fulfil a duty
履行节能义务fulfill the obligation to conserve energy
履行裁定implement the decision
履行要求demand for performance
履行费用charge for the performance
履行赔偿义务perform the obligation of paying indemnity
履行辅助人performance assistant
履行集体合同implementation of a collective contract
履行顺序time order to discharge (the debts)
必须履行国际条约的义务in fulfillment of international treaty obligations
必须履行国际间共同防御侵略条约的义务in fulfillment of international treaty obligations concerning common defense against aggression
恢复履行resume the discharge of
承诺履行义务promise to perform one's obligation
承诺履行义务promise to implement one's obligation
承诺履行义务promise to fulfill one's obligation
担保债务的履行guarantee the payment of debt
拒不履行判决、裁定refuse to implement the judgment or decision
拒绝履行refuse to perform
拖延履行delay the performance
按照承诺履行义务fulfill one's obligation as promised
提前履行债务anticipated discharge of debts
无力履行职务lose the ability to discharge duties
无力履行职责inability to discharge his or her duties
有效履行历史使命effectively carry out the historic mission (of)
履行fail to fulfill
紧紧围绕党和国家工作的大局认真履行职责in diligently carrying out its duties closely centered around the overall work of the Party and the government
自愿履行fulfil obligations voluntarily
部分履行债务discharge of debts in part
限期履行carry out within a time limit