
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一个位的岩石/ 土壤比值rock/soil relationship for A horizon
全隐格式three-level fully implicit scheme
三维云分析three dimensional nephanalysis
土壤upper zone
海水长期研究计划long-tenn upper ocean study
上北大西洋深Upper North Atlantic Deep Water
上升混合elevated mixed layer
上壳断块构造supracrustal block tectonics
上大气、污染、辐射和气候联席会议upper atmosphere, pollution, radiation and climate merged sessions
上橙色长石砂岩orange feldspathic sand upper
海洋上部混合upper mixed layer
分潮海洋lower layer component
土壤含水量lower-soil-zone moisture content
土壤缺水率lower zone deficiency ratio
风化作用lower weathering
下橙色长石砂岩orange feldspathic sand lower
不稳定对流unstable convective layer
不透水impermeable layer
东北太平洋中Eastern North Pacific Central Water
东海岸断eastern coastal fault system
中槽sandwich chamber
大气动力学middle-atmosphere dynamics
大气测量计划middle atmosphere programme
大气研究计划middle atmosphere programme
中安纳托利亚断Central Anatolian Fault Zone
中西部基岩蓄水Midwest Bedrock Aquigroup
中间、平流层和对流层mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
中间环流指数mesospheric circulation index
中间逆流intermediate countercurrents
中间钻井用牙轮钻头供应supply of rock bits for intermediate drilling
中间散射intermediate scattering layer
临边辐射平流探测仪limb radiance stratospheric sounder
主中间冲断main central thrust
主乌拉尔断Main Uralian Fault Zone
主洋脊冲断main ridge thrust
主深水散射main deep scattering layer
主温水厚度较热的水面区与较冷的深水区之间的水层厚度main thermocline depth
主边界冲断main boundary thrust
乔治敦冲断Georgetown Thrust
交错倾斜dip of cross-beds
交错和行扫描算法alternate layer and line sweep algorithm
交错极点位置pole position of cross-beds
产油productive body
估量辐射的析成像技术emission computed tomography
low layered horizon
冷空气lower cold air
大气成分与温度试验lower atmosphere composition and temperature experiment
大气温度自记仪low-level atmospheric thermograph
低盐度low salinity layers
低盐度low salinity layer
低纬度边界low-latitude boundary layer
低速low-velocity layer
低阻low resistivity layer
倾斜对冲断slope ramp
敏感性预测软件reservoir sensitivity prediction software
最大生产率maximum efficiency of reservoir
渗透率序列分布reservoir permeability series distribution
全井眼地微电扫描成像仪fullhole formation microimager
全混合aggregated mixing zone
全球对流天气试验global tropospheric experiment
全球标准地剖面和标准地层点global stratotype section and point
全球热电离填图研究global thermospheric mapping study
六盘山冲断中国Liupanshan thrust system
电子光电能谱学photoelectron spectroscopy of inner shell electrons
内边界internal boundary layers
升流碳吸附layered upflow carbon absorption
土壤化学物质迁移模型chemical movement in layered soils model
土壤水分平衡模拟模型simulation of the level moisture balance model
拉格朗日传输模型Layered Lagrangian Transport Model
施肥separated layer fertilization
设色表graduation of tints
随机抽样法stratified random sampling approach
刘易斯湖断Lewis Lake Fault
利万坦表面水希腊爱奥尼亚海Levantine Surface Water Layer
利文斯敦断赞比亚Livingstone fault
电泳分析法preparative zone electrophoretic separation
制备色谱preparative layer chromatography
前塞武纪地学小组委员会Subcommission of Precambrian Stratigraphy
前缘冲断frontal thrust
北冰洋深Arctic Ocean Deep Water
北印度洋中North Indian Central Water
北大西洋中North Atlantic Central Water
北大西洋深North Atlantic Deep Water
北奎利断North Quealy Fault
北安纳托利亚变换断土耳其North Anatolian Transform Fault Zone
北安纳托利亚断土耳其North Anatolian Fault
北安纳托利亚断土耳其North Anatolian Fault Zone
北极冰动力学联合试验美国与加拿大的一个计划Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment
北极边界探测Arctic Boundary Layer Expedition
北欧夏季中大气合作研究计划Middle Atmosphere Cooperation/Summer in Northern Europe
北比利牛斯断North Pyrenees Fault
北美地单位对比计划Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North America Project
北美地对比单位Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North America
北部大平原区域含水系统分析美国地质调查局Northern Great Plains Regional Aquifer-System Analysis USGS
沉降速度zone settling velocity
区域含水系统评价regional aquifer system assessment
区域地对比委员会Regional Committee on Stratigraphic Correlation
半值half-value layer
半分解有机intermediate decomposed organic horizon
半咸水伞淡水含水partially saline partially fresh aquifer
半经验低纬度电离模式semiempirical, low-latitude ionospheric model
半衰减 半吸收half-value layer
半透水semipervious layer
单相边界monophase boundary-layer
南大西洋中South Atlantic Central Water
南奎利断South Quealy Fault
南极中Antarctic Intermediate Water
南极和南半球高大气物理年Antarctic and Southern Hemisphere Aeronomy Year
南赤道海洋中South Equatorial Intermediate Current
南边缘冲断South Margin Thrust Belt
南阿特拉斯山脉断摩洛哥-阿尔及利亚South Atlasic Fault
印度洋中Indian Central Water
压实土Compacted Earth
厌氧膜升流anaerobic film expanded bed
原生底original bottom water
同温加温stratospheric wanning
同温和散逸层探测器stratospheric and mesospheric sounder
同温紫外成像光谱仪ultraviolet stratospheric imaging spectrometer
含水保护计划aquifer protection planning
含水热能储量aquifer thermal energy storage
含水物质运移的有限元模型finite element model of material transport through aquifers
含硫化物和碳质sulphide and carbon bearing layer
土地land hierarchy
土壤soil segment
土壤发生soil genetic horizon
土壤基分类basic categories of soil classification
土壤水分控制soil moisture control section
土壤砾石接触paralithic contact
圣安德烈亚斯断San Andreas Fault
分析测井曲线图formation analysis log
压力rock pressure
委员会Commission on Stratigraphy
学真厚度true stratigraphic thickness
密度/伽马射线测井formation density/gamma ray log
密度测井图formation density log
微电阻率扫描成像测井formation microresistivity imager
成因序列genetic sequence of strata
成因段genetic interval of strata
水电阻率resistivity of the formation water
沉降速度zone settling velocity
细光栅扫描仪formation microscanner
地下underground layer
地中海中mediterranean intermediate water
地中海深mediterranean deep water
地中海混合深度分析计划mediterranean mixed layer depth analysis program
地壳低速crustal low-velocity layers
地幔塌陷地构造mantle collapse-pile tectonics
地极电离信标polar ionosphere beacon
地球卫星重返大气最佳通道Optimum Earth reentry corridor
地球反射电离探测器Earth Reflecting Ionospheric Sounder
地球物理析成像法geophysical tomography
地球物理衍射析成像法geophysical diffraction tomography
地表薄土surface microlayer
地表薄土地surface microlayers
地被ground layer
地震序属性图seismic sequence attribute
地面下研究实验室Underground Research Laboratory
大气的地面切变ground based shear layer
地面断裂口ground fault interrupter
均温缺氧量hypolimnetic oxygen depletion
垂向冰厚度vertical ice thickness
塔拉斯-费尔干断Talasso-Fergan fault
塞文山脉断Cevennes Fault
墨西哥湾沿海区域含水系统分析计划美国地质调査局Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer System Analysis Project
积云stratocumulus duplicatus
电子光电能谱学photoelectron spectroscopy of outershell electrons
空间探测deep space station
空间探测器deep space probe
空间探测设备deep space instrumentation facility
空间网络deep space network
外序列逆冲断out-o£-sequence thrusts
介质过滤multi-media filtration
住宅multiple dwelling
分析技术multi-level analysis technique
原始方程模式multilevel primitive equation model
感知器multi-layer perceptron
扩散模型multilayer diffusion model
板采样器multiple plate samplers
求解法multilevel solution technique
流量试井阀multiple flow evaluator
漂浮式采样器multi-layer floating sampler
能量平衡模型multilayer energy balance model
采样器multilevel sampling devices
采样器具multilevel samplers
采样器具multilayer samplers
采样测压计multilevel sampling piezometer system
多孔串珠状柱porous-layer bead columns
多孔开放管状柱porous-layer open tubular columns
多面滑脱挤离断multilevel gliding detachment sheet
大气物理计划atmospheric physics program
大气、磁层和空间等离子体atmospheric, magnetospheric and plasma-in-space
大气-海洋-低温系统atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere system
大湖冰动力学模拟great lakes ice dynamics simulation
大苏门答腊断Great Sumatran Fault
大西洋中Atlantic Intermediate Water
大边界断great boundary fault
大迈阿密含水Great Miami Aquifer
大陆的、联邦、壳、地球轨道外的Continental, Union, Shell, Superior
大陆转换断continental transforms faults
太平洋新第三纪地委员会Committee on Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy
太阳中间探测号solar mesosphere explorer
太阳、异常和磁性探测器solar, anomalous, and magnetospheric explorer
威德尔海底南极洲weddell sea bottom water
威德尔海深南极洲weddell sea deep water
威德尔海深南极洲weddell deep water
季节性冰带试验seasonal ice zone experiment
季节性土壤分模型估计地下水污染浓度seasonal soil compartment model
宁静电离quiet ionosphere
定量地学委员会Committee on Quantitative Stratigraphy
封闭含水water shut off
射频薄色谱法radio-frequency thin layer chromatography
小倾滑正断normal dip-slip minor-faults
局部剪切local shear layers
F-不均匀带F-layer irregularity zone
level ice
6 准地转模型6-level quasi-geostrophic model
叠炭板变阻器carbon pile
射流角速率传感器laminar jet angular rate sensors
序地层学和海平面变化sequence stratigraphies and sealevel changes
序年代地层界线Sequence Chronostratigraphic Boundary
序界面sequence boundary
序边界sequence boundary
控铜矿床stratabound copper deposits
number of layers
析技术computerized tomography
次分析法analysis hierarchy process
片,平,流线laminar flow
流式空中导航及防撞系统laminar air navigation and anticollision system
流探测器streaming current detector
流比例放大器laminar proportional amplifier
状氧化物相layered oxide facies
状硅酸钙相layered calc-silicate facies
状红土型玄武岩质杂岩stratified lateritic-basaltic complexes
状重晶石bedded barite
7 粗网格天气预报模式seven-layer coarse mesh model
间改正plate correction
间片麻岩interlayered gneiss
取样器formation tester
容积系数formation volume factor
布卢莱克含水美国加利福尼亚州blue lake aquifer CA
带计算机辅助设备的析成像成像摄影法computerized X-ray tomography
干燥地面dry surface layer
平均油压力mean reservoir pressure
平流变暖stratospheric wanning
平流和中间层的结构与动能学structure and energetics of the stratosphere and mesosphere
平流探测单元泰罗斯业务垂直分布探测仪的stratospheric sounder unit
平流气溶胶量测仪器stratospheric aerosol measurement
平流环流stratospheric circulation
平流环流指数stratospheric circulation index
平稳电离干扰gradual ionospheric disturbance
黄土basal loess
底冰basal ice layers
恒冻permafrost layer
恒通量constant flux layer
卷积云cirrocumulus stratiformis
状层积云stratocumulus stratiformis
边界层stratified boundary layer
挪威-格陵兰海深Norwegian-Greenland Sea Deep Water
挪威海深Norwegian Sea Deep Water
改进的同温和散逸层探测仪improved stratospheric and mesospheric sounder
放射活性active coating
放射性同位素含油砂示踪系统radioisotopic sand tracing (system)
放射性同位素标记的含油砂示踪装置radioisotope-tagged sand tracer
放射性薄层析thin layer radiochromatography
放射性薄色谱法thin layer radiochromatography
斜温内涡旋intrathermocline eddies
昆仑断中国Kunlun Fault
普拉森西亚断西班牙plasencia fault
暖水厚度warm layer thickness
暖深warm deep water
最大径向冰厚度maximum radial ice thickness
最大混合厚度maximum mixing height
最大表maximum interflow
最小可分辨minimum resolvable layer thickness
月球电离检测器lunar ionosphere detector
有机organic horizon
有机相organic facies sequence
有机表histic epipedon
有机质organic layer
有机黏结的稳定碎屑薄纹organically stabilized detrital lamina
地下水流有限finite layer method
有限元壳不稳定性分析finite element shell instability analysis
有限元多含水层模型finite element multi-layer aquifer model
未分的二叠纪Permian undifferentiated
未分的寒武纪undifferentiated Cambrian
机助理和取样computer-assisted stratification and sampling
机械边界mechanical border layer
松散堆积loose accumulation horizon
极地中间夏季回波polar mesosphere summer echoes
极地海洋混合polar mixed layer
极地电离低压槽polar ionospheric trough
标准声学析成像法modal acoustic tomography
格陵兰海深Greenland Sea Deep Water
高度ceiling height
次地表subsurface water
次阿尔卑斯复理subalpine flysch
欧洲盆地中生代-新生代序地层学Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins
正常倾斜dip of normal beds
正常极点位置pole position of normal beds
死海转换断dead sea transform fault zone
气固相色gas-solid chromatography
气液分溶析法gas-liquid partition chromatography
气相色gas chromatography
气相色gas chromatograph
水体底部边界benthic boundary layer
水底混合bottom mixed layer
水文地层厚hydrostratigraphic intervals
水耕表anthrostagnic epipedon
水面准均匀surface quasi-homogeneous layer
水面表surface layer
永久储监测系统permanent reservoir monitoring system
永冻permanently frost
沉积分面搜索法deposit-boundary searching method
沉积岩围岩状铜矿床sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits
沉积成共生组合sedimentary layered association
活动电离扰动travelling ionospheric disturbance
活性炭activated carbon bed
活跃混合与交换active mixing and exchange layer
流动指示器flow zone indicator
侧向测井shallow laterolog
反射波地震测量shallow reflection seismic survey
反射波地震系统shallow reflection seismic system
地震反射shallow seismic reflection
埋藏shallow underground burial
管道流shallow conduit-flow
海岸边界coastal boundary layer
海岸边界横切面coastal boundary layer transect
海底地剖面仪sub bottom profiler
海底地剖面法sub-bottom profiling
海底模拟反射bottom-simulating reflector
海底沉积岩围岩状铜矿床submarine sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits
海底边界benthic boundary layer
海水表marine surface layer
海洋大气边界marine atmospheric boundary layer
海洋大气边界试验marine atmospheric boundary layer experiments
海洋混合ocean mixed layer
海洋混合试验ocean mixed layer experiment
海洋行星边界marine planetary boundary layer
海洋边界ocean boundary layer
海洋边界marine boundary layer
海洋透光混合marine light mixed layer
载体开管support-coated open-tubular
载体开管柱support-coated open tubular column
消耗臭氧物质ozone depleting substance
温跃深度depth of thermocline
漂洗bleached horizon
漏隙积云stratocumulus perlucidus
漠盖desert pavement
灌淤表siltigic epipedon
火山口底直径crater floor diameter
火山岩红铜矿床volcanic red bed copper deposits
灰化podzolized horizon
灰黏土gley horizon
coal bed methane
甲烷coal-seam methane
表面coal bed surface
熟土mellow soil layer
片状platy layer
犁底plow pan
球粒陨石均匀热储chondritic uniform reservoir mantle
生产productive body
生土raw soil layer
用共深点法探测深地震deep seismic sounding by the common-depth point method
电信科学和超高大气物理学研究所Institute for Telecommunication Science and Aeronomy
电离探测卫星ionosphere sounding satellite
电离电子密度ionospheric electron density
电离离子密度ionospheric ion density
电离突扰sudden ionospheric disturbance
电离联合会间委员会Inter-Union Committee on the Ionosphere
电离色散分析ionosphere dispersion analysis
电阻率析成像resistivity tomography
电阻率析成像electrical resistivity tomography
界面厚度interfacial-layer thickness
界面边界interfacial boundary layer
白云母纹muscovite lamellae
白垩纪上壳Cretaceous supracrustal rocks
白浆albic horizon
真实地厚度true stratigraphic thickness
真成壤true pedogenic deposits
真菌穿孔fungi boring layer
砂质岩体规模年代地单位Sandy Body Scale Chronostratigraphic Units
stratus fractus
稳定边界stable boundary layer
第四纪覆盖quaternary cover
等温深度layer depth
米尺旋回meter-scale cyclic sequence
粒级graded bed
红海中Red Sea intermediate water
网状积云stratocumulus lacunosus
美国中中西部地区含水系统分析美国地质调查所Central Midwest Regional Aquifer-System Analysis USGS
美国国家大气研究中心热大气环流模式National Center for Atmospheric Research Thermospheric General Circulation Model
耕作cultivated horizon
耕作淀积agric horizon
耕作熟化agric horizon
联合国和平利用外空间委员会United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
联合国外空间探索与和平利用大会United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
肥熟表fimic epipedon
腐殖质humus horizon
航天飞机高大气质谱仪shuttle upper atmosphere mass spectrometer
荚状积云stratocumulus lenticularis
蔽光stratus opacus
蔽光积云stratocumulus opacus
凝胶thin-layer gel
凝胶色谱thin-layer gel chromatography
分区色谱法thin-layer partition chromatography
吸着色谱法thin-layer stick chromatography
色谱仪thin-layer chromatograph
色谱-扫描光谱密度测定联用法thin-layer chromatography/ scanning spectrodensitometry
薄幕stratus nebulosus
薄皮断thin-skinned faulting
薄表土surface microlayer
薄表土surface microlayers
补偿地密度测井图compensated formation density log
大理岩enveloping marble
套管水泥供应supply of cement for surface casing
套管注水泥surface casing cementation
流数据系统surface current data system
海水含盐度sea surface salinity
混合层surface mixed layer
起点surface ground zero
钻井用牙轮钻头供应supply of rock bits for surface drilling
表土中由地气搬运的活动态金属mobile forms of metals in overburden carried by geogas
衰减低速depleted low-velocity layer
西伯利亚地磁、电离和无线电波传播研究所原苏联Siberian Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere, and Radio-wave Propagation USSR
西北太平洋中Western North Pacific Central Water
西地中海深western mediterranean deep water
覆盖upper horizon
覆盖下沉压力landing weight
覆盖钻进系统overburden drilling system
詹姆斯湖断James Lake Fault
计算机析成像computer tomography
计算机析技术computer tomography
计算机化析成像摄影法computerized tomography
调制阻挡光二极管modulated barrier photodiode
贴地ground layer
贺兰山冲断中国Helanshan thrust system
赤铁矿纹hematitic laminate
辐辏状积云stratocumulus radiatus
上投upthrow fault
逆倾向滑小断reverse dip-slip minor-faults
透光stratus translucidus
速率响应特性外光谱velocity response envelope spectrum
钙质calcic horizon
钠质natric horizon
防潮防湿moisture barrier
阿尔卑斯雪盖分析系统Alpine Snow Cover Analysis System
阿尔穆斯断土耳其Almus fault zone
阿拉马-帕洛马雷斯左旋走向滑动断系统Alhama-Palomares sinistral strike-slip fault system
阿波罗月球表实验箱Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package
阿雷西博电离观测所Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory
陆军冰雪与永久冻土研究所army snow, ice and permafrost research establishment
陆地卫星交互灰色图和按程度分系统Landsat Interactive Gray Map and Level Slicing System
面面ground floor
鱼骨状交错herringbone cross-stratification
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