
Terms for subject Economy containing 就业 | all forms | in specified order only
一旦解聘,雇员两年内不得在同行业任何公司内就业On the severance n., an employee shall not enter into employment in any firm of the same trade for two years
不充分就业的人口underemployed population
不包括农业的就业情况employment excluding agriculture
不稳定就业the unstable employment
世界就业问题world employment
主要就业primary office
主要就业primary employment
促进就业措施employment promoting measure
促进就业措施promoting office measure
充分就业下的产值full employment output
充分就业与经济福利full employment and economic welfare
充分就业剩余full employment surplus
充分就业基金fund sufficient to employ
充分就业平衡full employment equilibrium
充分就业政策full employment policy
充分就业机会a full-employment economy
充分就业条件的平衡full employment balance
充分就业的计划与代价planning and paying for full employment
充分就业赤字预算full-employment deficit
美国公平就业机会委员会Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
共同就业common employment
农业就业agricultural employment
农业就业employment in agriculture
农业就业on farm employment
农业就业farm employment
出口定单的增加将提供我方更多的就业机会The increase in export orders will furnish us with more employment opportunities
创造就业机会job creation
创造就业机会效应employment-creating effect
创造就业的计划employment-generating programme
制造业的就业情况employment in manufacturing
制造业的就业情况employment in manufacturing
劳动力就业计划employment plan
区域就业奖金regional employment premium (指经济开发区企业增加就业机会而按工人数额得的补贴)
增加就业make work activities
增加就业make work
如你方能够接受出售土地的全部条款和条件时,业主就与你方签订合同The proprietor will sign the contract with you if you can accept all terms and conditions of the sale of the land
如果你赎回产业,你就有权拥有并使用这项产业If you redeemed the property, you would have the right to possess and use it
如果当时通货膨胀不能控制,工农业的发展就会受到阻碍If the inflation had then been uncontrollable adj., the agricultural and industrial development would have been obstructed
季节性就业seasonal employment
季节性就业seasonal job
季节性就业employment of a seasonal nature
季节性就业seasonal work
安排农村剩余劳动力就业creating jobs for rural surplus laborers
完全就业full employment
密集就业intensive employment
对申请就业者由于肤色或原国籍等原因而对其加以歧视是没有道理的,因而也是不能允许的The discrimination against any applicant for employment because of his color or national origin is unreasonable and therefore impermissible
就业obtain office
就业make work activities
就业obtain employment
就业不足part-time idleness
就业不足under office
就业不足diminution of office
就业不足insufficient office
就业不足所造成的损失idleness waste
就业中的歧视问题discrimination in employment
就业乘数employment multiplier
就业人数employment volume
就业人数number of persons employed
就业保险制度自元月一日起实施The employment security has been operative since January 1st
就业保障office security
就业函数employment function
就业、利息与货币的一般理论general theory of employment, interest and money
就业劳动力employed labour force
就业增长job growth
就业增长率the accession rate
就业增长率雇用率accession rate hiring rate
就业年龄working age
就业年龄the age at entry into employment
就业总人数total employed
就业情况调査employment survey
充分就业政策employment policy
就业效果employment effect
就业服务office service
就业机会office opportunity
就业机会均等委员会Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
就业水平the level of employment
就业job creation act
就业法,劳工法Employment Act
就业法案an employment act
就业office rate
就业activity rate
就业率变化趋势employment trend
就业理论office theory
就业的动力job incentive
就业的劳动力labour power employed
就业payroll taxes
就业稳定employment stabilization
就业类别之间的流动mobility between category of employment
就业职位供求比率opening-to-application ratio
就业落后于生产output-employment lag
就业问题problem of employment
平等就业实施法Fair employment practice law
平等就业机会equal employment opportunity
弹性就业elasticity of office
我们要为200名失业的年轻人提供就业We intend to provide 200 unemployed young people with jobs
按照新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平the average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
接近充分就业near-full employment
无通货膨胀的充分就业full employment without inflation
就业人口unoccupied population
就业的工人居民unemployed labouring population
残疾人的就业employment of the handicapped
社会就业social office
稳定就业政策decasualisation of labor
稳定就业政策decasualization of labour
第一轮就业primary office
第二级就业secondary office
终身就业lifetime office
职业与就业场所的选择choice of occupation and the place of office
该计划的目的是为年轻人创造新的就业机会The scheme aims at creating new jobs for young people
质量不好就会不利于将来企业的发展Future development of our enterprise would be jeopardized if the quality is poor
超充分就业overfull employment
过度充分就业the over-full employment
这可能就是我们赖以开拓市场而获利的一种行业This might be a line with which we could profitably exploit our market
附带就业secondary employment
就业收入the unearned income