
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一致最方差无偏的uniformly minimum variance unbiased
三级最二乘方法three stage least squares method
专门task group
业务气象卫星组委员会panel on operational meteorological satellites
东南亚开发咨询亚洲学会Southeast Asian Development Advisory Group Asia Society
东地中海海洋物理学专门研究physical oceanography of the eastern mediterranean workshop
两向型惯性导航系统dual miniature inertial navigation system
尺度天气低气压subsynoptic low
中国石油考察Chinese Petroleum Investigation Team
中期天气预报medium range forecast group
中等大medium size
中等大沉积物median size of sediment
二级最二乘方法two stage least squares method
份/copies per hour
伊朗工程管理Iranian Management and Engineering Group
伦琴/roentgens per hour
伦琴每roentgen/per hour
估计广义最平方法estimated generalized least squares
偏最二乘partial least square
偏最二乘归partial least squares regression
偏最二乘方partial least square
光滑最二乘方法smoothed least squares method
光滑最二乘方法-流域特征值smoothed least squares catchment characteristics
克/grains per hour
全球联合海洋站观测系统电讯联合专家世界气象组织/政府间海洋学委员会group of experts on IGOSS telecommunication
公吨/metric tons per hour
公里 /kilometers per hour
公里/kilometers per hour
公里/kilometer per hour
凝析油产量桶/barrels condensate per hour
分/每千瓦pennies per kilowatt hour
前塞武纪地层学组委员会Subcommission of Precambrian Stratigraphy
加仑 /gallons per hour
加拿大-美国科学咨询组委员会Canada-United States Scientific Advisory Team
加权最二乘法method of weighted least squares
加权最平方估计量weighted least squares estimator
加权非线性最平方法weighted non linear least squares
化学组委员会Chemical Sub-Committee
北大西洋公约组织海洋研究组委员会NATO subcommittee on oceanographic research
北极气象研究Arctic Meteorological Research Group
北海环境研究North Sea Environmental Study Group
区域开发国际饮用供水和环境卫生十年计划sector development team IDWSSD
十进〔制〉decimal fraction
千伏安kilovolt ampere-hour
千兆瓦gigawatt hours
千克/kilogram per hour
千克每kilogram per hour
千卡/kilocalorie per hour
千卡每kilocalorie per hour
千卡每时百分度kilocalorie per hour times centigrade
千卡每平方米kilocalorie per square metre time hour
千卡每平方米kilocalorie per square metre times hour
千卡每平方米时百分度kilocalorie per square metre times hour times centigrade
千卡每米时百分度kilocalorie per metre time hour times centigrade
千瓦kilowatt hours (1000 watt hours)
升/liter per hour
升每liter per hour
华北陆块中国North China Microcontinent
南极条约Antarctic Treaty Group
变量每variation per hour
叠前最展宽子波反褶积prestack minimum spread decon
吨每班tons per gang hour
周 /cycles per hour
哑变量最二乘方least squares with dummy variables
国家海岸生态系统National Coastal Ecosystem Team
国家验证专门National Verification Task Force
国际加勒比海及相邻水域合作调查协调International Coordination Group for the Cooperative Investigation of the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
国际南部海洋协调International Coordination Group for the Southern Ocean
国际土壤取样International Group on Soil Sampling
国际地层划分组委员会International Subcommission for Stratigraphic Classification
国际地层名词组委员会International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Terminology
国际流速仪研究International Current Meter Group
国际海洋科学事务组委员会International Marine Science Affairs Panel
国际深提升研究International Deep-Drawing Research Group
国际特别基金管理机构International Group of Funding Agencies
国际石炭纪地层组委员会International Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy
国际铜矿专家International Group of Experts on Copper
土地使用引起放射性物质污染调查pollution from land use activity reference group
土壤颗粒大分布particle-size distribution
土壤颗粒大分析soil particle size analysis
地块大lot size
地球化学海洋剖面计划实施GEOSECS operations group
地球科学电子学group on geoscience electronics
地震研究机构研究interagency working group for earthquake research
多伦多地质讨论加拿大Toronto Geological Discussion Group
大湖区土地使用引起放射性物质污染国际调查国际联合委员会、 美国和加拿大International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities
大西洋海洋研究加拿大Atlantic Oceanographic Group
太平洋海洋研究加拿大Pacific Oceanographic Group Canada
寻常最二乘方即线性回归ordinary least squares method
寻常最二乘方估计量ordinary least squares estimator
于最小值less than the minimum
倾滑正断层normal dip-slip minor-faults
冰河期气候little ice age climate
功率发电机small quantity generator
功率实验性石墨核反应堆graphite low-energy experiment pile
卫星天顶角small satellite zenith angle
口径slim hole
型侵入体small intrusive bodies
型天文卫星small astronomy satellite
型数据利用站small scale data utilization station
型新叉瘤抱属-云杉粉属抱粉minor-neoraistrickia piceaepollenites
型机载光谱成像仪compact airborne spectrographic imager
型水力发电站mini-hydro power generation station
型水电站mini-hydro power generation station
型测距仪卫星测量系统mini-ranger satellite survey system
型磁通门磁强计miniature fluxgate magnetometer
型科学卫星small scientific satellite
型荧光灯compact fluorescent bulbs
型荧光灯compact fluorescent lamp
型蒸发皿公式small boat formula
型贝壳化石small shelly fossils
型轨道地球资源观测站small orbiting Earth resources observatory
型轨道无人地球卫星minimum orbital unmanned earth satellite
型透度试验mini-penetration test
型采矿业small scale mining
天气weather of area
振幅脉冲极谱法small amplitude pulse polarography
样品测定系统small-sample assay system
容量单位,=9 加仑firkin
气候指森林、城市、 洞穴等局部地区的气候microclimate
水电small scale hydroelectric station
水电站small hydroelectric stations
流域治理small valley treatment
流域经济small watershed economy
流域综合治理small watershed management
(最)低,弦neap tide
潮最高低水位highest low water of neaptides
潮最高低潮highest low water of neaptides
潮高潮high water neap tide
潮高潮high water neaps
潮高潮痕迹high-water mark neap tide
潮高潮线high-water mark neap tide
slim hole
管径重力排污管small diameter gravity sewers
规模放射性观测实验pilot radioaction observation experiment
转矩low torque
额现金收入或支出petty cash
工程册子engineering pamphlet
工程师册子engineer pamphlet
平均最流量mean minimum discharge
年平均最mean annual minimum
年最事件annual smallest events
广义最二乘方法generalized least squares
广义最二乘法网络分析network analysis using generalized least squares
序贯无约束极化方法sequential unconstrained minimization technique
应用物理学研究applied physics research section
开发资源development resources panel
微/型水电工程Micro/Mini Hydroelectric (Project)
微米/立方英尺 • 压力升高单位micron cubic feet per hour
技术咨询联合国开发计划署technical advisory group UNDP
技术开发techniques development group
抗震设计评审seismic design review group
指示马力indicated horsepower-hour
振动速度/vibration velocity per hour
推力最方位自动调整auto heading for minimum thrust
政府间气候变迁组委员会intergovernmental panel on climate change
政府间科学、工程与技术咨询组委员会Intergovernmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Advisory Panel
无畸变响应最噪声方差minimum noise variance, distortionless response
日平均最minimum mean daily value
日本黏土研究Clay Research Group of Japan
普通潮高潮high water of ordinary neap tides
普通潮高潮痕迹high-water mark ordinary neap tide
普通潮高潮线high-water mark ordinary neap tide
上图面积minimum legible delineation
下渗率minimum infiltration rate
中毒剂量minimum toxic dose
事件内时间minimum interevent time
二乘方估计量least-squares estimator
二乘方拟合least square fit
二乘方法least squares method
二乘方配置共轭梯度法least squares collocation conjugate gradient approach
二乘立方least squares cubic
二乘逼近法minimum least-squared approximation technique
余流minimum residual flow
值的极值分布extreme value distribution of least values
金刚石钻头内径set inside diameter
加权平均偏移minimum weighted mean squared deviation
化绝对误差和minimize the sum of the absolute errors
危险浓度minimum risk concentration
可分辨层厚minimum resolvable layer thickness
可分辨温度minimum resolvable temperature
可分辩温差minimum resolvable temperature difference
可存活居群minimum viable population
可探测功率minimum detectable power
可探测差minimum detectable differences
可探测温度minimum detectable temperature
可检验水平minimum detectable level
周围nearest neighbourhood
均方微分算法least square differential algorithm
均方误差minimum meansquare error
型无人轨道地球卫星50 公斤以下Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite of the Earth
对流位能点least convection potential energy point
差分积分minimum variance integral
差异水平level of minimum difference
平方交叉确认法least squares cross validation
平方估计量least-squares estimator
平方和法minimum sum of squares method
平方有限元法least-squares finite element method
平方法lest square method
平方逼近法minimum least-squared approximation technique
平方配置least-squares collocation
延时频率frequency of minimum delay
抛光钻杆载荷minimum polished rod load
损耗minimal dissipation
方差distance least squares
方差线性无偏估计量minimum variance, linear unbiased estimator
方差配分平均minimum variance partition-average
有效剂量minimal effective dose
有效浓度minimum effect concentration
检出放射性minimum detectable activity
检测值minimum detectable value
检测极限minimum detection limit
残流minimum residual flow
混相压力minimum miscibility pressure
灌液速度minimum irrigation rate
相对熵法minimum relative entropy method
瞬时值minimum instantaneous value
破坏荷载minimum breaking loads
粒径minimum diameter
绝对偏差least-absolute deviation
绝对残差估计least-absolute-residuals estimate
耗能率minimum energy dissipation rate
能散率minimum rate of energy dissipation
能量值minimum energy value
能量曲线minimum energy curve
范数二次无偏差估计量minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator
获取通量密度minimum acquisition flux density
记载长度minimum description length
赤池信息准则估计minimum AIC estimate
跟踪通量密度minimum tracking flux density
轨道密度minimum orbital density
邻近nearest neighbourhood
需要能量minimum energy requirements
高度minimum altitude
最优控制最二乘方optimal control least squares
月球探险和计划group for lunar exploration and planning
月球样品预先检查lunar sample preliminary examination team
有效种群大effective population size
有机地球化学organic geochemistry group
机构间国际大气科学研究计划Interagency Group on International Programs in Atmospheric Science
机械故障预防mechanical fault prevention group
化偏差范围minimizing the range of deviations
化加权绝对偏差minimizing the weighted sum of absolute deviations
化最大绝对偏差minimizing the largest absolute deviation
化绝对偏差和minimizing the sum of absolute deviations
方差无偏二次估计minimum variance unbiased quadratic estimation
方差无偏估计minimum variance unbiased estimate
方差无偏估计量minimum variance unbiased estimator
方差无偏线性估计量minimum variance unbiased linear estimator
方差无畸变约束估计minimum variance distortionless constraint
残差法minimal residual method
极大极共存矩阵maximum cooccurrence matrix
标准最二乘方least normal squares
标准立方英尺/standard cubic foot per hour
桶/barrels fluid per hour
次数 /counts per hour
欧拉-拉格朗日最平方配置法Eulerian-Lagrangian Least Squares Collocation Method
欧洲原子光谱学European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy
欧洲地理信息European Geographic Information Team
欧洲管理研究European Research Group on Management
时内per hour
时冲洗液桶数barrels fluid per hour
每平方英尺每度温度差每时英热单位British thermal units per square foot per degree of temper a ture difference per hour
毗邻地区环境专题研究neighborhood environmental workshops
毫伦milliroentgen per hour
毫伦琴/时 • 米milliroentgen/hour meter
毫居里-millicurie hour
气体能量转化高级研究team to advance research for gas energy transformation
气候变迁研究专家组委员会panel of experts on climate change
气象火箭观测组委员会subcommittee for meteorological rocket observations
流明-lumen hour
海岸经济coastal economic microregion
海底调查组委员会海洋资源和工程协调委员会sea-bottom surveys panel MRECC
海底采矿组委员会marine mining panel
海洋事务气象组委员会panel on meteorological aspects of ocean affairs
海洋图表和标准联合组委员会joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards
海洋地质组委员会marine geology panel
海洋污染的科学问题专家联合joint group of experts on the scientific aspects of marine pollution
海洋环境观测及预报marine environmental observation and forecasting panel
海洋研究咨询Advisory Group on Ocean ResearchWMO
海洋设备组委员会marine facilities panel
海洋调查咨询组委员会Ocean Surveys Advisory Panel
海里 /nautical miles per hour
澳大利亚地图管理Australian Map Curators Circle
澳大利亚测量和土地信息Australian Surveying Land Information Group
灌丛土丘coppice knoll
时降水量纵坐标母线point hourly rainfall ordinate generator
热带气旋研究特设ad hoc group for tropical cyclone research
爆破地震学研究research group for explosion seismology
物理科学研究physical science study group
特别task group
环境污染专家组委员会panel of experts on environmental pollution
环境科学与社会影响研究environmental and societal impacts group
珊瑚礁的管理与研究coral reef management and research
瓦特watt hour (1Wh = 3600 焦耳)
瓦特时计watt-hour meter
由陆地引起的海洋污染专家group of experts on pollution of the ocean originating on land
百瓦特hectowatt hour
石英quartz droplets
矿产资源开发组委员会Sub-Committee on Mineral Resources Development
矿物资源组委员会mineral resources subcommittee
科利马-奥莫隆非均质陆块Kolyma-Omolon heterogeneous microcontinent
科学海洋防污专家联合joint group of experts on the scientific aspects of marine pollution
科学计划特设咨询Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Science Programs US
立方厘米每cubic centimeters per hours
简易最二乘方准则simple least squares criterion
1 米远处每时毫伦剂量milliroentgen per hour at one metre
系统工程咨询System Engineering Advisory Team
线性最二乘方linear least-square
线性最二乘方倒数linear least squares inverse
线性最加权平方误差估计量linear-minimum-weighted-square-error estimator
线性最均方误差linear minimum mean squared error
统一最二乘方unified least squares
因数reduction factor
美国企业协会American Association of Small Business
美国总统科学咨询委员会海洋学组委员会President's Scientific Advisory Committee Panel on Oceanography
联合国地名工作United Nations Working Group on Geographical Name
联合国开发咨询United Nations Development Advisory Team
联合国技术援助组委员会technical assistance panel
联合国水资源秘书联席intersecretariat group for water resources
联合国秘书间水资源inter-secretariat group for water resources
联合海洋研究joint oceanographic research group
联邦机构间水文测量组委员会federal interagency metric panel for hydrology
能源与电力组委员会Sub-Committee on Energy Resources and Electric Power
能源研究energy research group
脉动递减周期间隔intervals of pulsations diminishing in period
自动气象观测系统组委员会panel on automated meteorological observing system
英制马力-British horsepower-hour
英国情报资料调查组委员会British Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee
英国气象局无线电传递气象资料联合组委员会Meteorological Office, Joint Meteorological Radio Propagation Subcommittee
英里 /miles per hour
英里/时/秒miles per hour per second
蜕变/disintegrations per hour
蜕变/disintegration per hour
计划管理project management team
试验性预报experimental prediction group
资源利用Resources Services Group
距离辐射源一米处每时伦琴数剂量roentgen per hour at one meter
转数/revolutions per hour
输出最二乘方能识性output least square identifiability
迭代再加权最二乘方iteratively reweighted least squares
迭代加权最二乘方法iterative weighted least squares
迭代广义最二乘法iterative generalized least squares method
逆倾向滑断层reverse dip-slip minor-faults
递归寻常最二乘方recursive ordinary least-squares
递归广义最二乘方法recursive generalized leastsquares algorithm
递归广义最二乘算法recursive extended least squares algorithm
递归最二乘方recursive least squares
递推广义最二乘算法recursive extended least squares algorithm
递推广义最平方法recursive generalized leastsquares algorithm
递推最二乘方recursive least squares
通用非线性最二乘方曲线拟合程序general nonlinear least-squares curve fitting program
都市metropolitan purlieu
重量light weight
野外测量册子field survey pamphlet book
铀资源评价uranium resource appraisal group
阿尔贡功率反应堆Argonne Low-Power Reactor
阿波罗现场地质研究Apollo Field Geology Investigation Team
限制最平方法restricted least squares
隐储最二乘方implicit store least squares
非线性最二乘估计量nonlinear least-squares estimator
非线性最二乘方算法nonlinear least squares algorithm
非线性最二乘法nonlinear least squares method
非线性最二乘法method of nonlinear least squares
频率域最二乘方frequency domain least squares
额定最屈服强度minimum unit yield strength
马力-horsepower hour
电动马力-electric horse-power hour
高级型钻井系统advanced impact drilling system