
Terms containing 小转 | all forms | in specified order only
auto.车轮不碰及路缘石最小转向圆路缘石高度为150mm 时curb clearance circle
el.mach.交流电动机的最小转pull-up torque of ac motor
el.低效小信号电荷转移small-signal charge transfer inefficiency
gen.你的票上写的是直飞伦敦。不必转机,但得在这停大约一小时Your ticket shows that the flight will fly directly to London. You don't have to change flights, but you do have to stop over here for about 1 hour
tech.光学缩小转optical reduction
tech.光学缩小转optic reduction
tech.内侧轮胎最小转弯半径minimum turning inner radius
auto.内轮最小转弯半径minimum turning inner radius
tech.区段小运转列车district transfer train
fin.反转小阳线bullish harami
securit.反转小阳线技术分析bullish harami
tech.回转小车slewing trolley
met.回转式小方坯加热炉rotating billet heating furnace
oil, transp.国际油轮与转运终点安全小组International Tanker & Terminal Safety Guide
tech.图解缩小转graphical reduction
tech.图解缩小转graphic reduction
auto.在小油门运转slow running
auto.车辆外侧最小转弯直径wall to wall turning diameter
busin.外侧车轮最小转弯半径minimum turning radius of outer wheel
tech.外侧车轮最小回转半径minimum turning inner radius
auto.车轮外侧轮缘避开路缘石小转回转outer steering lock
busin.外廓最小转弯半径minimum turning radius of outer contour
auto.外轮最小转弯半径minimum turning outer radius
avia.两次大修间运转小时数飞机发动机的time between overhauls
telecom.大小写转换toggle case
fig.skat.3字小跳步转体半周Mazurka jump
auto.车辆传动比转向high-geared steering
auto.型催化转化器mini catalyst
met.small vessel
space小于零转移transfer less than zero
el.小于零转移transfer on less than zero
tech.小半径转角sharp corner
skiing小回转比赛slalom race
transp.小坡度转弯gentle bank
tech.小坡度转弯flat bank
tech.小型回转窑mini rotary kiln
IT小型录像转盘compact video cartridge
space小型有效载荷轨道转移器Sport small payload orbit transfer
met.小型贝塞麦转炉baby Bessemer converter
auto.小型转化器pup converter
auto.小型转化器mini converter
tech.小型转向架pony truck
met.小型转炉small vessel
met.小型转炉small converter
met.小型转筒式干燥机packaged rotary drum dryer
met.小型酸性转炉small Bessemer converter
met.小型酸性转炉baby Bessemer converter
tech.小型酸性转炉钢little Bessemer steel
wind.小型风能转换系统small scale wind energy conversion system
wind.小型风能转换装置small-scale WECS
wind.小型风能转换装置small scale WECS
met.小容量转炉small vessel
met.小容量转炉small converter
space小承包商、转包商sub subordinate,subcontractor
tech.小旋转接头small swivel
tech.小旋转轮small pivoted wheel
nautic., tech.—小时转速one hour revolution
agric.小泡转移vesicle translocation
el.小电流模数转换器low-current analog-to-digital converter
auto.车辆小的转弯直径tight turning circle
nurs.小管转运tubular transport
surg.小肠扭转volvulus of small intestine
surg.小肠扭转intestinal volvulus
sport., physiol.小脑转换cerebellar switch
avia.小行星的自转周期asteroid rotation period
avia.小行星自转asteroid rotation
tech.小角度转舵small helm
tech.小负荷运转light running
busin.小车回转速度trolley rotation speed
fig.skat.小转quarter circle
fig.skat.小转quarter turn
tech.小转发站minor relay station
sport., med.小转lesser trochanter
dril.门尼粘度计小转small rotor
sport., med.小转trochanter minor
anat.小转lesser trochanter (圆锥形隆起,位于股骨颈与股骨体连接处内下方,是髋腰肌的附着处)
dril.小转子门尼粘度计Mooney viscometer having the small rotor
el.小转差率试验low-slip test
gen.小转低转速作业straight line
gen.小转低转速作业slow running
met.小转small vessel
met.小转small converter
earth.sc.小转low torque
construct.小转运输smaller shipper
tech.小转运商small shipper
tech.小转运站minor relay station
biol.小轮转线虫rotylenchus parvus (Rotylenchus parvus Sher.)
tech.小运转交路【铁】transfer routing
tech.小运转列车transfer train
tech.小运转列车transship train
tech.小运转列车exchange train
railw.小运转机车transfer locomotive train
railw.小运转机车locomotive for district transfer
agric.小麦转基因wheat transgene
agric.小麦转基因技术{农业生物技术的三大技术之一}wheat transgene technology
agric.小麦转基因载体wheat transgene vector
tech.小齿轮和齿条转向装置pinion-and-rack steering
auto.转向器小齿轮转矩pinion torque
tech.年运转小时annual operating hours
gen.我等航班消息已经一个半小时了。你们现在有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?
avia.按小时计的间接运转费用hourly indirect operating cost
tech.旋转式起重小车rotating trolley
tech.无穷小旋转infinitesimal rotation
chem.无限小转infinitesimal rotation
avia.小转变温度minimal inversion temperature
avia.小转minimum turn
auto.小转向半径turning radius
auto.车辆小转向圆smallest turning circle
auto.小转向圆半径minimum turning radius
avia.小转minimal turn
tech.小转弯半径minimum turning radius
auto.车身小转弯半径minimum turning clearance radius
avia.小转弯半径minimum turn radius
tech.车辆的小转弯半径minimum turning radius
avia.小转弯半径minimal turn radius
auto.小转弯圆minimum turning circle
tech.小转弯圆圈minimum turning circle
auto.小转弯直径minimum turning diameter
tech.小转弯轨迹minimum turning path
tech.小转换键控minimum shift keying
tech.小转minimum revolution
el.小转pull-up torque
el.mot.小转交流电动机的pull-up torque of an AC motor
el.mach.小转交流电动机pull-up torque
auto.最大转矩时的最小点火提前角minimum advance for best torque
auto.发动机最大转矩时的最小点火提前角minimum spark advance for best torque
auto.最大转矩时的最小点火提前角minimum spark advance for best torque
tech.最小偏转minimum deflection
compr.最小允许转速minimum allowable speed
bridg.constr.最小回转半径least radius of gyration
bridg.constr.最小回转半径minimum radius of gyration
bridg.constr.最小回转半径smallest radius of gyration
tech.最小回转半径minimum turning radius
tech.最小回转圆minimum turning circle
tech.最小回转曲线minimum turning curve
busin.最小回转通道宽度minimum turning-back aisle width
auto.汽车以最大转向角回转时的最小安全回转圆clearance circle
tech.内燃机的最小开机转矩breakaway torque
space最小能量转移轨道minimum energy transfer orbit
tech.最小运转时间minimum operating time
avia.旋翼的最小阻力风转optimum-drag windmilling
dermat.有带小孔的可转动盖的容器shaker-top container
tech.机械缩小转mechanical reduction
bridg.constr.杆件最小回转半径smallest radius of gyration of component
oil极大流转极小割截定理max-flow-min-cut theorem
bridg.constr.构件顺截面回转半径较小方向弯曲的纵向弯曲临界荷载bucking critical load of member bended in direction of smaller radius of gyration of cross-section
railw.枢纽小运转transfer train
tech.枢纽小运转列车junction terminal transfer train
mech.每小时转revolutions per hour
busin.每小时转数revolutions per hour
earth.sc.气体能量转化高级研究小组team to advance research for gas energy transformation
tech.汽车最小转弯半径minimum turning radius
auto.活动转向小车轮caster wheel
el.燃料转运小车【核】fuel transfer carriage
tech.用小连杆与转向架构架相连的轴箱axle-box fastened to the bogie frame by means of small articulated rods
tech.空转小齿轮loose pinion
tech.空转小齿轮lazy pinion
tech.累积运转小时accumulated running hours
mech.累计转动小时数cumulative rotation hours
sport., med.股骨小转子骨骺撕脱epiphyseal avulsion of femoral lesser trochanter
sport., physiol.肾小管最大转运率tubular transport maximum
agric.胞转小泡transcytotic vesicle
surg.臀小肌转子囊trochanteric bursa of gluteus minimus
tech.装饰性转角小柱angle shaft
environ.英国设得兰岛转运油库环境小组Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Group
gen.请向小罗斯转达我的问候Please convey my greetings to little Rose
tech.踏步转角延伸的小突沿return nosings
auto.车身内侧最小转弯半径minimum turning clearance inner radius
auto.车身外侧最小转弯半径minimum turning clearance outer radius
auto.车辆最小转弯直径vehicle clearance circle diameter
auto.车辆最外端最小回转圆vehicle clearance circle
auto.车辆最外端最小回转圆直径vehicle clearance circle diameter
securit.转变为股份合作制的小企业small enterprises changed into shareholding cooperatives
auto.齿轮齿条转向器转向小齿轮rack pinion
tech.转向架小车bogie stock
tech.转向架推拉小车truck push/pull for bogies
agric.转基因小麦transgenic wheat
genet.转基因小鼠transgenic mice
tech.转子发动机小客车rotary engined car
dril.转/小时revolutions per hour
busin.…转/小时revolutions per hour
water.res., ecol.转小鼠金属硫蛋白mouse metallothionein-I
tech.转弯小径turning path
genet.转录基因的核小体结构nucleosome structure of transcriptional gene
earth.sc.转数/小时revolutions per hour
avia.转数每小时revolutions per hour
mech.转每小时revolutions per hour
tech.转角小教堂corner chapel
life.sc.转运小泡transport vesicle
life.sc.高尔基转运小泡transitional vesicle
agric.转运小泡指高尔基体transitional vesicle
tech.转运小车transfer car
auto.发动机转速小时表revolution counter-tachometer and hourmeter
dril.运转小时operating hours
agric.运转小时operating hour
tech.运转小时running hours
tech.运转小时指示器running hours indicator
chem.透平的最小转速和功率minimum rotation rate and power for turbine
tech.非锁定大小写转换字符non-locking shift character
tech.高速小转矩液压马达low torque high-speed hydraulic motor
tech.齿条和小齿轮转向steering by rack and pinion