
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
一周后敏感的症状会消失It will disappear in about a week
为了义齿的稳定,我把您的牙磨去一点To make your denture stable, I'll grind your teeth a little
为了制作全口义齿,我取模灌制研究模型To make upper and lower full dentures, I'll take impression for study models
为了制定治疗计划,我为您灌制一副石膏模型We will make a plaster model of your teeth for the treatment plan
为了能获得一个清洁干燥的工作环境,我给您的牙上放上橡皮障To provide a clean and dry working field on the tooth, I'll put this rubber dam on your tooth
为灌制一副研究模型,我给您的牙齿取印模I'll take an impression of your teeth for a study model
今天我修复您的下后牙Today, I will restore your lower molar (back tooth)
今天我做一个临时充填I will put a temporary filling today
今天我做如下治疗Today I will do the following treatment
今天,我去掉临时牙冠换上金冠Today I will remove the temporary crown, and set a gold crown
充填物封住根管,避免其再次感染The filling will seal the canal and prevent it from being infected again
六个月内我们与您联系提醒您复诊We will be in touch with you in six months to remind you of your appointment by card
到下次复诊时我做诊疗计划I will make a diagnosis and treatment plan till next appointment
如果没有日常家庭的维护,治疗会失败The treatment will fail without your daily home care
如果没有深牙周袋和牙槽骨的吸收,通过有效的刷牙和牙周刮治您的牙龈恢复健康If you don't have deep pockets and bone recession, your gum will be cured with effective tooth brushing and scaling
当我钻牙时您感觉痛吗?如果痛,我给您打针麻药Are you feeling a pain when I use the drill? Then I will use an injection for anesthesia
在中国呆多久?How long will you live in China?
您不会感觉到疼痛,但您会感觉到您的牙龈有些紧You won't feel pain, but perhaps you'll feel tight on your gum
为制作义齿灌制牙模型I'll make a model of the teeth for making a denture
为制作核取模I'll take an impression of this tooth for making a core
为制作牙冠灌制牙模型I'll make a model of the teeth for making a crown
为嵌体取模I will take an impression for an inlay
为您做一个塑料临时冠I'll put a plastic temporary crown on the teeth
为您治疗有个大龋洞的那颗牙I will treat the tooth with the largest cavity
会把你牙齿上的龋洞清理干净并用树脂充填它们I am going to clean a cavity in your tooth and fill it with composite resin
使你的牙齿睡觉I will make your tooth go to sleep
充填根管I'll put a filling in the root canal
冲洗根管I'll irrigate to clean the root canal
切个小切口以便于脓液的引出I will make a small incision to drain the pus
去除所有腐败物I'll remove all the decay of the tooth
取出托盘I'll remove the tray
取出棉卷I'll take the cotton out
取出胶片I'll take the film out
向您说明治牙过程I will explain the treatment procedures for your teeth
吹干你的牙齿并给它们涂些氟化物I am going to dry and paint fluoride solution on your teeth
在您的口腔中试个别托盘,您感觉痛吗?I'm going to try this tray in your mouth. Well, do you feel any pain?
在您的嘴里放一张感光胶片I'll put a film in your mouth
在您的嘴里放个棉卷I'm going to put a cotton roll in your mouth
在您的牙齿上钻个小眼I'll make a small opening in the top of your tooth
在您的牙龈表面涂些药物I'll put some medicine on the surface of your gums
在根管里放些药物来消除感染I'll treat the infection by putting medication in the tooth
在牙内放置桩核以起到支持作用I'll put a core into the tooth to support it
在研究模型上设计您的义齿I'll design your denture on the study model
对这颗牙做牙髓活力测试I will do a pulp test on this tooth
把充填物磨低点然后抛光它I'll grind the filling down a little, and polish it
把冠向下压一点I'll push the crown down slightly
把冠粘固在你的牙上。I'll fix the crown on your tooth. Prosthetic treatment of dental arch defection and absent
把您约到一周后I'll give you an appointment for one week from today
把暂时冠取下I'm going to take the temporary crown off
把橡皮障放在牙齿上以便获得干燥的环境I'll put this rubber dam on the teeth to get a dry field
抬高牙椅I will bring the chair up
拿掉围裙I'll take your apron off
放些氟化物在这个海绵上,你把它含在嘴里约三分钟I will place some fluoride on this sponge and hold it in your mouth for three minutes
清理预备根管I'll clean and smooth the root canal
用力取出托盘I'll take the tray out with some power
用吸唾器吸净你的唾液I will use my vacuum cleaner to clean your mouth
用树脂材料来封闭这些窝沟,使他们容易清洁I'll seal these grooves with this white plastic material to make them easy to be cleaned
用气枪吹干您的牙齿I'm going to dry the tooth by blowing air on to it
用氟给您的牙齿脱敏I will put the fluoride to remove the sensitivity
用粘接剂粘固冠I'll fix the crown with cement
用红色的液体涂抹你的牙齿以便我们能看到牙虫I will put a red color liquid on your teeth so that we can see the sugar bugs
用表麻药来麻醉您的牙龈I will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the surface of the gum
用超声工作尖给您清洁I will use an ultrasonic scaler
磨去少量痛点处的基托I'll grind the point a little
给您围上铅围裙I'll place a lead apron on you
给您开三天的抗生素I will give you antibiotics for three days
给您开些药I'll give you some medicine
给您拆线I will take out the sutures
给您注射点麻药来减轻疼痛I'll give you an anesthetic to relieve the pain, If you feel pain, please tell me
给您清理牙结石I will remove the tartar from your teeth now
给您的牙齿抛光使牙体表面光滑Now I will polish your teeth to make them smooth
给您的牙齿拍个 X 线片来测量牙根的长度I'll take an X-ray to measure the length of the root
给您的牙齿拍个 X 线片看看牙内情况I will take an X-ray to check inside the tooth
给您的牙齿涂氟三分钟I will paint fluoride solution on your teeth for three minutes
给您的颌骨拍个 X 线片以了解颌骨内的情况I'll take an X-ray to confirm the condition of your jaw bone
给您缝合伤口I will suture
给您试戴义齿然后把它调整到适合您的口腔I'll try the denture in and adjust it to fit your mouth
给您试戴和调改个别托盘I'll try in and adjust this individual tray
调改卡环I'll adjust the clasp by grinding
进行比色I will do the color matching
通过根管来消除牙根尖感染I'll disinfect the focus at the root tip through your root canal
阅读您的 X 线片I'll examine your X-ray
明天我冲洗您的伤口Tomorrow I want to irrigate the wound
根管内所有炎性物质被去除后,我用橡胶材料充填您的根管After all the infected tissue has been removed, I will fill the canal with rubber material
现在我在您的牙齿上涂菌斑显示液Now I will put the red disclosing solution on your teeth
现在,我在模型上向您展示如何刷牙Now, I will show you how to brush your teeth using this dental model
现在,我给您的牙齿做窝沟封闭Now, I'll seal your teeth
现在我给您的牙齿取模I will now take an impression of your teeth
表麻减少注射的疼痛Topic anesthetic will lessen the discomfort of the injection
这是您的收据。我给您治疗的账单I'll send you the bill of your treatment
这次,我用个别托盘为您取模This time I'll take an impression of your mouth by sing this individual tray
首先,我调改托盘使它适合您的牙弓形态First, I'll adjust the tray to fit the size of your mouth
龋洞很深,在钻牙前我给您打一针局麻药The decay is very deep, so I will use a local anesthetic before drilling