
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing | all forms
三叉面神经反trigeminofacial reflex
下颌注mandibular injection
下鼻甲硬化剂注sclerosing agent injection of inferior space
丘脑前辐anterior thalamic radiations
中耳病反middle ear disease reflex
交叉听反试验crossed acoustic reflex test
交叉听反试验contralateral stimulation test
声压incident sound pressure
体位运动反statokinetic reflex
前庭信号反vestibular signal reflex
前庭反vestibuloocular reflex
前庭植物神经反vestibulo autonomic reflex
前庭植物神经反vestibular autonomic reflex
前庭眼球反vestibulo ocular reflex
前庭脊髓反vestibulo spinal reflex
前庭视反vestibular visual reflex
前方人自由声场frontally-incident free sound field
单光子发电子计算机断层扫描single photon emission computedtomography
单光子发电子计算机断层照相术single photon emission computedtomography
厄尔本反Erben reflex
亢进性鼻炎hyperreflectory rhinitis
性头痛reflex headache
性头痛reflex cephalalgia
性神经血管障碍reflex neurovascular disturbance
性耳痛otalgia reflexa
性营养障碍reflex dystrophy
发声反调制phonatory reflex modulation
口轮匝肌反orbicularis oris reflex
同时条件反concurrent conditioned reflex
吞咽反palatal reflex
吞咽反palatine reflex
吞咽反deglutition reflex
听反acoustic reflex
听反acoustic reflection
听反衰减acoustic reflex decay
听反通路auditory reflex pathway
听反acoustic reflex threshold
听声转眼反auditooculogyric reflex
听睑反Kehrer reflex
听睑反Gault reflex
听睑反auriculopalpebral reflex
听睑反cochleoorbicular reflex
听睑反auropalpebral reflex
听睑反Gault cochleopalpebral reflex
听睑反cochleopalpebral reflex
听睑反audiopalpebral reflex
听瞳孔反cochleopupillary reflex
听肌反性反应auditory muscle reflex response
听视反audio-visual reflex
听觉投auditory projection area
听觉投auditory cortex
听觉朝向反auditory orientating reflex
听辐acoustic radiation
听辐线thalamotemporal radiation
听辐线radiatio acustica
听音转眼反auditory oculogyric reflex
呕反pharyngeal reflex
呕反gag reflex
呕吐反vomiting reflex
呼吸反pneopneic reflex
咽反gag reflex
咽门反faucial reflex
唇反lip reflex
喉反laryngeal reflex
喉声反听睑反射acousticolaryngeal reflex
喉注laryngeal syringe
喷嚏反sneezing reflex
噪声发noise emission level
嚼肌反masseter reflex
四足伸直反Brain reflex
垂直人吸声系数normal incidence sound absorption coefficient
基斯反Kisch reflex
sound deflection
声动反sonomotor reflex
声反auditory reflex
声反指数acoustic reflective index
声反松弛指数acoustic reflex relaxation index
声反衰减试验acoustic reflex decay test
声反鼻测量acoustic rhinometry
声发构型acoustic radiation pattern
声带内注intracordal injection
声带内注injection of vocal cords
声带内注injection intracordal
声放ray of sound
声散sound scattering
声辐radiator acoustic
声辐acoustic radiation pattern
声顺及声反compliance and acoustic reflex meter
外耳道反Kisch reflex
外耳道反external auditory meatus reflex
多野照multifield radiation
奥本海姆反Oppenheim reflex
姿势反reflexes statotonic
姿势反static reflex
姿势反reflexes attitudinal
戈尔特反Gault reflex
戈尔特蜗睑反Gault cochleopalpebral reflex
测验projection test
操作条件反operant conditioning reflex
性颌骨坏死radiation necrosis of jaws
diffuse sound
斗篷式放mantle field of radiation
旋转式放治疗rotation radiotherapy
术中放治疗para-operation radiotherapy
术前放治疗pre-operation radiotherapy
术后放治疗post-operation radiotherapy
条件定向反conditioned orientation reflex
根治性放治疗radical radiation therapy
椭圆囊反reflexes utricular
气发air radiation
泪味觉反lacrimo-gustatory reflex
激光照治疗laser radiation
直立反static reflex
眼咽反oculopharyngeal reflex
瞬目反winking reflex
瞬目反blink reflex
瞳孔光反pupil light reflex
翻正反body-righting reflex
耳内肌反intra-aural muscle reflex
耳内肌反intra-aural muscle reflex thresholds
耳反aural reflex
耳后肌反post-auricular muscle reflex
耳声发otoacoustic emission
耳注ear syringe
耳注aural syringe
耳睑反auropalpebral reflex
耳睑反auriculopalpebral reflex
耳郭反auricle reflex
耳颈神经反auriculocervical nerve reflex
腭反palatine reflex
腭反palatal reflex
腭睑反palatopalpebral reflex
致反纯音reflex-activating pure-tones
舌下喉反系统hypoglossolaryngeal reflex system
蜗反cochlear reflex
蜗睑反Gault reflex
蜗睑反cochleopalpebral reflex
蜗睑反cochleoorbicular reflex
蜗睑反试验cochleopalpebral reflex test
蜗瞳孔反cochleopupillary reflex
剪切radial shear
运动反kinetic reflex
迷走神经反vagus reflex
迷路倾斜反labyrinthine tilting reflex
迷路反reflexes labyrinthine
迷路姿势反labyrinthine postural reflex
迷路紧张反reflexes labyrinthine tonic
迷路翻正反reflexes labyrinthine righting
肌反半衰期测量stapedial reflex half decay duration measurement
肌反半衰试验stapedial reflex half decay test
肌反测量stapedial reflex measurement
肌反衰减试验stapedial reflex decay test
肌反stapedial reflex thresholds
镫骨肌stapedial reflex
镫骨肌stapedius muscle reflex
镫骨肌stapedial acoustic reflex
镫骨肌反cochleostapedial reflex
镫骨肌反衰减试验decay of stapedius reflex test
镫骨肌声反acoustic stapedial reflex
阳性条件反建立法positive conditioning
静位反static reflex
非条件反测听unconditioned reflex audiometry
面放镭源plannar radium source
颌反mandibular reflex
颏反mandibular reflex
食管唾液反oesophagosalivary reflex
骨膜反periosteal reflex
鼓膜反tympanic membrane reflex
鼓膜张肌反tensor tympani muscle reflex
鼓膜肌反tympanic muscle reflex
鼓膜辐stratum externum membranae tympani
鼻内注nasal injection
鼻反reflexes nasal
鼻反nasal reflex
鼻孔反nostril reflex
鼻梁睑反nose bridge-lid reflex
鼻注nasal syringe
鼻泪反nasolacrimal reflex
鼻眼反nose-eye reflex
鼻睑反nasopalpebral reflex
鼻肺反nasopulmonary reflex
鼻颏反nasomental reflex
鼻黏膜下注nasal submucous injection