
Terms for subject Handball containing | all forms
不动步no-step shot
交叉步crossover step shot
低手floor shot
低手underhand shot
体侧sidearm shot
体侧shoulder shot
侧向鱼跃diving side shot
侧手sidearm shot
侧手side-arm shot
倒地landing shot
feint shot
sudden shot
单手肩上one-hand shoulder shot
原地no-step shot
原地standing shot
原地no step shot
反弹bounce shot
反手reverse shot
同侧脚起跳same-side-leg jump shot
垫步skip step shot
垫步skip-step shot
throw at the goal
小角度wing shot
小角度small angle shot
push shot
空中接球mid-air-catch and shot
空中接球Japanese flyer
空中接球mid-air catch and shot
突然sudden shot
肩上shoulder shot
落地landing shot
超手overhead shot
超手overhand shot
跨步step shot
跳起jump shot
转身turnaround shot
转身turnaround shot
边锋位side shot
边锋位wing shot
边锋位small angle shot
过顶overhead shot
protection of the goal
防近protection of the goal from short distance shots
防远protection of the goal
阻挠disturb shot
高手overhead shot
高手overhand shot
鱼跃dive shot
鱼跃diving shot
鱼跃跳起diving jump shot