
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
称度测量measurement of asymmetry measurement
称船尾unsymmetrical stern
称调制asymmetric modulation
称边带发射机asymmetric side band transmitter
路的货物unwanted goods
中国外贸易运输集团总公司China National Foreign Trade Transportation Group Corporation
互补称电路complementary symmetry circuit
亮度比界线brightness contrast border
加强技术信息的搜集enhance collection of technical information
参数绝误差absolute divergence of parameter
双面接焊double welded butt joint
同轴转螺旋桨coaxial contrarotating propeller
实际地航速speed made good over the ground
实际地航速speed made good
实际地航速speed made ground
实际水航速speed made good through the water
上层结构供水管系进行水密性试验superstructure water supply piping to be done watertightness test
上层结构压缩空气管系进行气密性试验superstructure compressed air piping to be done airtightness test
上层结构控制空气管系进行气密性试验superstructure control air piping to be done airtightness test
上层结构水密门窗进行冲水试验superstructure water-tightness doors and windows to be done clashing test
…不适合inadequate to…
仲裁裁决说明理由give reasons for an award
共同海损不赔free of general average
单独海损绝对不赔free from particular average absolutely
地漏电方向继电器directional earth leakage relay
地航向course over ground
地航向与航速course and speed made good over the ground
地航程distance over the ground
地高度计above ground altimeter
外经贸仲裁委员会Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
外贸易价格指数index number of the price of foreign trade
应支出counter expenditure
开式铁心waffle iron
弧焊twin arc fillet welding
损失所负的责任liability for loss
接焊夹具clamp apparatus for butt welding
接焊机butt welding machine
接焊的butt welded
…提供支持render support to…
…放宽限制relax restrictions on…
机舱空气干燥器进行功能试验及报警试验engine room air drier to be done function test and alarm test
比型光度计contrast-type photometer
比度放大contrast amplification
比度自动校正器automatic contrast corrector
比度补偿contrast compensation
比度调节装置contrast control device
比度降低因数contrast reduction factor
水航向与航速course and speed made good through the water
水航速speed through the water
流式过热器convection superheater
流模量convection modulus
流热交换器convective heat exchanger
甲板冲洗管系进行冲洗试验deck clashing piping system to be done clashing test
着三号浮标行驶steer on number three buoy
着灯塔行驶steer on light tower
称压模balanced mold
称天线调谐电路balanced antenna tuning circuit
称延迟电缆balanced delay cable
称焊缝symmetrical weld
称电路bilateral circuit
称间断焊缝symmetrical intermittent weld
空调设备功能试验air-condition plant to be done function test
置柱塞液压操舵装置opposed-ram steering gear
置气缸发动机opposed-cylinder engine
转电动机counterrotating motor
转电动机counter-rotating motor
转螺旋桨contrarotating propeller
转让的限制restriction of transfer
轴系孔划线marking for shafting boring
这种商品我们一般不给折扣As a rule we don't allow any discount for this commodity.
这类商品,只有在价格合理时我们才进口We won't import this kind of goods unless the price is reasonable.
造船质量差负有责壬bear responsibility for bad shipbuilding quality
总段接边缘检验survey of block abutting edge
总段接边缘检验survey of block abutting edges
电池battery pair
我们全部条款已达成一致意见We have reached an agreement on all the terms.
我们所有条款都没有意见了We have no questions about the terms.
承运人迟延所负责任carrier's liability for delay
折叠称天线folded doublet
振幅频率的畸变amplitude versus frequency distortion
据我方所知,有的国家这种商品正在削价大量抛售As we know, some countries are selling those goods at low prices in big quantities.
接近相航速relative speed approach
控制比度controlling contrast
曲轴crankshaft alignment
曲轴crank shaft alignment
曲轴中测量crankshaft alignment measurement
曲轴中测量crank shaft alignment measurement
曲轴准器crankshaft alignment
最大绝额定值absolute maximum rating
校正活塞环口间隙check piston-ring end clearance
检测器绝响应absolute detector response
独立自主的外贸易independent sovereign foreign trade
电子抗天线electronic countermeasure aerial
电子抗天线electronic countermeasures aerial
电感绝标准induction absolute standard
电荷charge symmetry
电荷称介子charge symmetric meson
直观绝误差apparent absolute error
加速度acceleration relative
计程仪relative log
相关电子correlated electron pair
magnetic symmetry
空气流干燥air convection drying
空气相湿度relative air humidity
不实性absolute sterility
二次曲线absolute conic
二次曲面absolute quadric
位置读数器absolute position readout
值表示absolute value representation
偏差积分absolute deviation integral
停车标志absolute stop marker
凸闭集合absolutely convex closed set
动量absolute momentum
压力测量头absolute pressure pickup
可求和序列absolutely summable sequence
均匀收敛absolute uniform convergence
干状态absolutely dried condition
平行性absolute parallelism
式编码器absolute type encoder
性调节absolute accommodation
探测极限absolute detection limit
收敛幂级数absolutely convergent power series
曲率absolute curvature
曲率半径absolute radius of curvature
极值absolute extremum
极型absolutely extreme form
极限absolute extremes
校正规则absolute correction rule
水平面absolute horizon
温度标absolute temperature scale
瞬态偏差absolute transient deviation
等同成分absolute equivalent
系统偏差absolute system deviation
计算法absolute calculation
评级标准absolute grading standards
调和测度零absolute harmonic measure zero
调节absolute accommodation
辐射热光度absolute bolometric luminosity
顶点absolute ceiling
美国玻璃钢游艇的需求很大。There is a great demand for glass fiber reinforced plastic yacht in the United States.
背信用证back to back L/C
自动准分光镜autocollimatic spectroscope
自动讲电话hand free interphone
角截距bilge-diagonal intercept
岸无线电台ship-to-shore radio station
岸无线电台ship to shore radio station
岸无线电台ship to shore radio-station
请说明你们大概要订购的数量,以便我们价格作相应的调整Could you tell us the quantity you require so that we may adjust our price accordingly?
超短波讲机功能试验function test of ultrashort wave radio telephone
超短波讲机功能试验function test of ultrashortwave radio telephone
连杆准器connecting rod aligner
闪光接焊有档锚链flash butt welded link stud anchor chain
闪光接焊锚链flash butt welded anchor chain
附加调小齿轮additional corrector pinion
零部件components alignment
称天线输人端asymmetrical aerial input
称天线输入端asymmetrical aerial input