
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一会谈one-on-one meeting
一比率出售three-against-one ratio writing
一比率出售three against one ratio writing
上市公司其股份权益有进行调查的权力power of listed corporation to investigate ownership of interests in its shares
称加密asymmetric cryptography
称密码操作asymmetric cryptograph operation
称波动asymmetric volatility
称的杠杆作用leverage asymmetry
称风险asymmetric risk
不动产投资信托协会收人NAREIT income comparison
不反修订公函no objective letter
不完整imperfect hedge
不法illegal consideration
与股本收益率结合的相强度relative strength combined with ROE
中央结算指结算机构介于交易双方之间,充当买者的卖方和卖者的买方central counterparty
中央结算central counter party
中性neutral hedge
中止方案的执行halt to the plan
中证300相价值指数CSI 300 Relative Value Index
中证300相成长指数CSI 300 Relative Growth Index
书面账单written reconciliation statement
买人purchase hedge
买人buying hedge
买人buy hedge
买进purchasing hedge
一卖出two-against one writing
一立权two-against one writing
交互核cross check
交易transaction counterparty
交易手信贷风险counterparty credit risk
交易trade comparison
交易盘系统trade matching system
交易盘系统trade crossing system
交易transaction counterparty
交易matching of transaction
交易指令配前时间段pre-order matching period
交易配matching of transaction
交易配设施trading matching facility
人工配操作股票交易manual matching operation
企业企业及企业对消费者电子商务模式的联合体business to business, business to consumer
企业企业财团买方或卖方组成的团体或联盟,为实现共同的商业目标而在网络上集合各自的资源B2B consortium
企业分销商business to distributor
企业员工business to employee
企业政府business to goverment
企业政府企业与政府间,而不是企业与企业间的交易business to government
企业消费者/顾客business to consumer
余额账单股票交易balance ticket
作为冲基金投资者的公司corporations as hedge fund investor
信息information symmetry
信息不asymmetry of information
信息披露公平与fairness and symmetry of the information disclosure
信托信托交易trust-to-trust transfer
信用下级hedging credit downgrade
信用差额hedging credit spreads
信用等级下调hedging credit downgrade
候选接管takeover candidate
债券发行利息的限制bond restrictions on dividends
全权委托discretionary object
全部full consideration
全面相价格overall price relative
公众证券市场的信心public confidence in market
公司公司business to business
公司间持有方债券intercompany bond holding
冯氏冲基金顾问Van Hedge Fund Advisors
净收益流通普通股比率ratio of net income to outstanding common stock
净收益股息比率dividend cover
净收益资本比率ratio of net income to worth
利息换券limited coupon
利润股东自有资本的比率ratio of profit to stockholder's equity
利率准备金的比率interest reserve ratio
利用顾客资金买空卖空的敲罪行bucketing offence
力口权相重要性weighing relative importance
加强信息披露监管reinforce the supervision over the information disclosure
加权weighted hedge
冲期权half-hedged option
数坐标semi-logarithmic scale
单一冲基金single hedge fund
单价配期权netting options
单证核vouching tests
危机沟通/crisis communications
吹牛者反击股市上的黑嘴骗子fighting charlatan
意见dissenting voice
搁置交易的上诉appeal against suspension
股东大会或董事会上negative vote
dissenting vote
反向称三角形inverted symmetrical triangle
反向核negative verification
整个世界实施的权利right in rem
可变variable hedging
合约的offsetting contract
合规核compliance checklist
同业比分析horizontal analysis
同价敲交易straddle trading
同行同行P to P (Peer to Peer)
名义nominal consideration
售出同价敲期权sell straddle
在股市中投资者威慑作用having deterrent effect on investors in stock market
外国证券比与清算系统foreign securities comparison and netting
外部冲技巧external hedging techniques
大规模市场比次级市场根据某个标准进行分类的客户群市场mass market vs. submarket
大量新股涌人市场造成冲击flood of new stocks hitting the market
套利敲账户straddle account
套利/相价值对冲基金arbitrage/relative value funds
套期保值hedging consideration
委托人受托人行为负责respondent superior
委托人经纪人的付费hard dollar
存续期配duration matching
完全perfect hedge
宏观macro hedge
宏观冲基金macro fund
定量多仓比空仓冲基金quantitative long/short funds
宣布财产拥有留置权lien claimed on property
上市公司的公开谴责public censure to listed company
上市公司进行公开谴责和批评conduct public censure or criticism to listed company
不公平损害的补救unfair prejudice remedy
不成熟假设的故意披露股市上wilful disclosure of immature assumption
买方有利的价格bargain price
买方的监管问题regulatory considerations for buyers
于上市公司有效透明的监管机制effective transparent regulatory mechanism for listed companies.
交易的预期expectation of game
债券持有者掠夺bondholder expropriation
…对…做出决议adopt resolutions on
全部股票的运用on all stocks
公共资金的非法占有unauthorized retention of public money
公司合并的限制limitation on consolidation
公司收购兼并的限制limitation on merger
兼并和资产销售限制restriction on mergers and asset sales
内代收inward collection
内套利inward arbitrage
内差价inside spread
利息敏感的资产interest sensitive assets
剩余股本的特别要求权special claim on residual equity
剩余股本的特别要求权special daim on residual equity
matched order
合资子公司的投资investment in a partially-owned subsidiary
周期性公司的预测cyclical company forecast
商业银行贷款增加额进行监控regulatory control on bank lending increase
处置财产的限制restriction on dealing with property
外保证outward guarantee
外债券foreign bond
外偿付能力external liquidity
外单位投资investment in outside unit
外投资的信息披露行为disclosure of outward investment
外担保outward guarantee
外提供担保provide outward guarantees
外竞争力external competitiveness
外要价out for a bid
外负债和债权external liabilities and claims
外高风险担保outward high-risk guarantee
大众负责accountability to the public
大户的书面警告written caution to big investors
大盘股票的运用with large stocks
大盘股票的运用on large stocks
大量持股的限制restriction on substantial shareholding
奖债券lottery bond
子公司优先股及普通股控股holding of subsidiary preferred and common stock
子公司借款限制limitation on subsidiary borrowing
宣布发放股利的限制restriction on dividend declaration
小企业实行更灵活的政策adopt a flexible policy towards small ones
市况的掌握程度market savvy
市场上的非法行为采取严厉措施crack down on illegal behaviors in market
市场原则的承诺commitment to pro-market principles
市场持谨慎态度remaining cautious about the market
市场的了解程度market savvy
市场绝对正确的迷信religious belief in the infallibility of market
市场趋势的看法outlook for the market
应原则matching principle
应期货合约underlying futures contract
应股票借人交易underlying stock borrowing transaction
应账户correspondent account
开信用证reciprocal letter of credit
……征税levy a tax on...
房地产投资investment in property
手不履行合同的违约风险counterparty risk
手代理rival agency
手经纪商contra broker
执行人员决定的审核review of executive decisions
……承担责任assume liability towards...
……投标make a tender for
投标人的资格预审prequalification of bidders
投资损失的承受忍耐力market exposure
投资者开展公关的努力investor-relations effort
投资者的赔偿investor compensation
投资者赔偿安排investor compensation arrangement
持照人采取纪律行动disciplinary action in respect of licensed persons
数图表logarithmic charts
数坐标技术分析logarithmic scale
数指数期权模型log exponential option model
数正态分布型log normal distribution
数线性最小平方法log linear least squares method
mutual dealing
各种交易者串通,以同价和同量同时交易某一股票的行为improper matched orders
敲价格dealing quote
敲指令制造交易活跃假象matching order
敲指令合谋制造交易活跃假象matched order
暂停交易提出上诉appeal against suspension
期权交易的规定requirement for options trading
期货交易的法律限制legal restrictions on futures trading
期货交易的要求requirements for futures trading
期货合同征费levy on futures contract
未挂牌交易证券的估值evaluation of unquoted securities
机构投资者的第二次报价market sweep
杠杆的敏感性sensitivity to leverage
物权利right in rem
物诉讼in rem
生产企业投资investment in productive enterprise
破产和兼并企业的优惠政策preferential policy for bankruptcy and merger
第三方的支付third party charges
等信贷金额credit equivalent amount
等合并merger of equals
等资金counterpart money
等项目counterpart item
联营附属公司投资investment in affiliates
联营公司投资investment in associates
股利所得税的优惠政策preferential policy on income tax of dividend
股市不利的消息unfavorable news for stock market
股市变化过于乐观excessive optimism for share market movement
股权分期购人piece meal stock acquisition
股票的估价margin valuation
融资方案的实证分析financing reality check
……负责的投机者speculator as responsible for
财产产权的异议objection to title
account reconciliation
账单confirmation of balance
账单account stated
账户谨慎行事的责任duty of care to the account
账的修正adjustment after reconciliation
购买形成压力的债券overhanging bond
贷款偿还限制restriction on loan repayment
贷款还本付息repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans
赔偿限制limitation on claims
转让能力的限制restrictions on transferability
……适当的回报considerations applicable to
销交易match an order
销信贷contra credit
销资产contra asset
附属企业的投资investment in subsidiary
附属公司的股票投资investment in stock of affiliated company
需求弹性的误差估计biased estimation of demand elasticity
预付款限制restriction on prepayment
尚需核ad referendum
差别待毒丸对超过一定持股比例的兼并者进行惩罚的反接管计划discriminatory poison pill
市场证券的评级market rating
平等equality of treatment
当事人当事人交易principal to principal transaction
德尔塔delta hedge
息税前收益相比率relative EBIT ratios
情况comparison of universe (与相似投资风格经理相比,评估资产组合经理的业绩)
交易pair of transactions
pair shares
成员公司犯罪行为应负担的法律责任liability of members for offences by corporation
投机者价格的影响speculator's impact on price
投机者市场价格的冲击speculator's impact on price
投资后企业的估值post-money valuation
投资顾问股票价格的报告investment advisers' reports on stock prices
抵补同价在持有基础资本时实行上述策略covered straddle
押金冲比率margin offset rate
押金销比率margin offset rate
持仓量offset to a position
持反意见的股东dissenting stockholders
按市值股票分组decile sorting of stocks by market value
按市值股票排序ranking stocks by market value
按相价值计算in relative terms
按绝价值算in absolute terms
按绝收益by absolute return
按绝现金数值in absolute cash terms
接管takeover candidate
支票check reconcilement
收回央行金融机构贷款recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)
收购target company
收购后目标公司董事会的控制control of target's board after purchase
收购竞争buying the competition
集团antagonist bloc
整批核/检验batch proof
价合约nudum pactum
冲风险限额delta limit
暂缓执行配结算指示hold matched SI
最佳买人best buy
有保护的或冲期权策略covered or hedge options strategy
有保护的期权比裸式认购期权covered vs. naked calls
有值valuable consideration
期权可变variable hedging options
期货冲交易offsetting futures transactions
期货盘程序futures crossing procedure
期货交易价格的影响impact of futures trading on price
未核的差异unreconciled difference
未被认可的冲基金unauthorized hedge fund
权益equity hedge
权益冲基金equity hedge fund
权证warrant consideration
杠杆收购与公司普通贷款LBO versus ordinary corporate loan
look back
市场行情checking the market
现金proving cash
股市行情check the market
标准普尔相实力排名S&P relative strength ranking
call over
账目check up account
账目account reconciliation
格林斯潘格林斯潘防止经济恶化采取的行动Greenspan Put
流动资产流动负债比率分析ratio analysis of current assets to current liabilities
浮动浮动互换floating-floating swap
浮动利率浮动利率的货币互换floating-to-floating currency swaps
激励象姓名incentive objects' names
现成冲基金ready hedge fund
现有冲基金ready-made hedge fund
现有冲基金ready hedge fund
现金cash consideration
现金价要约收购tender offer
现金现金回报cash-on-cash return
用于冲基金估值的分析工具analytical tools for evaluation of hedge fund
电子自动盘及执行/结算系统electronic order matching and execution/clearing system
通过……监测冲基金monitoring hedge fund (by...)
直接direct hedge
直接配contra order
价值/分解分析法relative value /breakup approach
价值方法relative value approach
价值比率relative value ratio
价值策略relative value strategy
价值速比率shorthand relative value ratio
价格差距relative price difference
价格执行比率moneyness ratio
优先次序relative priority
其他货币升值appreciation against other currency
回报relative return
定价relative pricing
实力在过去一年中相对于市场指数的价格变化relative strength
市场reciprocal market
强度指标relative strength indicator/index
强度指标relative strength indicator (RSI)
强弱指数relative strength indicator (RSI)
成本理论theory of comparative cost
指数relative index/indicator
指标relative index/indicator
收益利差relative yield spread
权益relative interests
波动指数relative volatility index
相互冲系统mutual offset system
确定certainty of object
票证核程序vouching procedure
离岸冲基金offshore hedge fund
竞争手分析示例sample competitor analysis
筛选投资分析法与全景投资分析法bottoms-up vs. top-down method
简易相定价比率short hand relative value ratios
pure hedge
经纪人客户自动联络broker-to-client automated linkage
经纪人比broker comparison (要由第二个经纪人确认证券交易细节)
结合相强度因素的价售比relative strength combined with price-to-sales ratio
优先权firm priority
优先规则absolute priority rule (在公司破产清算或者重组过程中,公司债权人的权利绝对应处在公司所有者对资产净值的所有权之前)
优先项目firm priority
值分析absolute amount analysis
公平utmost fairness
公开透明utmost openness
净损失absolute net loss
利率absolute rate
到期drop dead day
到期费drop dead fee
回报absolute return
多数占到某公司至少80%流通股的股东super majority
多数投票权股super majority vote shares
多数条款公司重大决策需经绝对多数股东同意super majority provision
多数条款lock-in provision
有关股东多数的规定absolute majority requirement
多数选举权投票权股份supermajority voting shares
契约deed absolute
幅度指标absolute breath index
幅度指标absolute breadth index
承兑absolute acceptance
接受unqualified acceptance
收益absolute return
收益基金absolute return fund
无效absolute invalidity
既得权益absolutely vested interest
毛利absolute profit margin
盈利幅度absolute profit margin
背书absolute endorsement
解除absolute discharge
破产解除令absolute order of discharge
认购absolute subscription
维护证券业的信心maintain confidence in the securities
网上为投资者账户核股票online check of shares for investor accounts
网上认购数量撮合/配online subscription number matching
股东股东交易principal to principal transaction
股本市场中性冲基金equity market neutral hedge fund
股票市价每股年收益比率分析ratio analysis of market price to annual earnings per share
两种资产相互承诺,减少风险back to back
背承诺back-to-back commitment
背担保书counter indemnity
自下而上与自上而下分析法bottoms-up vs. top-down method
自动automatic matching
自动盘及执行系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System
自动价格配系统automatic price matching system
自动配automatic matching
自动配系统automatching system
自动配股票automatched stock
自有资本借人资本比率owned to borrowed capital ratio
自有资本负债比率ratio of inside to outside equities
董事会秘书外公布公司信息secretary to directorate publishing company information
被抑制的新股的需求pent-up demand for new shares
被认可的recognized counterparty
规模不size asymmetry
解除投资者的限制lift restrictions on investors
解除资产的限制release of assets
解除抛补或undoing cover or hedge
订单配order matching
订单配时段order matching period
认可的证券借贷approved securities borrowing and lending counterparty
证券应交换horizontal securities exchange
账目分组核book sort
货币供给股票价格的影响money supply effects on stock prices
货币信贷股票信贷的差额balance of money loans over stock loans
货币配currency matching
资本长期负债比率ratio of capital to fixed liabilities
资金funds matching
跟进核follow-up check
边际交易marginal pair
还款日期matched maturity
远期远期合同forward forward contract
远期远期合约forward forward (同时交易同一种但到期日不同的远期外汇)
远期远期掉期forward forward swap
远期远期的互换forward forward swap
远期远期的换汇买卖forward against forward swap
远期远期的掉期forward against forward swap
违约风险hedging default risk
通过增加印花税减少股票的需求cool demand for stock by increasing trade tax
部门共同成本的贡献contribution of segment to common
交易pair of transactions
交易一种股票投资战略,买人一只股票的同时卖出一只同价的类似股票pair trade
交易match trading
仓量matched position
出售matched sale
到期日matched maturity
卖空marriage put
matching number
基金match fund
委托matched order
报价paired off
持仓matched position
number matching
数量matching number
概念matching concept
管理方式相同的两个公司的普通股以组合的方式销售pair shares
股票paired shares
公司的专门分析company specific analysis
银行以往贷款的审查look back
银行公业务corporate banking
银行账单bank reconciliation statement
销售sell hedge
称式合并whale-minnow merger
非所有者占有、抗占有adverse possession
非法外担保illegal outward guarantee
非现金non-cash consideration
韦尔德相强度指标Wilder relative strength indicator
预期anticipatory hedge
风险risk hedging
风险冲成本risk hedging cost
风险应控制risk response control
高夫于初学经商者的7条建议Gough's 7 rules for business beginners
黑光核印鉴法black light
黑斯冲基金顾问集团Hennessee Hedge Fund Advisory Group
龙头股与年度绩优大盘股的market leaders vs. high annual performance of large stocks
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