
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一会议one-on-one (发行人与单一机构投资者进行的会议。一对一会议一般只安排给很有可能会买人相当大量股票和表示有兴趣与管理层会面的大型机构)
称信息asymmetric information
称信息问题asymmetric information problems
不要与大盘Don't fight the tape
世界上相低迷的富国world's relatively sluggish rich countries
丧失人民币的控制losing control over the renminbi
丧失日元的控制lose control over the yen
个人个人借贷person-to-person lending (简称"人人贷",又称"点对点借贷 (peer-to-peer lending)",指个人通过网络平台相互借贷,即网络信贷公司提供平台,由借贷双方自由竞价,撮合成交。资金借出人获取利息收益,并承担风险;资金借人人到期偿还本金;网络信贷公司收取中介服务费)
中央结算手方central counterparty
中美战略与经济S & ED
买人buying offset (指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
一原理two -to-one principle
"二一"比率指流动比率two-to -one ratio
交互核cross-cheque (crossed check)
交互核cross -check
人民币美元升值Chinese currency's appreciation against the US dollar
人民币美元的升值appreciation of the renminbi against the dollar
话协商妥善处理贸易摩擦address trade frictions appropriately through dialogue and consultation
企业利润课税所得business income versus taxable income
余额核verification of balance
促进外贸易平衡发展promote the balanced development of foreign trade
保持发展中国家的援助sustain assistance to developing countries
保持投资开放remain open to investment
保持汇率相稳定maintain relative stability of exchange rates
保证金margin offset
信用象的分析analyzing the credit applicant
借方contra debit
借贷照比率ratio study
债务国内生产总值比率debt-to-gross domestic product ratio
债务总额总资产比率total debt to total assets ratio (通过计算公司资产中资金来自债务融资的比例来衡量公司的财务风险,其计算方法为:(短期债务+长期债务)一公司的总资产)
做好应风险的准备be prepared to respond to risks
允许人民币欧元升值allow the renminbi to appreciate against the euro
全方位外开放格局all-round opening-up pattern
公司内部握存方债票inter company bond holdings
公平fair treatment
内需经济增长的贡献率contribution of domestic demand to economic growth
冷淡待令cold shoulder order
净收益资本净值比率ratio of net income to net worth
净收益实发股本比率ratio of net income to outstanding stock
净收益实发股票比率ratio of net income to outstanding stock
准备应任何情况be ready to counter any scenarios
减少外贸和投资的依赖reduce dependence on foreign trade and investment
减轻美元的依赖reduce reliance on the US dollar
凭单核程序vouching procedure
利息出口比率interest export ratio
利息费用付息负债比率ratio of interest expenses to interest bearing liabilities
利润固定费用倍数fixed charge coverage
利润销售净额百分比ratio of profit to net sales
制定一项强有力且系统化的危机formulate a strong and systemic response to the crisis
前后cross reference
加大知识产权的保护力度provide greater protection for intellectual property rights
加大重点领域和薄弱环节的信贷支持increase credit support to key areas and weak links
加强话与交流strengthen dialogue and exchanges
加强南北strengthen the North-South dialogue
加强各层次的实质性话和沟通enhance substantive dialogue and communication at all levels
动态dynamic hedging
劳动力相丰富的新兴市场经济体relatively labor-abundant emerging market economies
冲期权half-hedge option
危机应措施measures to halt the crisis
即期一周掉期spot/week (用于互换和存款交易,即期值即第一个起息日,从那时起一个日历周后到期)
即期即期掉期spot-spot swap
即期即期掉期spot against spot
即期远期掉期spot-forward swap
去九之核数字方法casting out nines
双方互有方登记的帐户mutual accounts
保护主义reject protectionism
各种形式的保护主义reject all forms of protectionism
各种形式的保护主义oppose protectionism in all forms
各种形式的保护主义oppose all forms of protectionism
意见报告书adverse opinion report
投资保护主义fight against investment protectionism
贸易保护主义fight against trade protectionism
贸易和投资保护主义oppose trade and investment protectionism
反映市场前景的忧虑reflect concerns about the outlook
受托人法院之报告fiduciary's report to the court
商户商户商务模式business to business
商户顾客商务模式business to customer
在应危机中发挥重要作用play a key role in crisis response
坚定不移扩大外开放remain devoted to greater opening-up
垫款与贷款存款的比率ratio of advance and loan to deposit
增加发展中国家的援助increase assistance to developing countries
增强发展中国家应金融风险能力enhance the resilience of developing countries against financial risks
增强国际社会世界经济复苏和发展的信心boost the confidence of the international community in global economic recovery and development
增强新兴市场国家和发展中国家应金融风险能力enhance the resilience of emerging market economies and developing countries against financial risks
外汇冲交易currency hedging
多头purchasing hedge (又译"long hedge" "buying hedge" "long hedging",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
多头long hedge (又译"buying hedge" "long hedging" "purchasing hedge",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
多头long hedging (又译"long hedge" "buying hedge" "purchasing hedge",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
多头buying hedge (又译"long hedge" "long hedging"purchasing hedge ",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
多头同价long straddle
多头高位同价long top straddle
多边的自由外贸易free multilateral foreign trade
失去过热经济的控制lose control of an overheating economy
套利arbitrage hedge
定额备用金帐户imprest account bank reconciliation
定额备用金帐户imprest account reconciliation
实施应国际金融危机的一揽子计划implement the package plan for dealing with the global financial crisis
实现世界经济相平衡增长achieve fairly balanced growth of the global economy
实行平等互利、合作共赢的外开放政策implement equality and mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win opening -up policy
实际岁入与预计岁入照表普通基金,特种岁入基金及债务清理基金statement of actual and estimated revenue
实际岁出与预计岁出照表普通基金,特种岁出基金statement of actual and estimated expenditures
客户保证金销账户client offset claim account
中国前景感到相当乐观be rather sanguine about China's prospects
…做出悲观评估give a downbeat assessment of
全球经济的健康有重要影响have a significant impact on the health of the global economy
公营事业债权claims on gov't enterprises
内会计internal accounting
内预备金city contingencies fund
内预备金civil contingencies fund
到期债务支付本息service a debt
前景很有信心be very confident about outlook
前景持乐观态度be optimistic about the outlook
各方都不利be in body's interest
周转基金预缴款项advance to the working capital fund
在制品期初存货的会计处理方法methods of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
在制品期初存货的会计处理方法method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
境外投资的限制restrictions on investing outside China
外交易external exchange
外交易external transaction
外会计财务会计external accounting
外会计报告external accounting report
外借方余额foreign debit balance
外工程承包overseas project contracting
外帐户outward account
外开放open to the outside world
外开放open wider to the outside world
外开放的广度breadth of opening up
外开放的深度depth of opening up
外投资overseas investment
外投资产品overseas investment products
外投资保险制度overseas investment insurance system
外投资大国major overseas investor country
外提供担保形成的或有负债contingent debts arising from guarantees provided for the debts of other enterprises
外支付余额balance of external payments
外支付差额balance of external payment
外汇交易的限制restrictions on currency trade
外直接投资direct investment overseas
外经常账户余额external current account balance
外经济合作企业会计accounting of foreign economic cooperation enterprises
外证券投资outward portfolio investment
外负债liability to an outsider
外负债liabilities to outsiders
外负债英国资产负债表上通行术语,以别于资本或股本liabilities to outsiders
外负投资negative foreign investment
外贷方余额foreign credit balance
外贸易保险foreign trade insurance
外贸易理事会National Foreign Trade Council
外贸易经营权foreign trade operation rights
外贸易银行foreign trade bank
外金融净资产net external financial assets
外金融负债foreign financial liabilities
外金融负债external financial liabilities
外金融资产foreign financial assets
大宗商品价格的担忧concern over commodity prices
子公司权益interests in subsidiary
市场混乱承担责任bear responsibility for the turmoil
check account
check up account
checking account
balance of account
帐单check sheet
帐单abstract of account
帐回单reconciliation of statement of account
帐表银行往来结算之调节reconciliation statement
开信用证back-to-back letter of credit
开信用证易货贸易escrow L/C barter trade
开帐户back-to-back account
手的信贷风险counterparty credit exposure
手经纪contra broker
手风险counterparty risk
…扣除损耗费charge off
收入低于法定标准的联邦帮助negative income tax
政府的贷款advances to the government
政府直接放款能力capacity direct lending to the government
数指数期权模型log exponential option models
敲抛售wash sale
敲报价matched orders
本国银行债务提供政府担保provide state guarantees to bank debts
…构成沉重压力put severe pressure on
民营事业债权等claims on private enterprises & others
汇率过度波动保持警惕maintain vigilance against excess volatility in exchange rates
照检索cross reference
照科目per contra account
照表league table
照记号cross-indexing (cross reference)
物价形成下行压力put downward pressure on prices
物资产impersonal assets
票据的权利主张rights to and upon the instrument
等捐助counterpart contribution
等捐款matching fund
等贸易give-and-take trade
联营公司权益interests in associate
董事贷款loan to directors
负债应负责任be liable for a debt
财产有要求权claim to property
账后调整分录adjustment after reconciliation
货币市场基金进行担保guarantee money market funds
资本账户交易的严格控制strict controls on capital account transactions
退休基金的分摊pension fund contribution
通胀的担忧concern over inflation
通胀的担忧concern of inflation
销价值opposing values
销传票cross slip
销余额contra balance
销分录contra entry
销帐户contra account
销资产账户contra-asset account
长期债务的抵销offsets to long-term debt
附属公司权益interests in subsidiary
附属公司贷款loan to subsidiaries
附属商店放款loans to subsidiaries
附属商店放款loan to subsidiaries
非金融部门债权claims on non-financial sector
预算加以平衡balance budget
巨额美贸易顺差huge trade surplus with the US
市价每股收益比率ratio of market price to earnings per share
市场价值账面价值的比率market-to-book ratio
帐户应关系correspondence of accounts
21世纪的机遇和挑战address the 21st century's opportunities and challenges
全球金融危机counter the global financial crisis
全球金融危机deal with the global financial crisis
全球金融危机respond to the global financial crisis
全球金融危机cope with the global financial crisis
共同关切address shared concerns
共同关切address common concerns
各种风险和挑战deal with risks and challenges of all kinds
国际金融危机respond to the international financial crisis
国际金融危机counter the international financial crisis
国际金融危机deal with the international financial crisis
国际金融危机cope with the international financial crisis
国际金融危机冲击respond to the impact of the global financial crisis
地区和全球挑战address regional and global challenges
希腊债务危机的策略strategy for dealing with Greece's debt difficulties
当前危机address the current crisis
当前金融危机的挑战rise to the challenge of the financial crisis
机制response system
欧债问题deal with Europe's debt problems
欧元区危机的冲击deal with the repercussions of the eurozone crisis
气候变化行动action to address climate change
汇率风险manage currency risks
经济下行风险deal with downside risks
经济挑战take on economic challenges
资本流动的波动manage capital flow volatility
通胀tackle inflation
重大挑战的能力ability to respond to major challenges
金融危机deal with financial crisis
金融风险respond to financial risks
金融风险能力resilience against financial risks
长期挑战address longer-term challenges
风险挑战counter risks and challenges
高居不下的通胀tackle stubbornly high inflation
应付帐款购货之比率ratio of trade accounts payable to purchases
应付账款进货额比率accounts payable to purchases ratio
开展政策engage in policy dialogues
强化信用评级机构的监管exercise strong oversight over credit rating agencies
德尔塔式delta hedge
总借贷照表balance sheet total
总分类帐本期发生额照表comparative sheet for amount originated in current period of general ledger
恢复欧元的信心restore faith in the euro
成本核实proof of cost
成本与市价的法则毛利的影响effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin
成本绝difference in absolute cost
成本绝absolute difference in cost
战略与经济strategic and economic dialogue
执行清晰、可靠和有针性的措施implement clear, credible and specific measures
承保insured object
投资者于政策可信度的信任investors' faith in policy credibility
交易pairs trade
推出人民币计价的冲工具offer renminbi-denominated hedging tools
提高金融监管的针性和有效性improve the relevance and effectiveness of financial supervision
支出按象分类classification of expenditure by object
支票及票据存款总额比率ratio of checks and bills to total deposits
收支照表summary statement of receipt and expenditures
收支照表receipts and payments statement
收支照表statement of revenues and expenses
收支照表receipt and payment statement
放宽针资本流人的限制relax restrictions on capital inflows
放松汇率的严密管制relax one's grip on the exchange rate
放松银行的严密管制relax one's grip on banks
放松高新技术产品中国出口的管制relax controls on Chinese exports high -tech products
放款存款比率ratio of loans to deposits
无风险delta hedge
账单daily statement
明天后天掉期tomorrow-next swap
明细分类帐之核proving the subsidiary ledger
普通股风险加权资产之比ratio of common equity to risk-weighted assets
有效应国际金融危机冲击effectively ward off the impact of the global financial crisis
有效应挑战effectively respond to challenges
有效应金融危机effectively deal with the financial crisis
有效的集体应方案collective and effective response
有针性的动态体系tailored and dynamic system
有针性的税收政策targeted tax measures
期货盘程序futures crossing procedures
本外币冲操作sterilization operation
权益负债比率equity to debt ratio
权益资产比率equity to assets ratio
权益资本长期债务比率equity capital to long-term debt ratio
标普相强弱排名S & P relative strength rank
余额collation of balance
帐目verification of account
收帐请求单check credit requisition
清单verify a statement
用的清单check list
确认表check list
审查提纲check list
过帐数字check figures in posting
核准证券借贷手方approved securities borrowing and lending counterparty
格林斯潘Greenspan Put (指前美国联邦储备局 (Federal Reserve,简称 Fed)主席格林斯潘为防止市场大幅持续下跌而采取的行动)
棋盘式照表spread sheet
每日帐单daily monthly statement of account
比率角价差套利ratio diagonal spread
毛储蓄所得的比率gross savings income ratio
毛利销售额百分比ratio of gross profit to net sales
汇率变动现金的影响额effect of change in exchange rate on cash
沉着应国际金融危机冲击coolly respond to the impact of the global financial crisis
法律专家legal experts dialogue
流动负债存货比率current debt to inventory ratio
流动负债有形净值比率current debt to tangible net worth ratio
流动负债有形资产净值比率current liabilities to tangible net worth ratio
流动负债负债总额之比率ratio of current liabilities to total liabilities
流动资产流动负债比率current assets to current liabilities ratio
流动资产流动负债比率current assets to current debt ratio
流动资产资产总额比率ratio of current to total assets
流动资产资产总额的比率ratio of current assets to total assets
流动资金指标核制度system of current capital target checking
深化话和交流deepen dialogue and exchanges
点借贷peer-to-peer (又称"个人对个人借贷、人人贷 (person-to-person lending)"网络借贷、网贷 (net lending)",指个人通过网络平台相互借贷,即网络信贷公司提供平台,由借贷双方自由竞价,撮合成交。资金借出人获取利息收益,并承担风险)
状况相较好be in relatively good shape
现有话和合作机制existing mechanisms of dialogue and cooperation
现金总资产比率cash to total assets ratio
现金收人比率cash to revenue ratio
现金流动负债比率cash to current liabilities ratio
现金净额存款总额比率ratio of net cash to total deposits
现金加畅销证券流动负债比率ratio of cash plus marketable securities to current liabilities
现金及应收账款流动负债的比率cash and receivable to current liabilities ratio
现金收支照表summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements
现金核verification of cash
由信贷和投资推动的应措施credit-fuelled, investment-driven response
电子自动盘及执行/结算系统electronic order matching and execution/ clearing system
疲于应脆弱复苏struggle to build on a fragile recovery
盈利利息之倍数interest coverage ratio
盈利利息倍数interest coverage (指上市公司息税前利润相对于所需支付债务利息的倍数,可用来分析公司在一定盈利水平下支付债务利息的能力)
盈利股息比率dividend cover
监管宽松的冲基金lightly-regulated hedge funds
盘存方法的inventory methods contrasted
直接角套汇direct exchange
乐观的前景relatively optimistic outlook
动量指标relative momentum index
回报率relative return
小幅、象征性的一次性升值relatively small and symbolic one-off revaluation
市盈率比率price-earnings relative
帐户reciprocal account
帐目opposite account
帐目mate account
平衡增长fairly balanced growth
平衡的经济relatively balanced economy
强弱relative strength
强弱指数relative strength index
成本relative cost involved
成本relative cost
控股股东relative holding stockholders
支付能力relative capacity to pay
理论relative theory
表现relative performance
衰落relative decline
责任cross liabilities
贫穷的国家relatively poor countries
风险the relative risk involved
真诚和建设性sincere and constructive dialogue
票方式paper-to-paper arrangement
稳妥应风险挑战respond prudently to risks and challenges
空头同价short straddle
竞争rivals in competition
第三代自动盘及成交系统第三代自动对盘系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System/Third Generation
第二代自动盘及成交系统第二代自动对盘系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System/Second Generation
价值absolute value
优势论theory of absolute advantage
利润规模size of absolute profits
固定费用absolute fixed cost
固定资本absolute fixed capital
平价absolute par
控股股东absolute holding stockholders
无条件付款absolute promise to pay
的承诺clear acceptance
的承诺clean acceptance (absolute acceptance)
缓冲改革金融系统的冲击cushion the shock of reform to the banking system
缓和大宗商品的需求calm demand for commodities
美元人民币汇率的正向波动性upside volatility in USDCNY
美国金融危机我国的影响impact of the US financial crisis on China
股东权益资产总额比率ratio of stockholders' equity to total assets
股价未来收益比率price-future earnings ratio
股价股利比率price-dividend ratio
股市中性冲基金equity market neutral hedge fund
股本净值比率ratio of capital stock to net worth
股票价格账面价值比率price-book value ratio
股票资产组合的冲工具hedging tool against one's stock portfolios
背信用back-to-back credit
背信用证contra credit
背借款back-to-back borrowing
背账户back-to-back account
自动盘及成交系统自动对盘系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System
自动盘系统未完成买卖盘纪录AMS order book
自动盘系统第二终端机AMS Second Terminal
自动配股份automatched stock
致力于建设性的话进程commit to a constructive dialogue process
苦苦应一场主权债务危机grapple with a sovereign bond crisis
英镑美元交叉汇率sterling-dollar cross rate
获利额债权人所得利息的倍数比率time-interest on debt earned ratio
获得额债务利息和优先股利的倍数比率time interest and preferred dividend earned ratio
获益利息之倍数times-interest ratio
营业利益销售额百分比ratio of operating profit
被动应passive response
西班牙外银行Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (1999 年由毕尔巴鄂-比斯开银行 (Bilbao Vizcaya, BBV)和对外银行 (Argentaria) 两家银行合并而成,故又译"毕尔巴鄂-比斯开对外银行",是西班牙第二大银行,也是世界在拉美的第二大金融投资集团,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第31位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第91位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第193位)
计算成本售价的比例determining ratio of cost to selling price
认可手方recognized counterparty
让人民币汇率相保持不变keep the exchange rate relatively constant
详细核complete checking
负债主权资本比率负债总额:主权资本debt-to-equity ratio
负债净值比率debt-net worth ratio
负债净值比率debt-to-net worth ratio
负债净值比率ratio of total liabilities to net worth
负债总资产比率debt-to-total assets ratio
负债权益比率debt-to-equity ratio
负债权益比率debt-equity ratio
负债资产总额比率liabilities to total assets ratio
负债资产比率liabilities to assets ratio
负债资产比率debt-to-asset ratio
负债资产比率debt-asset ratio
负债资本净值比率liabilities to net-worth ratio
财务不financial asymmetry
账户的应关系correspondence of account
货币的外购买力external purchasing power of money
质押资产长期债务比率ratio of pledged assets to long-term debts
贷借照略表balance sheet synopsis
贷方contra credit
资产销科目contra-asset account
资产负债表借贷照表financial statements fin. stat
资本债务比率capital to debt ratio
资本固定负债比率worth to fixed debt ratio
资本固定负债比率ratio of capital to fixed liabilities
资本流动负债比率worth to current debt ratio
资本负债比率capital to liabilities ratio
资本资产总额的比率owner's equity to total assets ratio
资本净值负债总额比率ratio of net worth to total debts
跨国冲系统mutual offset system
"输人与核分工"功能maker-checker facility (中央结算系统 (CCASS))
进一步放松跨境人民币流动的控制relax more of controls on cross-border renminbi flows
透明、等、互利的原则principles of transparency, reciprocity, and mutual benefit
逐渐放松人民币用于国际交易的管制gradually relax controls on the use of the renminbi in international transactions
通汇银行的应帐户correspondent account
通过平等话处理摩擦和分歧handle frictions and differences through dialogue on an equal footing
通过平等话妥善处理摩擦和分歧properly handle frictions and differences through dialogue on an equal footing
速动资产流动负债比率ratio of quick asset to current liabilities
遥远未来的rivals for the distant future
过热经济的降温cool an overheated economy
银行国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票banker's check or demand of draft on their correspondents abroad
银行帐单bank statement
银行帐单bank copy (copying)
银行账单bank copy
银行账表bank reconciliation statement
银行帐目的核reconciliation of bank account
银行核bank reconciliation statement
银行轧账账单bank cut-off statement
销货成本及营业费用销货净额比率ratio of cost of sale and operating expenses to net sales
长期债务净营运资本比率long-term debt to net working capital ratio
长期债务固定资产比率funded debt to fixed assets ratio
长期债务权益比率long-term debt to equity ratio
长期债务资本总额的比率long-term debt to capitalization ratio
间接外租赁indirect lease
附加价值销售额百分比ratio of value added to sales
零息票浮动利率掉期zero-coupon-for-floating swap
非自动盘的交易manual trade
非金融类外直接投资non-financial outward direct investment
中国的崛起deal with the rise of China
冲击face shocks
复杂多变的国际政治经济环境face a complex and volatile political and economic environment abroad
新形势新要求face the new situation and new demands
项目核check list
预付帐户imprest account bank reconciliation
预付帐户imprest account reconciliation
预付帐户银行imprest account bank reconciliation
预付帐户银行imprest account reconciliation
高位同价top straddle
鼓励私人部门的贷款encourage lending to the private sector
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