
Terms containing 容许范围 | all forms | in specified order only
expl.如果岩石碎片抛到容许的范围之外、就会造成人员伤亡和财产损坏These rock fragments result in human injuries, fatalities and structure damages when they are thrown beyond the allowable limits
busin.容许偏差范围region of admissible deviations
hydroel.st.容许工作范围allowable operating range
met.容许添加少量矿石的温度范围"ore with caution" range
tech.容许范围allowable range
tech.容许范围allowance limit
tech.容许范围permissible range
tech.容许范围tolerance range
tech.容许范围tolerable limit
met.容许范围tolerance interval
commer.容许范围tolerance zone
tech.容许范围allowance range
tech.容许范围acceptability limit
tech.容许范围尺寸limit measurements
tech.容许误差范围range of allowable error
tech.容许误差范围limit of allowable error
el.容许运行范围admissible operating range
ecol.容许量范围tolerance domain
tech.容许限容许量范围tolerance range
el.工作电压容许范围admissible range of operating voltage
space超过容许范围beyond limits