
Terms for subject China containing 实施 | all forms | in specified order only
三方协商促进实施国际劳工标准公约Convention Concerning Triparties Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards
不能独立实施not be independently performed
专利实施许可合同patent exploitation license contract
《中华人民共和国民族区域自治实施纲要》Outline for the Implementation of Ethnic Regional Autonomy in the PRC
实施法律打下坚实的思想基础lay a solid ideological foundation for implementing a law
主动实施改革carry out reforms on their own initiative
以贯彻实施监督法为契机take the implementation of the Oversight Law as a fulcrum for
企业所得税法实施条例the Regulations for Implementing the Law on Corporate Income Tax
侵权行为实施place of the infringement
便于实施选举法facilitate the implementation of the Electoral Law
保证党的路线方针政策的贯彻实施ensure implementation of the Party's line, principles and policies
保证宪法实施ensure the implementation of the Constitution
保证法律的正确实施ensure correct implementation of laws
保障宪法的实施guarantee the Constitution's enforcement
《全国人大机关贯彻实施监督法若干意见》Certain Opinions Concerning Implementation of the Law on Oversight by Organs of the NPC
全面推进依法行政实施纲要the Program for Advancing All Aspects of Government Administration in Accordance with the Law
公布实施promulgate for implementation
公布实施promulgate and put into effect
共同实施侵权行为jointly commit a tort
关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第7条的协定海关估价协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
关于实施 1994 年关税与贸易总协定第6条的协定反倾销协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
出台实施法律introduce and implement a law
出台实施法律enact and enforce a law
出台实施新的资源税制度introduce and implement a new tax system for resources
出台一批配套政策实施细则introduce a set of detailed rules for implementing support policies (to)
利用计算机实施犯罪use computers to commit the crimes
制定实施办法formulate measures for implementation
制定实施条例formulate implementing regulations
制定实施细则formulate rules for the implementation (of)
制定并实施……的政策措施formulate and implement policies and measures (to)
制定选举实施细则formulate rules for the implementation of elections
加大政策实施力度step up efforts to implement a policy
协助宪法和法律的实施assist in the enforcement of the Constitution and the law
协助宪法和法律的实施assist in the enforcement of the Constitution and other laws
单独实施independently exploit
启动实施计划方案launch an initiative to
国务院规定法规的实施步骤the State Council determines the steps to implement these provisions
基本方针政策的实施implementation of the basic policy
实施put into operation
实施become effective
实施不正当竞争行为unfair competition
实施不良行为perpetrate misbehavior
实施专利exploit the patent
实施严重不良行为perpetrate serious misbehavior
实施侵权行为commit a tort
实施保全impose preservation
实施办法measures for the implementation
实施办法methods for implementation
实施办法implementation measures
实施垄断行为monopolistic conduct
实施垄断行为monopolistic behavior
实施审计execute auditing
实施宪法apply the constitution
实施戒严令execute the order of martial law
实施扣押execute the arrest
实施放火set fire
实施方案an implementation plan (for)
实施条例rules for the implementation
法律的实施条例regulations for implementing (a law)
实施检疫perform quarantine inspection
实施毒品违法犯罪行为commit an offence related to narcotic drugs
实施清洁生产审核conduct cleaner production audit
实施犯罪commit the crime
实施的监督supervision of the process of implementation
实施监察exercise supervision
实施积极的就业政策follow a proactive employment policy
实施程序implement procedure
实施细则detailed implementing rules
实施罚款impose fines
实施行政处罚impose administrative sanction
实施许可合同license contract for exploitation
实施重点帮助place emphasis on assisting
实施集中implement the concentration
对法律和有关法律问题的决定的实施情况进行检查examine the implementation of laws and legal decisions
总体实施方案a general implementation program (for)
戒严实施机关martial -la w-executing organ
执法检查,检查法律实施情况investigate compliance with a law
扬言实施放火threaten to set fire
政策实施的力度和重点the intensity and focus of policy implementation
无偿实施exercise without compensation
有效实施effective execution
检查法律实施的情况inspect the enforcement of laws
法律实施with the entry into force of a law
法律的实施the enforcement of laws
消除对规划实施的影响eliminate the impact on the implementation of the plan
独占实施exclusively exercise
独占的实施exclusive right to exploit the patent
监督宪法实施supervise the enforcement of the Constitution
监督宪法实施oversee the Constitution's enforcement
监督宪法实施the power to oversee the enforcement of the Constitution
禁止实施目录catalogues of the prohibited investment
组织实施西部大开发"十一五"规划carry out the plan for the large-scale development of the western region in the Eleventh Five-year Plan period
落实各项措施carry out relevant measures
落实禁毒防范措施put into practice the measures against narcotic drugs duty for administration of public security
行政许可的设定和实施establishment and implementation of administrative license
规划实施implementation of the plan
达成并实施垄断协议conclude and implement a monopoly agreement
违法实施罚款illegally fining
配套政策实施细则detailed rules for implementing support policies (to)
配套政策实施细则detailed provisions for the implementation of policies
重点节能工程的实施construction of key energy conservation project
限制实施目录catalogue of the restricted investment
法律颁布实施the promulgation and implementation (of a law)
法律颁布实施be promulgated and implemented