
Terms containing 定购单 | all forms | in specified order only
busin."一揽子"购货定单"blanket" purchase order
tech.不指定的订购单open indent
interntl.trade.单项商品大量采购协定single commodity bulk purchase agreement
econ.仓库的商品定购单stock order form
econ.因为他购买了大量货物,他只付了价目单定价的 3/4Because he bought a large quantity of goods, he paid only three quarters of the list price
fin.外汇购买核定单authorization sheet for purchase of exchange
commer.定购单亦缩为 P/Opurchase order
busin.定购单订单buying order
econ.定购单subscription warrant
interntl.trade.定购单buying order
tech.定购单purchase order
corp.gov.实地采购定单field purchase order
el.工具定购单biU of tools
econ.已发出计算机部件的购买定单,部件详情见所附定单A purchase order has been issued for the calculating machine parts as described on the enclosed order sheet
econ.感谢你方第48号定单,定购 20 台复印机Thank you for your order No. 48 for 20 sets of duplicating machines
econ.承购定单a valueless favour
commer.提出购买原料定单put in orders for materials
econ.自从我们通过"电视购物"给我们的特色产品作广告以来,我们收到许多电话定单We have received a large number of telephone orders since we advertised our peculiar products through " TV shopping"
textile设备采购定购单facilities purchase order
commer.设备采购定单facilities purchase order
interntl.trade.购货定单purchase order
fin.购进外汇核定单authorization sheet for purchases of exchange
econ.购进外汇核定单authorization sheet for purchases of exchange (认可书)
econ.购进外汇的核定单authorization sheets for purchases exchange