
Terms for subject Economy containing 存单 | all forms | in specified order only
存单storage unit
储蓄账户存款取款saving account deposit withdrawal slip
单位存量specific storage
固定利率存单fixed-rate certificate of deposit
如果客户向我方下更多订单,我方存货将大大减少If clients order much more from us, our stocks will be reduced greatly
存【送】款单memorandum of deposit
存单deposit receipt (存款收据)
存报告单store inventory report
存放单据depository document
存款凭单letter of deposit
存款单certificate of deposit
存款单investment certificate
存款单paying-in slip
存款单certificate deposit
存款单paid-in list
存款单credit slip
存款单deposit certificate
存款单deposit slip
存货清单a material abstract
存货计算单inventory representation letter
定期存单time certificate
存单a bailer document
小额存单small saver certificate
巨额存款单jumbo certificate
年金积存单an annuity accumulation unit
存单stock keeping unit
所谓"以有条件转让的契约形式保存的单据",就是交给第三者保存并在钱款交付后将其转交给某人的一种单据A document held in escrow is one given to a third party to keep and to pass on to someone when money has been paid
杨基定存单Yankee CDs
经同意,在该契约过期以后仍将这些单证保存3年It is agreed to preserve these documents for a period of 3 years after the expiry of the deed
美兀存单dollar certificate of deposits
美国寄存单American depository receipts
美国寄存单American depository receipt
船长提单存报captain's copy
请开列一份存货清单供我们参考Please inventory the goods in stock for our reference
银行存单deposit receipt
银行存款单deposit receipt
零星存单small saver certificate