
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 存储 | all forms | in specified order only
中间仓库存储intermediate storage
主储存容器main tank
主储存容器气筒main reservoir
无线电交通信息存储traffic information memory
保持存储记忆体keep alive memory
储存stock keeping
储存储备装置storage system
储存型催化转化器storage catalytic converter
储存容器store tank
NOx 储存式还原NOx storage reduction
储存期见 GB/T 2035-2008 中 2.906storage life
储存热利用stored-heat utilization
储存热量的利用utilization of stored heat
储存燃油持续行驶时间fuel endurance
储存的能量storage power
储存箱托盘magazine tray
储存箱magazine box
储存罐容器容量reservoir capacity
储存罐容器底座reservoir basebottom
储存罐容器reservoir cap
储存罐容器紧固件固定件,支承,支座reservoir fastening
储存罐阀valves in receiver
储存能量stored energy
储存补给基地storage depot
光盘只读存储CD read-only memory/compact discdiskread only memory
制冷剂储存罐refrigerant collector tank
动态读写存储dynamic read/write memory
动态随机存储dynamic random memory
双室储存器容器,油槽,油箱,水箱,储气筒two-compartment reservoir
只写只读存储write only read only memory
可充电式能源存储系统rechargeable energy storage system
数据处理可擦可编程序只读存储erasable programmable read-only memory
可擦可编程序只读存储erasable programmable read-only memory
可编程存储programmable memory
参数识别缩写因产生故障码而存储的冻结帧DTC that caused required freeze frame data storage
固定存储permanent continuous memory
固定编程只读存储fixed-programmed read-only memory
大容量散装存储bulk storage
大容量存储装置mass storage cartridge
存储介质媒体storage medium
存储共享memory sharing
存储再调用memory recall
存储容器压力storage pressure
生产过程存储装置storage unit
计算机/ 电器存储storage
控制器存储器按键memory tip switch
存储器擦除信号memory erase signal
电子学存储器的数据保存memory back-up
存储器直接存储取访问direct memory access
存储storage mode
NOx 存储型催化剂NOx storage catalyst
数据处理存储容量storage capacity
电子学存储容量memory capacity
空调器存储储液干燥器receiver-dehydratordrier, dryer
存储性催化还原storage catalyst reduction
仓库存储性能性质,特性storage property
存储成本carrying costs
存储拷贝memory back-up
存储控制模块memory control module
存储模块组件storage modulus
无线电存储电台频道stored station
存储盘,槽,箱storage tray
存储容量能力storage capacity
存储车辆场vehicle reserve depot
存储通路电路,系统memory channel
无线电存储频道电台stored channel
存储驱动器stored driver
存取存储access memory
工作存储working space
存储的故障码memorized diagnostic code
存储板的门锁控制信号接收器door control with memory board receiver
快可擦可编程只读存储flash erasable programmable read only memory
快存式电可擦可编程只读存储flash electrically erasable programmable read only memory
快存式电可擦除可编程只读存储flash electrically erasable PROM
快速存储flasher memory
手动瞬态数据存储manual snapshot
制造业托板储存装置pallet storage unit
数据处理扩充存储extended memory
接触式存储touch memory
控制单元存储control-unit memory
控制器存储controller memory
控制模块存储control-module memory
置储存shelf storage
诊断系统故障存储记忆fault memory
故障码存储DTC memory
数字存储装置digital memory unit
数字式存储显示器digital stored display
数字式存储示波器digital storage oscilloscopes
数字式存储示波器digital storage oscilloscope
数据存储data storage
数据存储storage zone of data
易燃品防火储存柜fireproof flammable storage cabinet
二冲程发动机曲轴箱存储积存crankcase storage
曲轴箱存储crankcase storage
曲轴箱存储系统二冲程发动机混合气积蓄在曲轴箱内,发动机起动后导入气缸中的装置crankcase storage system
曲轴箱存储系统crankcase storage system
有隔板储存箱baffle tank
气体存储gas-loaded accumulator
安全气囊系统气体存储装置stored-gas system
氮氧化物存储型催化装置NOX storage catalyst system
氮氧化物存储还原NOx storage reduction
汽油储存gasoline store
潜热储存latent-heat storage
炭罐储存装置charcoal canister storage system
燃料存储保存fuel conservation
燃油储存器fuel bag
电子学独立存储stand alone memory
现场可编程序只读存储field-programmable read-only memory
电动后视镜记忆存储power mirror memory
电动座椅存储power seat memory
数据处理电可擦可编程只读存储electrically erasable programmable readonly memory
无线电电台存储station storing
直接存储器存取访问direct memory access
相联相关存储记忆associative memory
计算机存储magnetic storage
程序块学习存储block learn memory
编址号码存储address register
能量存储系统energy storage system
音响自动存储auto memory
自动存储auto store
无线电自动存储auto memory
无线电自动存储automatic memory
自动存储料仓auto work piece storage
燃油蒸气储存器vapor storage container
行驶位置存储系统driving position memory system
订货储存量order backlog
记忆存储memory storage
记忆存储式座椅/后视镜/ 可调踏板模块memory seat/mirror/adjustable pedals module
电子学读/写存储read/write memory
读取故障码存储check DTC memory
轮胎充气气压监视器存储tire inflation memory
货物运输和储存箱shipping-and-storage box
连续供电存储continuously powered memory
连续输出功率存储continuously powered memory
重复可改编程序只读存储reprogrammable read-only memory
电子学错误存储error memory
数据处理随机存取存储random-access memory
非易失存储non-volatile storage
非易失永久存储nonvolatile memory
非易失性随机存储non-volatile random access memory
非易失随机存储non-volatile random access memory
非易失随机存储non-volatile RAM
活动顶篷顶篷车顶储存舱roof stowage compartment
活动顶篷顶篷车顶储存舱roof stowage bay
预调存储preset memory
无线电频道存储channel memory