
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一种或者几种语言文one or several spoken and written languages
不列赤no deficit listed
中国红十会总会All-China Federation of the Red Cross Society
中国红十会总会Red Cross Society of China
中央财政赤the deficit in the central government budget
中央财政赤the central government deficit
中央财政赤deficit in for the central government budget
中文数Chinese numerals
中文数加括号bracketed Chinese numerals
公务用语用official language
国家通用语言文standard spoken and written Chinese language
国际红十和红新月运动确立的基本原则Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement
异体variant forms of Chinese characters
当地民族通用的文written language commonly used in the locality
当地通用的民族文the written languages of the nationalities commonly used in the locality
当地通用的语言文spoken or written language commonly used in the locality
拒绝签refuse to affix one's signature
作品digital work
化制品digitized product
符号numerals and symbols
written language
性修改、删节make editorial modifications and abridgments
服务用characters in the service trade
本民族语言文native spoken and written language
民族文the written languages of the nationalities
汉语言文spoken and written Chinese language
滥用红十标志abuse of the sign of the Red Cross
仪式signature ceremony
红十会工作人员staff of the Red Cross Society
红十会总会Federation of the Red Cross Society
红十会理事会Councils of the Red Cross Society
红十会经费funds of the Red Cross Society
红十标志sign of the Red Cross
红十青少年活动Red Cross activity among teenagers
规范standardized characters
规范汉standardized Chinese characters
证券登记结算phrase "securities registration and clearing"
该国文译本translation in the language of that country
语言文spoken and written language
适当减少财政赤reduce the budget deficit by an appropriate amount
避免赤avoid deficits
预算赤a budget deficit