
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 子系 | all forms | in specified order only
亲子关系parent-offspring relation
亲子间关系offspring-parent relationship
光合电子传递体系photosynthetic electron transport system
克分子消光系数molar absorptivity
克分子消光系数molar extinction coefficient
克分子消光系数molar absorption coefficient
克分子消光系数molar absorbancy index
分子遗传系molecular system of heredity
单元离子系homoionic system
单孢子繁殖系monosporidial line
双子叶植物根系dicotyledon roots
坠子形根系sinker root system
外显子截留系统exon trapping system
多元离子系multi-ionic system
多系天然杂交种子polycross seed
天线跟踪子系antenna tracking subsystem
子女关系children relation
子系统信息subsystem information
性因子同 R 因子的关系sex factor relationship with R factors
数字电子交换系统digital electronic switching system
杂交子二代衍生品系F₂-derived line
测验同型合子杂种品系testing homozygous hybrid lines
电子对中继系统electron pair relay system
电子控制系统electronic system
电子数据处理系统electronic data-processing system
电子汇款系统electronic remittance system
种子信息系统Seed Information System
种子根系seminal root system
玉米的解离-活化因激体dissociation-activator system
解离-活化因子系dissociation-activator system (Ds-Ac system)
质粒基因组因子的符号系统symbol system of plasmon factor
子系配子依次排列gametic array
配子体系gametophytic system
配子无性[繁殖]系变异gametoclonal variation
量子关系quantum relation