
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
共同胁区mutual response zone
共同胁区mutual threat zone
deterrent Any measure, implement or policy designed to discourage or restrain the actions or advance of another agent, organization or state (用来阻碍或限制其他国家、组织或个人的行为或动作的任何措施、实施方案或策略。)
deterrence Punishment aiming at deterring the criminal from repeating his offences or deterring others from committing similar acts (防止他人犯下同样或相似罪行的惩罚行为。)
胁分析danger analysis The process of evaluating the scale and probability of harm caused by any hazard to persons, property or the environment (评估个人、财产与环境危害的尺度与可能性的过程。)
自然保护学会Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
实体authority body An organized assemblage of authorized persons or officials empowered to implement and enforce laws, oversee jurisdictions, settle disputes, adjudicate or make some other legal determination (一群官方组织起来的人员或者官员,有权利完善和加强法律,监管司法权,解决纠纷,评判或者做出其他的法律决议。)
火灾conflagration potential
火灾conflagration threat