
Terms containing 好客的 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.为信用好的顾客提供贷款loan to good customers
busin.以游客兴趣爱好为目标的营销法visitor oriented marketing approach
proj.manag.在家办公的员工可以通过电话和传真与国外客户很好地交流The employee at the home office can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine
exhib.好挑剔的客户picky customer
gen.客房服务员现在正在送熨好的衣服。非常抱歉衣服送晚了The housekeepers are delivering the laundry right now. We? re sorry for the delay
gen.您最好到我们中层楼的顾客服务台查询一下You'd better go to our Customer Service Counter on the mezzanine and check on it
gen.我们现在邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience
econ.我们的陶器赢得了顾客的好评Our pottery has won the good opinion of our customers
econ.我方顾客对橡胶套鞋的质量反映良好Our customers reacted quite favourably to the quality of rubber boots
gen.我是朗西•史蒂文斯,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service Manager?