
Terms for subject Socialism containing | all forms
低收入妇low-income women
低收入妇lower-income women
农业性化feminization of agriculture
决策职位的男比例ratio of men and women in decision making positions
切割性生殖器官female genital mutilation
性生殖器切割female genital mutilation
童教育girls education
利益相关者women stakeholders
参与全球价值链participation of women in global value chains
参与发展women in development
土地权属women’s land tenure
在国家立法中的席位seats held by women in national legislatures
权力指数gender empowerment measure
的作用role of women
的土地使用权women’s land tenure
的声音和权力women's voice and agency
的收入women’s income
获得土地的机会women’s access to land
赋权原则Women's Empowerment Principles
进步advancement of women
对妇的食物权right to food for women
弱势人口群体中的妇women in vulnerable population groups
教育平等gender parity in education
薪酬差距gender-based pay inequalities
薪酬差距gender pay gap
粮农组织活动受益者的男比例ratio of male to female beneficiaries of FAO activities
艾滋病毒/艾滋病的性化feminization of HIV/AIDS