
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不直接抚养子do not rear one's own children directly
丧偶妇widowed woman
中华全国妇联合会全国妇联All-China Women's Federation
依法保障妇和未成年人权益safeguard the rights and interests of women and minors in accordance with the law
保障妇合法权益protection of women's lawful rights and interests
保障妇权益safeguard the rights and interests of women
养子foster children
农村妇rural women
出卖亲生子sell his or her own child
受害妇women victim
受害妇female victim
各种矿场井下劳动使用妇公约Convention Concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of All Kinds
哺乳期内的子breast-fed infant
哺乳自己婴儿的妇woman breast-feeding her own baby
外孙子maternal grandchildren
性人民警察people's policewomen
性公民a female citizen
性未成年人a female minor
性青少年female adolescent
方权益interests of the wife
a female criminal
职工women staff and worker
奸淫幼have sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of fourteen
人格woman's personality
合法权益woman's lawful rights and interests
吸毒成瘾female drug addict
权益woman's rights and interests
权益保障法the Law Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women
权益rights and interests of the children
宪法和法律赋予妇的权利women's rights endowed by the Constitution and other laws
强迫幼卖淫force a girl to engage in prostitution
录取enroll women
录用妇employ women
成年养子adult adopted child
成年子children who have come of age
抚养子rear the children
拐卖妇、儿童abduct and traffic a woman or child
拒绝录取refuse to enroll women
拒绝录用妇refuse to employ women
探望子visit to children
摧残妇身心健康和尊严ruin women's physical and mental health and their dignity
收买被拐卖的妇、儿童buy an abducted woman or a child
收买被拐卖的妇、儿童又出卖buy an abducted woman or a child and sell the victim afterwards
收养子adopt a child
有利子权益advantage of the rights and interests of the children
未成年子minor children
歧视和压迫妇discriminate against and oppress women
歧视妇discriminating against women
残害cruel infanticide
残害妇physically abusing women
漠视子利益neglect of the interests of offspring
父母子关系relationship between parents and children
生育give birth to female babies
生育子的权利right to child-bearing
双方both the man and the woman
同工同酬equal pay for equal work to men and women
平等equality between man and woman
平等equality between men and women
男尊men's superiority to women
绑架妇、儿童kidnap a woman or child
维护妇权益safeguard the rights and interests of women
育龄妇women in their child-bearing age
虐待妇maltreat a woman
被拐卖的妇、儿童woman or child who is abducted and trafficked
被收买的妇、儿童sold woman or child
解放妇liberate women
适当数量的妇代表an appropriate number of women deputies
适龄性儿童少年female school-age children or adolescents
选拔干部select a female cadre
遗弃妇abandon women
遗弃病残妇abandon an ill, disabled woman
非婚生子children born out of wedlock
麻醉方法绑架妇、儿童kidnap a woman or child by means of anaesthesia