
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
膜囊肿hymen cyst
乳腺过度增生female breast virginal hypertrophy
假两性畸形female pseudohermaphroditism
性后天性尿道黏膜包涵囊肿acquired inclusion cyst of urethral epithelium of female
性外生殖器官female external genital organs
性尿失禁female incontinence
性尿道囊肿urethral cyst in female
性尿道纤维息肉fibrous polyps of female urethra
性尿道肉阜caruncle of female urethra
性生殖器肿瘤female genital organ tumor
阴裂vulval cleft
阴裂pudendal cleft
抗雄激素综合征-睾丸性化androgen resistance syndrome (tesicular feminization)
无孔处imperforated hymen
睾丸性化综合征testicular feminal syndrome
非肾上腺性性假两性畸形non adrenal female pseudohermaphroditism