
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
N为数的同位数odd-N isotope
Z为数的同位素odd-Z isotope
A为数的同位素odd-A isotope
方程Petch equation
数指数indices all odd
框式真空过滤机Nutsch filter
偶校验位parity bit
Z同位素odd-Z isotope
N同位素odd-N isotope
同位素odd isotope
A同位素odd-A isotope
异线line of singularity
异贝日阿托氏菌Beggiatoa mirabilis
异面singular surface
odd number
轧制道次forward pass
轧制道次odd-numbered pass
数奇偶校验odd parity
数道次odd numbered pass
数道次forward pass
数风口odd-numbered tuyeres
singular point
级反射odd-order reflection
线line of singularity
质量数odd mass
质量数同位素odd-mass isotope
阰反射odd-order reflection
odd term
可罗达耐蚀铝硅镁合金Anticorodal (铸造:4~6Si,0.4~1Mg,0.5~1Mn, 余量 Al;可锻:0.5〜1.5Si,0.5~1Mg, 0.5〜1Mn,余量 Al)
安蒂沃蒸汽处理石膏型法Antioch process
贝克85黄铜含5〜 15Zn的α黄铜Pinchbeck
德拉沃-鲁型带式焙烧机Dravo-Lurgi installation
德拉沃-鲁型带式焙烧机Dravo-Lurgi straight-grate induration strand
德拉沃-鲁型带式焙烧机Dravo-Lurgi traveling-grate
德拉沃-鲁型带式焙烧机Dravo-Lurgi travelling-grate
德拉沃-鲁型带式焙烧机Dravo-Lurgi travelling grate pelletizing machine DL
德拉沃-鲁型带式球团焙烧机Dravo-Lurgi travelling grate pelletizing machine
德拉沃-鲁型带式球团焙烧机Dravo-Lurgi traveling grate pelletizing machine
德维尔•佩尼法Deville-Pechiney process
含铁黄铜Gedge's alloy (60Cu, 38Zn,1.5Fe)
-科垂尔煤气净化系统Lodge-Cottrell system
班布里-乔丹质谱仪Bainbridge-Jordan mass spectrometer
-克勒方程Peach-Koehler equation
磁鼓偶校验drum parity
逊人造石墨Acheson graphite
逊人造石墨Acheson AGR graphite
逊炉Acheson furnace
逊电炉Acheson furnace (Acheson furnace refers to a resistance type of furnace for the production of silicon carbide and synthetic graphite. 艾奇逊电炉指的是一种电阻炉,用于生产碳化硅和人造石墨。)
逊电阻炉Acheson electric resistance furnace
费尔普斯-道Phelps-Dodge process
费尔普斯-道直接还原法Phelps-Dodge process
输入-输出偶中断input/ output parity interrupt
金色黄铜Rich gold metal (90Cu, 10Zn)
机械搅拌多膛焙烧炉Wedge mechanical multihearth roaster
型机械搅拌多膛焙烧炉Wedge roaster
型机械搅拌多膛焙烧炉Wedge mechanical multihearth roaster
韦布里三联结晶器连铸机Webridge continuous casting machine
韦布里三联结晶器连铸机Webridge continuous casting machine
加压气化器Lurgi pressure gasifier
铅基轴承合金Lugi-metal (96.5Pb, 2.8Ba, 0.4Ca, 0.3Na)
型带式烧结机Lurgi type sinter machine
-德腊沃型带式焙烧机Lurgi-Dravo travelling grate
-德腊沃型带式焙烧机Lurgi-Dravo grate
-德腊沃型带式焙烧机Lurgi-Dravo traveling grate
-德腊沃型带式焙烧机法Lurgi-Dravo grate process
-德腊沃型带式焙烧机法Lurgi-Dravo grate process
铁矿石磁化焙烧Lurgi process
煤炭气化法Lurgi coal gasification process
球团法Lurgi pelletizing system
-蒂森工艺Lurgi/ Thyssen process
铁矿石磁化焙烧法Lurgi process
麦基高强度黄铜McKechnie's bronze (57Cu, 1Fe, 1Sn, 0.5Pb,余量 Zn)