
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不付利息借人证券做空交割用loaned flat
世界经济复苏势momentum of the world economic recovery
中证龙企业指数CSI Industry Top Index
中间人的获利或赚jobber's turn
价差套利spread position
保持清醒keep one's heads clear
做多投机speculate for a rise
做空投机speculate for a full
储备reserve position
卖空bear position
肩顶inverse head and shoulders (即"头肩底 (head and shoulders bottom)")
合成多synthetic long
合成多买方期权synthetic long call
合成多看涨期权synthetic long call
合成空synthetic short
国际投资寸表international investment position
国际投资净net international investment position (指一个国家对外资产与负债相抵后的净值)
在国际货币基金组织的储备reserve position in the IMF
在国际金融机构的储备reserve position in international financial institutions
均衡equilibrium position
坐空轿hammering the stock
借支margin borrowing
处于紧要关be at a critical juncture
外汇寸记录簿position book
bull position
买人bull purchase
买人bull buying
买方期权long call option
买方期权long call
仓位long position
仓位long option position
仓位on board
仓位bull position
卖方期权long put option
卖方期权long put
同价对敲long straddle
坐轿子bull raid (指投资者得知利好消息即将公布,相信股价将大涨,于是提前买进股票,等大涨时再卖出,以获取盈利)
外汇保值long foreign exchange hedge
头寸long position
套利long arbitrage
套利头寸long arbitrage position
套期保值long hedge
套期保值purchasing hedge
套期保值long hedging
套期保值buying hedge
对冲long hedging (又译"long hedge" "buying hedge" "purchasing hedge",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
对冲purchasing hedge (又译"long hedge" "buying hedge" "long hedging",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
对冲long hedge (又译"buying hedge" "long hedging" "purchasing hedge",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
对冲buying hedge (又译"long hedge" "long hedging"purchasing hedge ",指在限期市场处于空头地位的人先在期货市场买人期货以锁定外汇的价格,当这种期货价格上涨时,再将其卖出,以补偿现货市场价格变动的风险,达到保值的目的)
市场价值long market value
市场套利bull market arbitrage
bull account
帐户long account
投机bull speculation
抬轿bull campaign
持仓under the belt
挤压long squeeze
long leg
期权call option
期权long option (指期权的购买者拥有在期权合约有效期内按规定的价格和数量购进一种资产(如股票、外汇、商品、利率等)的权利)
期权合约long option contract
期货交易long futures
清算liquidation of bull
看涨期权long call option
看涨期权long call
看跌期权long put option
看跌期权long put
联手bull pool
股票long stock
补进long cover
跨期long straddle
逼仓long squeeze
避险long hedge
避险long hedging
避险purchasing hedge
避险buying hedge
部位long position
部位bull position
部分long leg
陷阱bull trap (指为多头设置的陷阱,通常发生在指数或股价屡创新高,并迅速突破原来的指数区达到新高点,随后迅速滑落,跌破以前的支撑位,结果使在高位买进的投资者被深套)
高位同价对敲long top straddle
寸买盘position bid
寸审计position audit
寸宽裕in an easy position
寸宽裕easy monetary position
寸报告position report
寸松loose money
寸簿记position bookkeeping
寸紧张liquidity squeeze
寸紧缺in a tight position
寸表position sheet
寸记录簿position book
期付款down payment (earnest)
肩反转形态head and shoulder reversal pattern
肩底head and shoulders bottom (股价形态中出现最多、最可靠的反转向上突破形态)
肩形head and shoulders
证券、价格肩走势head and shoulders
肩顶head and shoulders top (股价形态中出现最多、最可靠的反转向下突破形态)
交易合同hedging contract
交易合同hedge contract
实货physical positions
对于基本增长势的可持续性充满信心be confident in the sustainability of underlying growth momentum
巩固经济回升向好的势consolidate the momentum of the economic turnaround
发难make the running
市场基金over-the-counter market fund (主要投资于所谓的店头市场或柜台交易证券,其投资策略属积极型,风险程度和获利潜能亦较高)
建立take a position
开空支票check kiting
开空支票者paper hanger
引发风险的源source of risks
overall position
恒生A股行业龙指数Hang Seng China A Industry Top Index
交易trading ahead (指交易商暗中得知客户买卖证券的动向后,抢在客户委托前进行交易,以牟取不当利益)
扭转过快上涨势reverse the trend of rapid inflation
small cheque
in favour of
人支票order check
持有外汇空头寸hold short positions in foreign currencies
持有隔夜人民币多头寸hold overnight long positions in the renminbi
式交易U-turn transaction
"摸着石过河"crossing the river by feeling the stones
支票存款户checking account
整个投资组合full portfolio position
新户new account
无保护naked position
无抬no order
无抬人银行票据banker's blank bill
日历多套利calendar bull spread
日历空套利calendar bear spread
日益抬的通胀rising inflation
期权option position
未平仓open position
未抛补open position
正向持仓寸表positive carry market
流动liquidity position
承销商lead underwriter
经理费praecipium (指证券发行时牵头经理或主要经办人特别收取的一项费用,作为统筹发行事宜的报酬,以发行额的一定的百分比计算)
银行经理lead manager
现金spot position
短期波动short volatility position
卸货帐单dock landing account
pier dues
pier dues
票据抬order of bill
bear position
业主bear proprietor
买方期权short call option
买方期权short call
产权bear ownership
余额short interest
余额套期short-interest hedge
余额概念short-interest concept
余额比率short-interest ratio
余额率short ratio
余额率short interest ratio
余额理论short-interest theory
卖方期权short put option
卖方期权short put
同价对敲short straddle
外汇套期交易short foreign exchange hedge
套利short arbitrage
套期bear spread
套期保值short hedge
存单bear CD
市场short market
市场价值short-market value
市场价值short market value
市场套利bear market arbitrage
帐户short account
帐户bear account
报盘short tendering
支票check dishonored
支票protest check (kiting cheque)
支票dud check
支票accommodation kite
支票accommodation note
支票bad checks (cheque)
支票空票accommodation bill kite-flyer
支票罪crime concerning bad check
short leg
期权short option
期权put option
期权交易writing naked
期权价值short-option value
期权合约short-option contract
期权头寸short-option position
期货交易short futures
期货合约short futures contract
杠杆short leverage
清算liquidation of short
清算liquidation of bear
猛跌bear slide
看涨期权short call option
看涨期权short call
看跌期权short put option
看跌期权short put
票据accommodation note
票据accommodation kite
竞标short tender
联手bear pool
股票kiting stocks
补进covering short
补进short purchase
补进clewing out a short sale
袭击bear raid
袭击bear compaign
跨期short straddle
部位short position
陷阱bear trap
经济发展势economic momentum
经济增长势momentum of economic growth
naked position
财政巨financial magnate
货币市场money market position
资金funds position
marginal income
marginal balance
超买overbought position
超卖oversold position
后运输head-end business
轧平square position
轧平未结square one's open positions
远期forward position
远期外汇forward exchange position
金融寡financial oligarch
金融巨financial magnate
银行户bank account
银行支票户帐户bank checking account
银行资金fund position of banks
防止苗性问题演变成趋势性问题prevent emerging problems from evolving into trends
非抵补naked position (指未进行套期保值,不能规避市场风险的有价证券头寸)
非抵补空头寸naked short position
bellwether (指可反映市场、行业或经济整体状况的、具有指示意义的金融工具或指标)
leading stock
风险risk position
高一个head and shoulders (above)
黄金额度gold tranche position
公司corporate champion