
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
专业化码specialized wharf
严重关crucial point
de nouveau
付给抬人或其指定的人pay to the order of
以某人为抬in favour of
优先停靠码free stem
依据手存券买卖证券selling against the box
做多bull the market
公许码sufferance wharf
公许码sufferance quay
准备金reserve position
凸形码landing pier
出栏number of animals for sale
前者相当于完税后码交货价ex quay (ex quay duty paid)
包件上必须标上不易磨掉的唛The packages must be well marked to withstand abrasion
包装与唛条款packing and marks clause
包装唛packing mark
卖方负担从码至最终目的地货物的运费The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes
卸货码discharge jetties
协定oral agreement
协议verbal understanding (谅解)
契约oral contract
商业发票抬人栏内应填入买方名称The buyer's name should be given in the box of accountee
运费home freight
在码卸货的船a vessel disburdening at the dock
overbought position
管理multidepartmental management
管理体制multidepartmental management
联营bull pool
long account
money market
亦用 Alfirst grade
亦用 Alfirst class
等的paramount (a.)
等质量tip-top quality
等质量prime quality
如果货物按"成本加运费并卸到岸上"出售,卸货费其中包括驳运费和码捐,应由卖方负担If the goods are sold "C & F Landed", unloading costs, including lighterage and wharfage charges, are borne by the seller
存栏number of animals in stock
存货只剩下一些零Only odd lots are left in Stock
工商界巨captain of industry and commerce
应付抬人或其指定人payable to order
开空支票者kite flyer
弹性接flexible joint
弹性接flexible connection
报今年生产的水果罐make offer for canned fruits, this year's pack
保险损失由码主负责wharf-owners' liability
提单应制成空白抬与空白背书This B/L is to be made out to order and blank endorsed
提单按空白抬与空白背书制岀Bills of lading are to be made out "to order and blank endorsed"
新货罐报价quote on new pack
未抛补空部位open short position
来人或空白抬的汇票是可以转让的票据Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments
横栈桥码open type wharf
牲口per head
终点海运码sea terminal
深入码deep water wharf
牲畜存栏livestock inventories
目的港唛port mark
目的港码交货价delivered ex quay
完税后目的港码交货价格franco quay
目的港码交货价格ex quay
目的港码交货价格条件ex quay
目的港码完税前交货价格ex quay duty unpaid
目的港码完税后交货价格ex quay duty paid
短缺寸tight position
石油码petrol wharf
上交货价格free on board quay
与城市费dock and town dues
交货at wharf
交货价格free at dock
交货价格ex pier (quay, wharf)
交货价格ex dock
免费使用期free time allowed on the dock
到码头运输quay transportation
dock age
pier dues
dock charges
捐和停泊费dock dues and berthage
理货与点货工作sorting and tallying at ports
理货员a shipping clerk
装卸工人亦缩为 steve.stevedore
装货区loading area
货物运输与储存亦缩为 whgewharfage
捐, 税wharfage
转运仓库transit godown
oversold position (与多头 (overbought position) 相对)
公司bogus company
卖出交易short sale
计划wildcat scheme
外汇部位short position
蘑菇罐canned mushrooms
补进空股数交易所cover shorts
补进空股数交易所cover short sales
装卸污臭货物时付给码工人的额外补贴dirt money
装运唛shipping mark
许多国家对包装箱面所标唛与标志有严格规定Many countries have strict regulations about the marking and branding of packages
赊销户charge account
轮船码steamship wharf
酸化罐食品acidified canned food
银行资金bank's fund position
fractional amount
产品leading product