
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
丝状乳filiform papillae
下血管丛subpapillary vascular plexus
下血管网subpapillary vascular plexus
丘脑束mamillothalamic tract
乳晕再造术nipple-areola reconstruction
乳晕复合体nipple-areola complex
乳晕复合组织游离移植术nipple-areola compound tissue free grafting
乳晕湿疹样癌Paget disease
体中间核intermediate mamillary nucleus
体内侧核medial mamillary nucleus
体前核premamillary nucleus
内陷inverted nipple
内陷retracted nipple
内陷nipple retraction
内陷crater nipple
mamillary region
复合组织游离移植free nipple composite tissue graft
papillary foramina
旁侧移位lateral displacement of nipple
样突起nipple-like elevation
湿疹样癌eczematous carcinoma of nipple
状点肉papillary polyp
移位nipple transposition
papillary process
线mamillary line
缺如absence of nipple
肌劈开术splitting of papillary muscle
肌功能失调dysfunction of papillary muscle
肌断裂rupture of papillary muscle
mamillary peduncle
被盖束mamillotegmental tract
乳房部分切除乳游离移植partial mammectomy with free nipple transplantation
乳腺管内乳状瘤intraductal papilloma
偏瘫性hemiplegic migraine
皮撕脱total scalp avulsion injury
内翻性乳状瘤inverted papilloma
切牙乳incisive papilla
创伤后post-traumatic cephalalgia
前乳anterior papillary muscle
副乳accessory nipple
十二指肠乳duodenal papillitis
十二指肠大乳longitudinal fold of duodenum
十二指肠小乳minor duodenal papilla
单乳unipapillary kidney
绷带卷double-ended roller
臂静脉right brachiocephalic vein
叶状乳foliate papillae
后乳posterior papillary muscle
后角head of posterior horn
吸引器suction tubes
吻合血管的皮再植replantation of avulsed scalp by microvascular anastomosis
水肿Laryngeal edema
回盲乳ileocecal papilla
回盲乳ileal papilla
回肠乳ileocecal papilla
回肠乳ileal papilla
坏死性肾乳necrotizing papillitis of kidney
坏死性肾乳necrotizing papillitis
绷带法multi-tailed bandaging
低脚高位Trendelenburg position
半棘肌semispinalis capitis
hairs of head
发移植术hair grafting
发移植物hair graft
后小直肌rectus capitis posterior minor
固定架head holder
夹肌splenius capitis
棘肌spinalis capitis
正中静脉median cephalic vein
皮切口incision of scalp
皮发育不全hypoplasia of scalp
皮夹scalp clip
皮撕脱伤avulsion of scalp
皮筋膜游离瓣free fascial scalp flap
皮血hematoma of scalp
皮血管畸形scalp vascular anomaly
皮血肿抽吸术aspiration of hematoma of scalp
皮裂伤laceration of scalp
muscles of head
部绷带法head bandaging
颅损伤cephalic injury
小腿三肌挛缩triceps surae muscle contracture
多指并指畸形Carpenter syndrome
多趾并趾畸形Carpenter syndrome
畸形tower shaped skull
ulnar head
尺骨骨干骨折兼桡骨脱位Monteggia fracture
尾状核head of caudate nucleus
尿道乳状瘤papilloma of urethra
尿道乳状癌papillary carcinoma of urethra
尿道口前移阴茎成形术meatal advancement and glandular plasty
臂静脉left brachiocephalic vein
心脏乳状弹力纤维瘤papillary fibroelastoma of heart
指骨head of phalanx
间静脉intercapital veins
掌骨head of metacarpal bone
撕脱皮再植replantation of an avulsed scalp
radial head
桡骨脱位radial head dislocation
桡骨小半脱位subluxation of capitulum radii
桡骨小半脱位radial head subluxation
海蛇状脐周静脉曲张caput medusae
deep head
滴虫性包皮阴茎trichomonal balanoposthitis
牙乳papilla of tooth
牙间乳interdental papilla
牙间乳gingival papilla
甲状腺乳状腺癌papillary adenocarcinoma of thyroid
皮肤乳状瘤cutaneous papillomatosis
straight head
反射oculocephalic reflex
睾丸网乳状腺癌papillary adenocarcinoma of rete testis
short head
精囊乳状瘤papilloma of seminal vesicle
缩窄性乳stenosing papillitis
缺后乳肌功能不良postischemic papillary muscle dysfunction
缺血后乳肌断裂postischemic papillary muscle rupture
costal head
关节joint of costal head
关节内韧带intraarticular ligament of costal head
关节面articular facet of costal head
crest of costal head
辐状韧带radiate ligament of costal head
head of muscle
肌骨骨骺滑脱症slipped femoral capital epiphysis
股二肌上囊superior bursa of biceps femoris
股二肌下腱下囊inferior subtendinous bursa of biceps femoris
股四肌瘫痪paralysis of quadriceps
股骨无菌性坏死aseptic necrosis of femoral head
股骨缺血性坏死avascular necrosis of femoral head
股骨缺血性坏死avascular capital femoral head
股骨骨软骨炎femoral head osteochondritis
股骨骨骺骨软骨病osteochondrosis of capitular epiphysis of femur
股骨骨骺骨软骨病Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
humeral head
肱三肌腱下囊subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii
肱二肌内侧沟medial bicipital sulcus
肱二肌外侧沟lateral bicipital sulcus
肱二肌断裂rupture of biceps
肱二肌桡骨囊bicipitoradial bursa
肱二肌腱膜bicipital aponeurosis
肱尺humeroulnar head
肱骨小骨折capitellum fracture
肱骨小骨软骨炎humeral capitellum osteochondritis
肱骨小骨软骨病osteochondritis of capitellum
肾乳renal papillae
肾乳坏死renal papillary necrosis
肾盂乳状瘤papilloma of renal pelvis
肾盂乳状癌papillary carcinoma of renal pelvis
head of pancreas
carcinoma of head of pancreas
脉络丛乳状瘤papilloma of choroid plexus
脉络丛乳状瘤choroid plexus papilloma
脉络丛乳状腺瘤papillary adenocarcinoma of choroid plexus
腓肠肌内侧腱下囊subtendinous bursa of medial head of gastrocnemius
腓肠肌外侧腱下囊subtendinous bursa of lateral head of gastrocnemius
腓骨关节面articular surface of fibular head
腓骨前韧带anterior ligament of fibular head
腓骨后韧带posterior ligament of fibula head
腓骨apex of fibular head
膀胱乳状瘤papilloma of bladder
膀胱乳状瘤papilloma carcinoma of bladder
膀胱乳状瘤papillary of bladder
膀胱乳状瘤病papillomatosis of bladder
膀胱乳状癌papillary carcinoma of bladder
膀胱内翻性乳状瘤inverted papilloma of bladder
舌乳lingual papillae
菌状乳fungiform papillae
血管性vascular headache
趾骨head of phalanx
跖骨head of metatarsal bone
跖骨缺血性坏死avascular necrosis of metatarsal head
跖骨骨软骨炎metatarsal head osteomychondroitis
跖骨骨软骨病osteochondrosis of head of second metatarsa
输尿管乳状瘤papilloma of ureter
输尿管乳状癌papillary carcinoma of ureter
阴茎glans of penis
阴茎中隔septum glandis
阴茎型尿道上裂glandular epispadias
阴茎型尿道上裂balanic epispadias
阴茎型尿道下裂glandular hypospadias
阴茎型尿道下裂balanic type of hypospadias
阴茎型尿道下裂balanic hypospadias
阴茎炎及阴茎头包皮炎balanitis and balanoposthitis
阴茎白斑病leukoplakia of glans penis
阴蒂glans of clitoris
附睾head of epididymis
颞部皮游离皮瓣free temple scalp flap
龈乳interdental papilla
龈乳gingival papilla